Monday, August 31, 2009



The Phantom Aerojets were flaming coming out of clouds astounding crowds as normal throngs approached the store the Wallmart parking lott as always was fullup. Children young were pointing up at the sky refusing to be led inside. It happened so fast no one noticed the blast was instantaneous. The hillside beyond the store just disentegrated on impact the missles fired from this my free lieberry computor. I am CharlaXHackor and this is how I did it. When my session was over on Computor #5 I entered BIOS with a command prompt FoxFire 1984 then proceeded to the Air Force Web Pages where is was easy to turn Wallmart into a Target store. I used the old microphone now laying in the desert back in Arizona I am a master of time travel. I am a Full Bird Colonel. Are you Ahab on the whaler dipping natives in the sea? My Jesus wants me crucified the Bishopric is sending me. "this is foxfire one *SQUACK*" I could barley hear them on the MIKE. This is Bird One "Squack" prepare to FIRE on my command. He has the codes was what I next in line command. ??? FIRE!!! the missles sped into the desert flaming all the old deserted secretes hidden in the cache. Wallmart was unscathed and no children ever hurt after all we made those missles to only hurt the enemies of GOD. Nomads on the run. What fun. A childhood fantasy of one... hopefully to be continued on and about and around all of Wallmart.



Succulator, Stridor, Streamor, Steam.

Trifold, tendor, toeholdor, teams.        

Entire housors even villagors              


All, antimattor, anticoagulator, any.    

More is plenty plentiousness is not      


Mention namme droppor holy rollor      


A gamblor A BEGGOR a theiving           


Eating hey nonny nonny petswalker.    

Ten Thousand dancing from the head   

of my pen.








WhiteBreadJesus charlax k.e.

WhiteBreadJesus charlax k.e

Invigourus, I lay inviolate at rest
inn nesting nest
hot but not over done
the clouds it almost came the rain
came drops once hard now gone
sweat some on the back of neck
swiped away with hand
I lay in socks
legs resting
thinking in this clay



Please don't call me Sharlax. CH as in CHA. CHA as in Charles. The Charl is like as in a churlish imp a young jew boy all limp and uncut version. The AX is for the Cross of Jesus. Say it with that hard CH not charlots speel it charlotte like the shallot as in seafood on the halveshelled. I, CHARLAX, bought my little notebook where I still pen my dreams drawn in blood I must have bought a thousand of them when still a teen in school they hated me how they must have hated me. My dreams to be a poet not a bloody Actor on the stage. How important yet impotent. RequestDenied. They even carried Jesus to the grave.



Please don't call me Sharlax. CH as in CHA. CHA as in Charles. The Charl is like as in a churlish imp a young jew boy all limp and uncut version. The AX is for the Cross of Jesus. Say it with that hard CH not charlots speel it charlotte like the shallot as in seafood on the halveshelled. I, CHARLAX, bought my little notebook where I still pen my dreams drawn in blood I must have bought a thousand of them when still a teen in school they hated me how they must have hated me. My dreams to be a poet not a bloody Actor on the stage. How important yet impotent. RequestDenied. They even carried Jesus to the grave.



The Actor must be HUGE upon the stage foursquare not curtained on fore the world must keep on going on! The Play! The Play's The Thing. Fore certain. Bet you thought I got it wrong this is what William Shakespeare wrote. Perhaps CharlaX got it from his head inn hearte was felt a lesson plan? I reasoned out this attribute this statesmeant it just has got to be from him? To be or not to be was this the final question questing certain answers come back againe to hearte aparte frome judgemente smarte? To be or not to be was this an Actor not a poet homeless? OUT OUT brief candle flame floating in the snowe of wintere whims thus tractore beame from GOD to call home a Jesus Soul. One moore poet gone to home, a writer formed, a poet gone. The Play, The play's the thing. The Play. Fore all the world's a stage and every Poet is the Actor speaking in his written wordes. The sorrow borne of acuallity his depression leaking out and biting you who know. THEPLAY'STHETHING. The solitude of self-imposed sanctitude a life awry the useless knowledge leaking leaking gone. Like as to water in the rocks or Stone bleeding down perhaps the loss of too much needed blood has left the home no Garden but Entombe. The Play, The Play's the thing. Shakespeares a secret Christian under Bards robes wore a Catholic Rosary and Cross. The way he bellowed at Authority striving to be taken thus dispatched to heaven pearl gate to be a Hebrew slave among the liveing dead. The play's the thing. What woulld poor William say to us today. He was not a Poet making rhyme but a playwright writting times  putting young lads in NUNS outfits on stage for no young women fit to spit his words onstage, the boys falsetto sent the audience to fits and giggles. The play the play the play (then falls) the play the play (the final curtain).

Saturday, August 29, 2009





NerdishTurkishSoda®™ are all subsidiaries of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater

.ORG,DOT,NET,COM. com is short for company in this case our online form is available for students only. Wear your glasses girls. I think we are on the wavelength. NerdKola ®™comes in only one flavor whats that u said oh well i guess that makes it PLAIN. Candy marketeers and other companys for years targetted small children with no money. We here ici at Whirly Company targetted the real spending crowded Nerds is where its at. Pull those socks full of coins you kept since Birth and buy our Kola you nutts. Oh wait thats mutts. There is nothing finer in the State of Carolina in the mourning. Tastes like a loe gin fizz. Lots of ice added makes it last. NO warrenty warranty expressed or implied. In the State of Ohio sold only in Six PACKS only PopKola®™ is sold there. Alcholic content. ONly in the Cleveland area we are introducing NerdYTea®™. No caffiene no sugar no substitutes learn to like the tea for the flavor comes in green. Each sold seperately. NerdishTurkishSoda®™ is on the overseas market for the foreign exchangers from Istandbull. Tastes like Camel Spit. Really all young adults like this stuff its proven. Readthissmallfineprintgogetyourglassesgranny.

Nunsandothernonnudesgethalvepriceoff.Usually sold at 35p per can or bottle or try our new plastic containors. They disentagrate.






