Tuesday, June 30, 2009



She did everything but comb the pages with her brush she fanned each of them Twenty books of pages for her Ten Dollar Bill she was making the lieberrian wait. She was staring at the woman all agape her mouth open in astonied slapdash smile half formed not there yet stopped in mid grin. A picture of WHAT in human clay form. The woman was flipping her first book off when she picked up the second one layed the first one the lieberrian made the mistaken assumption it was okay to begin "NO",  she said the Woman almost SCREAMED it out "dont touch them books untill eye find the money."  The  waiting lieberrian froze her face again in grin askew aside the lines formed in waiting haste beside the woman so intent on tasking pages after pages of her Twenty books to look for Ten Dollars one clean new multi colored Ten Dollar Bill. She smiled down at the lieberrian never missing a page turning and tried to explain it this is what she said, "AI had the money for my daughter she is meeting me in this library today, and AI forgot what book AI put the money in AI am so sorry but this really wont take too long", as she closed the second book the grin turned nasty a second look and angry. SHe said to the woman, " AI can not spend this time with you all day AI have to help the others in the way." But when she turned to task the next in line the WOMAN "SCREAMed" NO you must help me first AI was here first in line." And that is when she reached her hand inside her panty line and touched the money in her pocket there like women do she hooked her thumb in the elastic there and found the Ten Dollar Bill where she had folded it in a pocket meant for looks. It was never in the book but only once and then she had removed it for safekeeping. In the pocket of her sleek black pants. The Lieberrian was overjoyed and they both did a little dance sure that books could now be checked again this time returned and stamped. The woman grabbed her cell phone used up her precious minutes to tell her child she had the money safe again. The  lieberrian was SCREAMING at the woman "NOW you have to give that money to the Library AI have a fine totalled up of $9.99 here is your penny you may give this to your daughter but she will not have such a good time on only one penny what a smarter day you will be having now. And she did she did she did She the new lieberrian got up and did a little dance behind the counter.

Monday, June 29, 2009



There was Thirteen lieberrians waiting in the wings of the ell there was four rows of books someone had finally taken one down from the shelf the book was "Secret Lover" was the title. Author namme was visible said written by the Darkstone. When I opened up the pages all were blank except this last one this was written "YHVH Play the RUles that apply to you Play to WIN NObody believed in you IN the past do not expect or want it now" was almost horror in my mind as I still fail to understand and so I closed the book to lay it down. Four or five liberrians tried to take away the book from out my hand oh no not yet I cried they fled and this is what I read. It was written out in Cursive hand writting some of it looked as iff twere written with an older version of my hand. Almost as iff an older Darkstone penned this message. So I asked the liebrains the lieberrians why so many Indian CHiefs for one so simple of a task, so I closed the book and left it on the floor where they were fighting over Honor of replacement on the shelf. Then the horror as it just disappeared nothing left of work. Secret Lover in deed. Amazing Darkstone Philosophic time travelling. NO further delay is possible now perhaps I had witnessed true time travel they still need a big long table where the papers and periodicals can be left out so they can leave the offices to put them back upon the shelf. To have something here just to do to have some real work some self worth a simple task some honest work fo love to do.  



One chopped POLO Tee Shirt

One Shredded Levis Jeans

A marinated leather Belt

Two filet of soles of boots

Two diced minced socks

One undulating underwear

Two spastic spandex

A folded Spindled ID card

Place all of this upon a tenterhook

above a roasting spit byre

serve on a Saysme seed bun.






Friday, June 26, 2009



When eye am walking three miles away to home they stop when eye have less then a mile to go to get there this is syndrome this is awesome Murphy LAWs. Eye am waiting just for someone to pick me up in the mourning but it never happens but today just now someone slowed down and started to pull over again eye had less then one mile left to go eye guess eye would have been unfriendly at this point and pointed them away from eye can walk where were ewe at when eye was walking all them miles to start be like the tree town says and leaf. The man at work sign was there his hard hat said it all the same man that waved me away from his face the day before was now sprawled out awaiting his ride to work eye suppose when eye waved at him eye did it with two fingers almost like a salute his was more pointed in reply why they do that to mye eye gee eye am glad that cows cant fly. One bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes and a man is a man for all of them adages. Eye think when we were growing up we thought all people were gonna live forever follow the yellow brick road and death was just not taught when someone was missing in action my girlfriend wore one of those silver bracelets and eye refused to let her touch me and eye lost her a janus forever to the eye. She just would not understand my attitude of jealousy. And eye could not let it go. And now she is gone forever to me married to a Pharmacutescist living rich how could she do this how could she. DOes she still have her Jesus. Yes perhaps thats nothing to do with eye at all but more a thing to do with her that LittleReadHen that she become.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



A terrible pain is there they crimp the bones when they twist the head suddenly the blood roars the neck is red as they do not worry about people like myself they laugh and draw the pistol and they smile out the side of the mouth they still spit that chaw it dribbles down the chins to land on necks of red. They speak if asked