NerdishTurkishSoda®™ are all subsidiaries of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater

.ORG,DOT,NET,COM. com is short for company in this case our online form is available for students only. Wear your glasses girls. I think we are on the wavelength. NerdKola ®™comes in only one flavor whats that u said oh well i guess that makes it PLAIN. Candy marketeers and other companys for years targetted small children with no money. We here ici at Whirly Company targetted the real spending crowded Nerds is where its at. Pull those socks full of coins you kept since Birth and buy our Kola you nutts. Oh wait thats mutts. There is nothing finer in the State of Carolina in the mourning. Tastes like a loe gin fizz. Lots of ice added makes it last. NO warrenty warranty expressed or implied. In the State of Ohio sold only in Six PACKS only PopKola®™ is sold there. Alcholic content. ONly in the Cleveland area we are introducing NerdYTea®™. No caffiene no sugar no substitutes learn to like the tea for the flavor comes in green. Each sold seperately. NerdishTurkishSoda®™ is on the overseas market for the foreign exchangers from Istandbull. Tastes like Camel Spit. Really all young adults like this stuff its proven. Readthissmallfineprintgogetyourglassesgranny.

Nunsandothernonnudesgethalvepriceoff.Usually sold at 35p per can or bottle or try our new plastic containors. They disentagrate.


Friday, August 28, 2009




How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, is rest for my rear end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to sway,
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy perch on stool of toad!'
The beast that thus I carry, tired with this my added woe,
Plods dully on, to bear that weight upon my backside,

As if by some instinct the wretched butt did know
His rider loved speed moore hurry, being left now far away from thee.
Out Out brief candle of this mule gone mad';
That sometimes anger swiftly spurs into his hide,
Which heavily he answers with a braying laught,
More sharpe to me than tickeling to his side;
      For that same groan doth put twain my mule mye mind,
      My grief lies onward with my love and my joy is mye behind.


Thursday, August 27, 2009



We make false claims. We use animal product. We falsify reports to FDA. Send to us all your crap and we will send all our crap to you as fast as U s Mail. We are a subsidiary of Whirly Corporation a Division of ZappersUnlimited/Treasury/ we make JBC chewing gum. Thats right for a limited price and time only 37P each. JackBennyChewingGUM He kept the stuff too long we went to every Theatre he was ever at and harvested the wadded pats of ABC GUM now JBC GUM. Jack Benny Gum comes with our famouse Warrenty Warranty. Warranty noun (pl. warranties) 1 a written guarantee promising to repair or replace Jack Benny Chewing Gum if necessary within a specified period. 2 an engagement by an insured party that certain statements are true or that certain conditions shall be fulfilled must be a green bogger in the patty. warrantee noun
 1.  a recipient of a warranty issued by Jack Benny Chewing Gum COmpany 2.  3.
 warrenty  2.  a customer to whom a warranty is given  3.  a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications i.e. JBC GUM. Send it back to us and we will send you more we will always send you some. We here at Whirly want you to enjoy your chew. The Whole Wadd Collection is available for 37,000P only be serious when you enquire. <a href="JBCGUM"><a href="">thiscode

wassobadandwefoundnogumhereanyway</a> oops wait this is a computor glitch. Amazing the difficulties we face just making word doccuments these days. this place had lots of gum on them seats you. FakeCare.Com.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



Picture Identication is required. Photo ID. Do you have an address in COlorado. DO you have a place to stay. Homeless ??? Oh no sir not when we find your nesting place. !!! Lets examine this again travellors and visitors from all over the world come into a given place most every day none of them are legal residents of the state. Many important and RICH $$$ people go incognito. Undercover policemen pose as old men bums. To infiltrate the systematic changes that society places on an infertile man not bristling with weapons not shaking in fear at jackbooted nazi reaching tearing home from backpack to keep it then incinerate it. Knives and gasoline was never meant to be the chosen weapon of policemen. How dare the threaten me's I have recieved. What is a citizen even a homeless one should be treated with dignity and at least offered a chance to abscond the incarceration is against the law. I seem to be wanting to protest being locked up even when it has not happened to me yet or at least not yet where now I am at or even in a very long long time ago. Can I remember it Oh yes I can. I can see the place they burnt my sleeping bag the WOMAN cop had a knife behind her belt but when I looked where she had pointed I got scared cause it was gone. Mabe just mabe she would have used it on someone of lessor smarts. When the men arressted me they said my Alchohol content on the breathalizer was only .30 not bad they said you are not really drunk. I had only had three beers that day. Because. They said because you are homeless. I was in jail FIVE days and when I returned to the scene of this crime my things were burnt unto a cinder. I found the beers as well as the remains of bed I bet the FEMALE copper laughed when they exploded in the gasoline flame they made. Do I stay angry. Let me ask the average JOE homeowner schmo. What would you do IFF you came home to find it rubble and ashed. Think about this last 666revisedrevisitedoncemore.


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Natural order is chaos. Nothing stays the same even large tall trees leave and uproot the taproot falls small saplings grow large trees by rivers spent they stay in banks but overflow and flood the water hideaways in winter come. Berries on a Berry Bush become seeds for trees suddenly snow is there all over food is scarce. Forcing out once plentiful herds away from low lay up into them Mountains. Some food remains on top until one day there is only one ELK standing on the TIP to all the other lessor ELK this ELK is GOD. But what IMperfectness that Acorn Bush is total chaos hard to see the Giant tree for all the little elk still coming down around to chew the leaves where berries did abound. When snow comes thinning life in numberless droves. SO this one ELK towers over all the mudd below. We still believe this ELK now Eightteen Hands was once his mothers dearling she nuzzled him away from tits gone dry. One day this struggling deer smelled a berry bush then started eating now he nibbles as His Majesty preens his Antlers clean leaves where berries used to grow IMperfectNature.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"The Calibrated Birthday"

"The Calibrated Birthday" "The Calibrated Birthday" A dedication to facebook Paul A. Toth In the manner of Tertullian, I'm celebrating my birthday because it's absurd to celebrate it.Once twice three times a lady day. Tertullian said it best A woman will tell you her secrets lovers and divest all her wealth but never her age will she tell william or bill or frank or tom or ernesto the tailor. Look upon that old mons gaze he is dripping positively slipping his disguise is leaving like as to a culinary cook uses too many spices big namme brand nuances in the effort to create a New Yourk licious crisus. Adding dashes to spoon halves to dishes. Taking a good slice of meat overdosing it complete the poor wretched thing in marinade to make that thick juicy critter taste like lemone pepper. Because people want to arise ABOVE the level of the animal. They make Cake for Birthday Party. One layer of chocolate bread like yeasty substance with a Coconut Icing that has to be Brown Sugar mixed with some sort of real candy melted in a sauce pan I can never figure what they used to get that flavor of abuse defies description just say Manna at sunrisen. It has to be that something simple like a Cocoa Bean was beaten with that whisk and whipped with a blending shaker that SUCKER must have been at least all of three feet tall. Ovoided to make all that creamy CocoaNut Icing on that one-layered Coconut Cake for Birthday SURPRISE! When that person of the Hour is Adult the Candles meant TEN Years for every one of life lived long so GrandMa has Seven Candles on her once a year layer Coconut Bundt. But go ask her how old is she GrandMa says shes Forty Three. Happy Birthday Facebook Boy.

"The Calibrated Birthday"

"The Calibrated Birthday"

A dedication to facebook Paul A. Toth In the manner of Tertullian, I'm celebrating my birthday because it's absurd to celebrate it.

Once twice three times a lady day. Tertullian said it best A woman will tell you her secrets lovers and divest all her wealth but never her age will she tell william or bill or frank or tom or ernesto the tailor. Look upon that old mons gaze he is dripping positively slipping his disguise is leaving like as to a culinary cook uses too many spices big namme brand nuances in the effort to create a New Yourk licious crisus. Adding dashes to spoon halves to dishes. Taking a good slice of meat overdosing it complete the poor wretched thing in marinade to make that thick juicy critter taste like lemone pepper. Because people want to arise ABOVE the level of the animal. They make Cake for Birthday Party. One layer of chocolate bread like yeasty substance with a Coconut Icing that has to be Brown Sugar mixed with some sort of real candy melted in a sauce pan I can never figure what they used to get that flavor of abuse defies description just say Manna at sunrisen. It has to be that something simple like a Cocoa Bean was beaten with that whisk and whipped with a blending shaker that SUCKER must have been at least all of three feet tall. Ovoided to make all that creamy CocoaNut Icing on that one-layered Coconut Cake for Birthday SURPRISE! When that person of the Hour is Adult the Candles meant TEN Years for every one of life lived long so GrandMa has Seven Candles on her once a year layer Coconut Bundt. But go ask her how old is she GrandMa says shes Forty Three. Happy Birthday Facebook Boy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Benificial Strength

Benificial Strength

New hope for a laptop a woman promised me her old computor in two weeks so I quickly promised her $100 dollars just for finally someone helping me. The no objection rule to spending money is not GOD so I decided to apply incentive for she says she has to wipe her hardware hardrive clear. It sounds expansive. She wants to see my website and so I promised her the poetry but recent changes to my facebook has my heart sore and caused me many problems. My nerves are finally gone. I have had so many blessings from the LORD no one knoes about but GOD. My heart just stops now and then depression forms the real intentions of my heart I am not important now to anyone. A bad time for missing love. Twisting my already misshapen insides. I do not have the strength GOD gave Goose I will not be able to kill myself its true. I layed in Shelter Sweltering the storm was raging rain falling but the Sun was shining same time shining HOT. I hope this happens to the hut when Winter comes. SOlar Heating some. It would be better for everone around me that knoes me and my lambe that loves me wold finally be so better off without me. Free for her to be herself at last. I too free to be a sinner saved at last and gone away to Glory facing Wrath. I still cant find that Benificial strangth to kill myself. TO face another day of suffering and pain and love is life. And so I stay. At least Today. I have arrived.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

u is an Upside n


 " I Married Let's Be Annies"

" I Married Let's Be Annies"

u is an Upside down n
b is d turn it around and see o is also o in retrospect.
" I Married Let's Be Annies"
When I get home I am greeted there by kisses two of them not one kiss I kiss them both its better than most people get there none. Even when they had one they was too hung up to get that one too often or too long taught from Birth by Satan that its wrong to love. I come between my wives and lie to them aside I smile and glad to be alive I linger there where neither of them touch I love to be where they are not. An ANNdroid loves. He uses sight not touch. A Voyeur peeking undercover from the time it takes to love. I like four of some things. Two of others. Not just one of any loving. And when depression fails to overcome me I cast my bread upon the waters meaning love. I kiss and then I kiss I sigh and then I sigh. I do everything I do at least three times. Because I married let's be annies at sunrise. Please look more carefully at the picture turn it upside and it spelles ELLE NU. Surprise. I love both of you.

Friday, August 21, 2009

She Says She


SHE SAYS she sails sailing sloops sliding shoaling skidding shining sea shining skidding shoaling sliding sloops sailing sails she SAYS SHE.

HE SAYS: Are u hot?

SHE SAYS: Not really just good looking average girl.

HE SAYS: I mean temperature.

SHE SAYS: FORTY is the LOW below at night ABOVE at daylight.


SHE SAYS: I have told you before I could sink some ships.

HE SAYS: Shipping out?

SHE SAYS: Staying INN!

HE SAYS: Showers?

SHE SAYS: NO rain for several weeks.

HE SAYS: WOW, thats a lot of rain.

SHE SAYS: I meant none.

HE SAYS: Bequeath to me my misery.

SHE SAYS: Of course I send you all my love.

HE SAYS: A fortune intended is hard to hold on to.

SHE SAYS: But Christmas come early is longitude latitude coaxial triangulated love. (for she is smart)

HE SAYS: Why does this instantaneous coffee foam when added to coke in a cup?

SHE SAYS: Ask me anything my love.

SHE SAYS she sails sailing sloops sliding shoaling skidding shining sea shining skidding shoaling sliding sloops sailing sails she SAYS SHE.






Thursday, August 20, 2009




Go ask someone that made it iff u can get them to tell u from the grave. PRAISE is better than bullits oh knave. Here is a true story. Today is yesterday I was in the Grocery. I noticed an AD price on my fave Shasta Soda 2 Litre Bottle that I love. I am 55 old man years in love so I chose the Diet Shasta. She glanced up at me this great big spender woefully she over charged me too much when I pulled the AD and pointed at the picture she said tough. The picture is a REAL COKE image she was rough its not a DIET drink at all. I blanched and told her to please go look down in the aisle I just come from with drink in hand and now I smile. She took the AD and marched away I frowned. She apologized for trying to do this quick fix and charging way too many coins. She rang up the soda now the price was right again she apoligized  but I had had way too many frights. I said the PICTURE in this case has nothing to do with the sale price. She stuck a frog down in her throat and could not talk no more. And now I' m sorry that I spoke this last at all. This wold not have happened to a movie star in a Bollywood Grocery Store.





The Mind Field and Heart Attacked the Mortal Men

Mine mind and heart are at a mortal war with men,
How to divide the spoils of such a sight;

Mine mind my heart the men's sight would roll the eyes away from me, and then
My heart mine mind the freedom of my men pretend.
My heart doth bleed my mind that men in mind and heart doth lie—
A heart and mind never pierced with crystal lieing men—
But the mind defendanth to that heart doth that plea deny of men from start
And says to heart from mind thy fair appearance lies to men so please decide

To 'cide the men with heart and men with mind collided
A quest of thoughts, all men with minds and hearts,
Conscience of the men determinèd to a burden
The clear minds moiety, and the dear heart's part,
      As wickedness; mine mind due is thy outward part of heart,
      And my heart's right, thy inward love of men tonight departed.

 bye CharlaXShakes











Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of thy sight;
Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.
My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie—
A closet never pierced with crystal eyes—
But the defendant doth that plea deny
And says in him thy fair appearance lies.
To 'cide this title is impanelèd
A quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart,
And by their verdict is determinèd
The clear eye's moiety, and the dear heart's part,
      As thus; mine eye's due is thy outward part,
      And my heart's right, thy inward love of heart.




Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Soon est password swordplay loggedon loggedinn putthekettleon. Pas sword. Noos tse Drows sap Yalp drows. Node G Gol. N Nude ggol Noel tt eke htt up. Drows Sap. From this the poet crackx his nuckles twice and simper fries. Pass the sword over the drowseing yalper log in to your computor read more charlax poems. Nude girls look much nicer with each other. Noel is watching everything you dew. Zap the sapping drowser she is you. Sero memo s yalp drow. People have eating disorders they call each other on the phone to see if children get the proper breakfastes at home. When I put this word Breakfastes in the Dictionary it returned this definition : eat or have somebody for breakfast. Oreo OR EEE oh OR e o OR EEE oh in the movie of the whizard of ozzed do u remember when the Guards were marching past they were singing in a sing song voice this is what they were saying I remember it like yesterday. or EEE oh oR EEE oh. Try it. Just try humming a few barz. Then pass the sword. Somemores. Relieve me and believe me. Wordplaysomemores


The Mueller Train

Jack Mueller was a stony faced old mule driver from Kansas City. He was a mormom. Jack was hard tacked a decent docent fellow but brutish as his mule where it does count. Standing in the lead of that Train on that narrow path. Whipping the air making it crack. Never touching the mule with the cracker. The harness was getting old the leather creaking. The Blinders were not made for mule but horse. One eye of Jenny kept peering under to see the edge but Driver Jack kept moving for the train must go on. The stench of left under wheels and hooves mulching in misstepped apprehension. The added stress of the long deep ravine the flies the flies the ever present flies. One step more the wrong direction life is over for the leader of the Train. The Strain would be unbearable for most lessor men of lessor stuff. Crack went the whipped Crack went the wheel suddenly snapped the axle gone the whole precarious wagon was leaning to the left hangging over the edge peering down into the desert abyss. Jenny took the falter left the edge with wagon Jack grabbed the harness went down with his ship. He was screaming but the distance soon made it unheard to the others they had stopped and there they stayed until they learned something of the outcome. The wagon landed in a miricle the mule was under Jack they sort of collided like worlds gone mad. He pulled his hand from harness where he had twisted it to stay forever thinking that at least he would have the mule up there in Heaven. Gideon would have been proud of the bray of that Mule Jenny. He unhooked her from her burden and together they walked back up to that Train. At least he would not go threw that again. The Mueller Train.

Carpe A Dime


Carpe A Dime 

O mistress mine, can you smell

what flower I have sniffed where are you roaming?
O stay and hear! Use that beak of yours to sniff with I your true-love's coming

That can singe the flowers with his breathe both high and low;

Trip no further, get off that acid stop smoking hash and blowing weed pretty sweeting,
Journey's end is soberly perused in lovers' meeting--
Every wise mothere doth know.
What is love? 'tis not hereafter for the body partes change out in Heaven;
Present mirth hath present laughter odeur lime green of flowere steme;
What's to come is still uncertain smells in stormy whether you can sniff:

In delay there lies no plenteous snorting snuff,--
Then come sniff me, Sweet and twenty,
Youth's a smell will not endure.

William CharlaX Shakespeare

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. Gentlemen, please, I have called this meeting of this Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to Decide to INvest in a new way of doing business on the INternet. I am very excited at this new idea and hope it generates this COmpany Bullions of Dollar Signs. (Jjohn Jjones was at this meeting using one of his human disguises) in reality he is the Manhunter From Mars. His ears turned green but no one noticed them or him. "Suppose," this was Plence, " you are a businessman from Chicago, Ill. You want to Impress a Client Empress with the email address where you are staying in a fancy motel place." "SO you go to type in John JOnes for instance type your password such as redmars open up your internet account." Jjohn Jjones blanched totally a green face spitting out his coffee his undercover compromised on hearing this but again no one even noticed him HE quickly realized it was only a random example PLENCE had used. So intent were all the men on hearing Plence's Oratory remarks and his delivery on this Monday. It was raining outside everyone had the Trademark TrenchCoat and Hat hangging on every available hook on the wall it was why the Manhunter From Mars liked to hang out here in these offices. Plence again. "OK is everyone with me now so far? NOW go to your emails under the compose button open the drop down menu see that Button that says Determine Location??? Click only once left click will do it do not double click or right click." INstantly every LapTop in the room said FROM the Offices of the in Bright Red Letters in the body of the Content of the message. This will only work for a COMPANY like let us say Best Western if they agree to pay for our Domain priviledges. Iff we were in a Best Western that has Purchased our Agreement we can send this. But instead of Whirly it will say Best Western on the LOGO in the Letterhead. We just hit the button marked DETECTION. We have the hardware software set available now for sale. Is there any questions.? At the word DETECTION the Urbanite Detective had grabbed his TrencherCoat and Hat mumbled "COFFEE be right back", out the door he went into the Rainy Gloomy MOnday unsure now of his anonymity within this COmpany. On an unrelated matter Plence was warmed suddenly BLurtted out : "GENTLEMEN PLEASE", then in hushed tones; "What are you all talking about and what is that muttering in the background?" Elect a spokesman tell all the group including me. John Jacobson stood up : "OH SIR" We noticed when Jjohn Jjones just left the room he left his coffee cup I took it my mistake his initials are JJ, at this part Plence waived his hand in a kinder gesture of dismissive. "AN honest mistake my goodman, Well what is it tell us spit it out.?" "WEll sir there was too  much sugar in it." "NOT the coffee what is that mummering about?" "OH that. TheTalking Clock. We invented a talking clock. Every five minutes on the dot it says", TICK TOCK TOCK TICK CLOCK I AM THE TALKING CLOCK TOCK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK ZONK. "But we forgot to program it to tell the time.?" NO was all the treasurer of the Zappersunlimited@.ORG said. "NO funding available at all for a clock that does not tell the time he added then an aside" : I wonder who JONES really is ? TO no one in particular.



On an unrelated matter Plence was warmed suddenly BLurtted out : "GENTLEMEN PLEASE", then in hushed tones; "What are you all talking about and what is that muttering in the background?" Elect a spokesman tell all the group including me. John Jacobson stood up : "OH SIR" We noticed when Jjohn Jjones just left the room he left his coffee cup I took it my mistake his initials are JJ, at this part Plence waived his hand in a kinder gesture of dismissive. "AN honest mistake my goodman, Well what is it tell us spit it out.?" "WEll sir there was too  much sugar in it." "NOT the coffee what is that mummering about?" "OH that. TheTalking Clock. We invented a talking clock. Every five minutes on the dot it says", TICK TOCK TOCK TICK CLOCK I AM THE TALKING CLOCK TOCK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK ZONK. "But we forgot to program it to tell the time.?" NO was all the treasurer of the Zappersunlimited@.ORG said. "NO funding available at all for a clock that does not tell the time he added then an aside" : I wonder who JONES really is ? TO no one in particular. This was Part Three and ending.

Monday, August 17, 2009



  Gentlemen, please, I have called this meeting of this Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to Decide to INvest in a new way of doing business on the INternet. I am very excited at this new idea and hope it generates this COmpany Bullions of Dollar Signs. (Jjohn Jjones was at this meeting using one of his human disguises) in reality he is the Manhunter From Mars. His ears turned green but no one noticed them or him. "Suppose," this was Plence, " you are a businessman from Chicago, Ill. You want to Impress a Client Empress with the email address where you are staying in a fancy motel place." "SO you go to type in John JOnes for instance type your password such as redmars open up your internet account." Jjohn Jjones blanched totally a green face spitting out his coffee his undercover compromised on hearing this but again no one even noticed him HE quickly realized it was only a random example PLENCE had used. So intent were all the men on hearing Plence's Oratory remarks and his delivery on this Monday. It was raining outside everyone had the Trademark TrenchCoat and Hat hangging on every available hook on the wall it was why the Manhunter From Mars liked to hang out here in these offices. Plence again. "OK is everyone with me now so far? NOW go to your emails under the compose button open the drop down menu see that Button that says Determine Location??? Click only once left click will do it do not double click or right click." INstantly every LapTop in the room said FROM the Offices of the in Bright Red Letters in the body of the Content of the message. This will only work for a COMPANY like let us say Best Western if they agree to pay for our Domain priviledges. Iff we were in a Best Western that has Purchased our Agreement we can send this. But instead of Whirly it will say Best Western on the LOGO in the Letterhead. We just hit the button marked DETECTION. We have the hardware software set available now for sale. Is there any questions.? At the word DETECTION the Urbanite Detective had grabbed his TrencherCoat and Hat mumbled "COFFEE be right back", out the door he went into the Rainy Gloomy MOnday unsure now of his anonymity within this COmpany. This has been Part Two. StaY Tuned.


Part One of WhirlyFritzerGLomeratialSilverPlater THree Parter


The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. This has been part one.



Remember when they caught you at it way back when. I answered Mother carefully very, "OH Mother now it is not so much fun to masticate alone if you knoe that I am doing it." You took the fun away from secret futiveness replaced it with just wretchedness and hurriedness. This last part was only to self secondness.  Mother looked at all those pictures of Elizabeth Taylor in her onepiece smiled her knoeing smile then said , "Well young man I knoe THAT you are doing THAT now for shame". But she was smiling when she said it. ANd you kept on masticating two sometimes three times a day. Sneaking looks at girl girl books. Magazines chewing at that nerve while looking at a girl with girl nothing on them but there smile and there umbrella page. Where the other girl was looking was causing my hair to grow in lengths unheard of on my pater natural. Mastication can cause Blindness and hair will grow there on them palms of your hands. It causes wetness in the lowlands. In dry places and hearts it yearns with desires too numerous to mention all of them at once I can only look from girl to girl and smile while paying at the barbershoppe some more to trim it off just let it go to hit the floor then sweep it up and out that door. I will never be bald.




Mye Englishe Teachere was a large Black Lady, her fave saying was Qoote"Variety is the SPice of Life." To a young boy trying to learn something, she was delicious. My food on this SUNDAY day: Salty Sweet and Peppery. The contrast is delightful and I feel almost like a human might feel but my positronic brain in android body can only simulate myself and so I eat potatoes AU pepperage. Some poppedcorn from the bottom of the bag adds the salty flavor and from time to time a delicious cheesecake with crackercrumb crust so SWEET I think the Kitchen used too much sugar as a spice. Today was Sunday I have a learned form in thinking new I learned to curl a q slice an a in half to make a u. Turn a b around to make the d come true. Today I found the message in me. The missing e. Variety. The SPice of life. Remembered too.


Friday, August 14, 2009

ON is NO backwardian

On is NO backwardian

Admin meeting AD men smile they decided on a new pile of style. A light switched is on but what is off but no. On is NO spelled backwards. They had too many coffee clatches. Desperite for more millions of them ad dollar signs. Change all the wall switches from ON and OFF to ON and NO. We will make trillions. ### $$$ 666 the dollar signs lit up all there eyes as no one cracked a whimper of a smile or dared to laugh at men too far along in dregs of coffee beaned mahem and Autonomous autotymity. Committee planning got a white board up they drew this thing as a light board light switch with the FLipper down and NO in bold. Then some bright boy did another one with the FLipper up and ON in green with pulsating neon. Everyone begins to groan. They switched the board by turning it upside down and then switched it back we only needed to make one they shouted at each other like madmen. NO is ON backwardian. On is no. ONNO NOON OH WHY they giggled and kissed like school girls again. One man actually started a new ad board tisement verted in. No is on at NOON and ONNO is the MOON. But they shook the proverbiage head and said there is no M. Toss out that bum. And so he left chasetaken. But then came the rearranging the ONNO was kept and NOON was added they worked until almost Midnite until dawn almost came and then they jumped up. This is what they had come up with for the final ad assessment. Off has been taken off as a choice of light movement. YOu have ON and NO as choices now it comes in green neon with no extra background sold as better Department Stored Items. SOld by HASHBROS(R)(TM) company a division of TRENDY(TM). Each package is one item screws sold seperatley. $10.95 @ each. No tax or liscence needed. See hardware aisle for screws please dont use tacks or nails in walls of dwelling places in the city proper places.

Thursday, August 13, 2009



Pencilled inn with death available broiled in battle fighting elementals stone GIANTS shaking weavers beams stomping on my Davidic head breaking parts pieces of my humanity I needed my anatomy intact to live instead they gave me Death. INstead of freedom life and liberty they gave me a pencil. And so I pencilled in the water color added in the greenery sent to Baltimore for Oriels. Whatever there was needed. Escaped by the skine of my teeth and eluded the escape clause. Pause a running water creaking in the rest room divided down the middle with red tape. A gape. Agape. Ruinious measures bring solace to none. OUT OUT brief candle may elude to long tapirs as they snuff. I want warmth. The very thing that makes up life intangible is time I want more of that and more of this and when can we pay for it on layaway or time amiss. But layers of clothing bring me what I miss of love. A hat is GOD on head. A glove. A hand inside a glove is warmth. Feet incased in livery. Booties. Love. pENCILLED iNN.

Cross Ties

Cross Ties

Cross Town walker. Cross ties on the railroad bridges underpassed the cities. Cross tops on Speed. Olive Dogwood tree was used for Cross of Jesus History. Cross beams Cross members. Cross knots. I make a granny knot and then three times later i make a square knot on top of that i call the whole knot a Cross Knot. Cub Scout salute is just a cross uncrossed. Cross your t's and dot your i's we heard this one all the time in cursive writing they tried and tried to make us robotic every time but androids think and so i changed the way i write them squiggles and them lines from time to time. Cross eyed. Cross legged. Cross armed. WHy the eye and the leg but not the arm. ??? People cross there arms all the time but they dont get called cross armed. But they look like Stoney faced Indian Chiefs standing on a hillside looking at the Braves in Battle with the Seventh Calvary. Crossing Guards are not Crosses but guarding nothing they keep cattle INN the Raunches or OUT side the fences letting people in and out the gaited passes. She is Cross. Cross is used as angry. When someone is cross don't cross them. Means the same as don't cross there path. Cross of Jesus old rugged wooden but now you knoe that it was DOgwooden Olive tree wood that they used to slay the innocent. Charlaxes Cross ties.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the audience

  the audience

Pauline is in peril. Captain America is making poetry. Four thousand children in a major big city some of them go to the cinema every Saturday. People get drunk and fall out in the aisles. People take out a bottle and nurse the children smile. Usually the film breaks at the best tense. Popcorn is not given to share beware. Cokes must be hidden in the dark recesses of the seats watch out they are coming oh they spilled my relief. I put my arm around her angora sweater and got a bite but not a nibble. Kisses was almost. Sex was unheard of only on the screen and sometimes in the balcony at better places seen. Sometimes when we was bad or mad or just unhappy kids we hollered shoot the good guy just to get revenge. Once at a movie house in Florida on the coast of retired persons they tried to embarress me so badly. I had paid $5.oo for a ticket to see Sean Connery. There was no way I wanted to leave this place. No refunded money see. They said Mister Seaneray is in the audience. I got deathly quiet you could heard the pin dropped. It sure sounded like him I was almost convinced until they snickered after me when i got up to leave. But I had had enought today back then of MR. Khan Seaneray and simply faded out and went away. After all I was laughing so hard at him up on that screen on that Motorcycle at His age. I was embarressed after all he could be living somewhere there in FLorida in the Senior ZOne. Whenever I ply my hair and look real stern the friends I have think pictures of me look like him. IN the Audience. All the ticking tocking clocks are several minutes off of every carbonite copy of themselves and every body with a watch has no synchronated time to share In the Audience.

XLIV. Iff the fire inside my heart of flesh were stoney rock

 XLIV. Iff the fire inside my heart of flesh were stoney rock

Igneous stone should burst into flame my way;
Formed in outer space I would be landed like a river fishe,
From outre limits far remote, where she doth stay.
No matter then although a merman feet did stand
Upon the farthest planet remov'd from rings of Saturnal;

For mermaids thoughts can jump both land and sea scrolling
As soon as think the place where merman I would be.
But, ah, thought kills I that I am not who or eye the lidded twitched,
To leap tall buildings of miles in that superhuman leap out yonder sille,
But that, so much of earth and water wretched out of skye,
I must attend time's leisure with my play actress mobile phone;
      Receiving nought by elements of so slow a ring tone
      But heavy burns, badges of either's fires of flames.

A mermaid with her merman sings.



I got a poem but the tune is all wrong im changing it using a differant song able to leap high able to wear a red s upon my chest able to fly with dragonfly wings able to laugh at my own distress able to actress yes he said actress able to cry when i need to be blessed able to twist a word into a similitude of portent. A poet. What is that up on the road a head ? Content. A Poem. Iff i write something stoopid in this line it wont stick to the otheres time after time after time after time. But have you got any Grey Poupon. Mustard green the color of train tracks limning all the byeways, falling near the waysides. A totalitarian system leaves large railroad spikes in psalms on trees in leaves on Elephant vines. Spacing is important but Drugs leave a void inside the space is ghost so holy now. AMEN. Friends. Friends. Friends. Left my light up in the tower got a cover bushfull basket trying to hide from the badmen coming light my light and cry for Armeggedjion 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



Who was eye eye was mee I am who and eye and I and i am me. I,CharlaX, I darkstone. I Charlie, for i like charlie best. I can almost here her voice when she types out I love You Charlie I think her love sustains me in my chest where love doth dwell in heart so blessed by Jesus now at rest. I lay me down I,Charlie, for what is sorrow but a test I, CharlaX, I overcome I learn to love myself.



It is starting fights in bars it is unnerving the bravest foe it makes love to images it sees when used in love at proper times can be amusing to us all beauty can be seen or held at bay or eaten as a candy evil eye to some an omen of coming destruction sight for blind iff given by the Lord from Heaven a Jesus can. Sighting down a Gun Barrel a hunter sees his foe his love a man can squeeze that trigger then jerk his meat feed his family in winter Hide can be a place to go get warm. Yes, Jesus Shaves me. Who has a razor bladed but who grows a mess upon my face my hair is out of place who shaves the upper cheeks to look a little less a Wolf. He gives me life for Who has died. He gives me food for who still eats he gives me sight for who still writes and reads. He may be inside of people all around but who no longer sees my Jesus in them shaven face frowns. Thought sometimes seeing groups of singers saying Jesus even they ignore the total stranger not wanting to be blessed by Jesus Shaves Me. Yes, Jesus Shaves Me He gives me coat and hat He gives who boots to walk upon the winter tarmac. Singing songs and hymns and fooling masses Yes, Jesus Shaves Me.

Monday, August 10, 2009


DellPartsPiecesStems A Paroday of Dell.

Dell makes computors. Computors have parts. This is the story.


This is a poem bye charlax darkstone android one seven.
This is not a true story.

The System Analyzer Program utilizes an application to analyze the configuration of your system to provide you suggestions for compatible parts or upgrades for your Dell-branded computor number 000-666-000-666-000 your unique service tag number, which is defined as personal information under the Dell Privacy Policy.Access, Collection and Use of Data (Non-Personal Information) In the course of providing this service, Dell will display results of your system configuration including:

  • Computer Type - Computer model
  • Edition - Version of Microsoft Windows installed (XP Pro, XP Home, etc.)
  • System Devices - System profile information (Examples: Memory, Hard Drive, video cards)
By downloading, you agree to the Dell Software License Agreement and the Dell Privacy Policy. The use of Dell System Analyzer is also subject to of the Terms and Conditions of Sale

You buy replacement parts for your car dont you???????????
CharlaX has determined iff u add everything they sell to your computor you will pay over twice the price.

Latitude’s E-Family Mainstream and Essential systems offer the choice of 25 watt and 35 watt Intel Core 2 Duo dual core processors. The PXX00 processors have 25watts for battery optimization, while the T9X00 processors have 35 watts for improved performance.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8600 (2.40GHz, 3M L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) [Included in Price]
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8700 (2.53GHz, 3M L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) [add $50]
Dell Recommended - For Improved Performance
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P8800 (2.66GHz, 3M L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) [add $50]
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo P9600 (2.66GHz, 6M L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) [add $180]
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9550 (2.66GHz, 6M L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) [add $120]
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9800 (2.93GHz, 6M L2 Cache, 1066MHz FSB) [add $350]
well, u can buy a pretty good computer for about 600, but they sell from 400 to 1000+ it all depends on what you want to do with it and iff u have to replace the various parts and pieces believe me when i say to u today u will buy this computor at twice over price. This is the addons listed here. $752 dollars and absolutely no sense who wants to have a IntelCore 2 Duo T9800 for 350$ smackeroos. ? not who. Thats who. Digression is good for the Dell. Er wait i t hink i meant soul do androids have a soul??? please ??? someone HELP??????? i just need another $165.00 to buy an ACER notebook from Radio Shack. At a little over #300. $$$ and pences. I can read the notebook near the fences.



a Jesus Poem of P P H

found on wayside

Vibrant emotion detains the unwary as time slips into what some refer to immediatley giving becomes difficult defining expressing through astute observation; additional revelancy by example one assumes ones got it all figured out and yet what monetary value can be placed in doing the kind thing? Jesus Christ! Let me do it. Let me do it. Front page conundrums left over committments after all what must be? Hang time wasted wanted wrong. This poem was written by Patrick Peter Harrington. ed.note.ed TexTWRitter is prounced ritter not writter the w is silent w. FOund on the wayside on a paper written in real ink who decipher on paper blotted weathered outside on the roadside who decided to give credit where credit iff due. Jesus loves you.



Crickett Chirp Chirp Crick

Chirping slowing in heat glow

worry for life click

 man in tent say crickett wise

man in tent leg sweat twice times

sluggish crickett sighs


Crickett Quiet Crick

waiting for the night to fall

dark to come cool life


man in tent too hot to play

waiting for crickett make sound

fast chirp fast crick life







i before e after r. osaycanusee by *dawn* early light late given time with no sorrow in sight the last limits of the sunrays slanting past the limits of the city as you raise your cup of cherries with *raw* goats milk on them with perhaps a few packets of *raw* sugar the kind of those little square retangular packets with that brown paper bagged only for the military as Suddenly she lifts her Sandels white on black with rubber straps not leather on them feet perhaps she even *purr*s as my contented friend slips outside the box into her future.



Pop tarts Pop is listed in the Farmers Almanac as a major food group it has Fibre Bran and Artificial Flavor. The Choclate ones Pop are really bland the worst ones who has ever had. But the Strawberry tarts Pop with real fruit feeling grand. The best tasting longest lasting chew Pop is the apple ones with the white icing on the front i think it is vanilla like the bean *WAIT* no i may have got them mixed fruit ones are usually unfrosted no icing is only on the outside of them Choclate ones. The outside covered up with white makes them inedible portions stay down inside a tummy used to better fare dont keep them longer in the cupboard past the expirition date as they tend to get too hard and crumble up Pop. The best way to make them tart Pop is to bake them in a pan with butter on the Pop side up. Put the tart side on the bottom Pop. Pops just get them real hot but don't burn them Pop. Please Pop don't make them Pop Tarts Pop.

Saturday, August 8, 2009



XLIII.Will SOnnet sone of shakespeare a paroday of charlax p.

When must I thinke, then do mine minde best thinke,
For all the day whoe thinkes things unremembered;

But when I dreame, in dreames whoe cannot thinke,
When brightly dark the nighte, how dark the bright rejected.
Then whoe, whose shadow shadows doth make puttets on the walle,
How would whoe shadow's form form Will SOnnet on the walle,
To see the clear rabbit with whoe ears up in clearer light,
When to unseeing eyes whoe rabbit puttet shines so bright!
How would, whoe say, mine eyes be blessèd made a sight for sore.
By looking on a rabbit puttet on the walle in the living day,
When in dead night whoe fair imperfect rabbit puttet is butt a shade
Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay a rabbit puttet with enow a nose as well as ears formed!
      All days are nights to see till I see whoe will sonnet formed upon the walle,
      And nights bright days when dreams do show thee rabbit shadow puttet with ears and nose will sonnet formed.

Friday, August 7, 2009



The wind blows the Wet leaves the Wet leaves sparkle in the sun shining more like Diamonds than like leaves. The Wet leaves blowing in the sun tickleing my heart for one brief moment time has stopped. Who is ageless and Immortal now. NO one has noticed this greedy who becomes. Silent lest others steal this Wonder out the window WHOS Diamonds in the Rough. As each leaf drys the wind moves on to find other leaves still Wet they shine but only for a short time the moment is now gone but not forgotten for who has seen the DiamondsintheRough.



In the traffic three times the dark blue Ford slammed past the Red Light the driver was drunk. Driving around in circles to kill someone by accidental death thinking in drunken hazes no one out there watching to see wanted to hit some old woman young girl or dog cat or pet of any kind this man was Drunk driving mad. Angry at the World or just himself. He puked it all out at once like the movie with Linda Blair large amounts of thick green fluid  mocking him rolling off the inside of the windshield to fall harmless into dashboard vents where it stayed to congeal to stink to stench. He paused and swiped his mouth on Black and White Bannana Striped. A Stuffed toy he got at the County fair. Something darted out from between the cars on the side of the Highway 64 hit his door hard then bounced off scaring him into thinking thinking that he had hit someone a little girl or a dog he just kept on driving wishing he could die like other men. The Watcher stood staring down at the final Intersection of the US Highway 64 where a few moments of time would end the time of this small drunken white man driving drunk was gonna die. The Watcher was turning gray. His power waning now his haloe was flickering in the night. He was already losing his Immortality. The Watcher took his fist smashing entirely past the glass killing the Drunk instantaneously. Drive down US 64 to the last Intersection there is a column of stone standing in a little Square of grass the State of Arkansas placed there around the Watcher on every Fortnight in the Month of July near the 24th day of the end of a life You may see the Watcher move up to the Drunken Driver of the dark blue Ford. He stands and stares into the bright red eyes to see the mans soul inside Hell then satisfied He steps back to the grassy stones to stand another year a sentinal of rock solid hate and death decay a Judge of Human flesh and Bones forever living there in this place of Execution for having Killed but not in Hell, at least not like the Drunken Driver will remain forever there to Burn. The Watcher Watches stands and waits. Nothing left to learn.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

WhirlyFritzerGlomeratialSIlverPlater for Durango

WhirlyFritzerGlomeratialSilverPlater for Durango


Who entered Whirly®™ then typed the instructional code with the twist at the end something like this EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 0092 repeating the last four digits to get the Companies attention. He was in Durango Colorado and needed a Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater sent there as soon as the Check cleared from the Colonel Palmer Hotel. CharlaXAndroidOneSeven had to order THERAMP@T.M. from Florida and called for Demolition Derby to remove the McDonalds from the parking lot next door. The Ramp would then be extended over the Train and the pipe was intended to be lain into the Animas River or the San Juan whichever one. Suddenly President Whirly had a great idea. A bicycle lock for blind people to use. He decided not to tell Romand Plence. Not until the parent company had been created and was a success. ed.note.ed please note this for later use. And so the parent company was borne they called it BlindMelonChildrenontheHorn.Com When a Blind child locks his bicycle they can FEEL the braille on the lock and turn it to the corresponding numbers. This is very expansive work.

+ plus or positive +

- - minus or negative -

* times dot *

@* times cross @*

./ divided by ./

+- positive or negative (plus or minus) +-

= .k is equal to .k

/.k is not equal to /.k

< "k is less than "k

> .1 is greater than .1

"k: is less than or equal to "k:

.1: remember when only children rode bicycles. ANd no one had locks. The company logo was a blind man with sunglasses fingering the locked chain. GO figure this one. And so the order to Durango was cancelled. The Bottom line was signed NOT by the President of WHirly but the Treasurers Office and the Treasurer hisself Romand Plence. He started fast and then snowballed at the last. Here is the actual email.


Thursday, August 6, 2009 11:17 AM


View contact details



"dark stone hice" <>

YOu idiots

you morons

who authorized this parent company

BLIND people cant ride Bicycles.

ROmand Plence Treasurer of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater.
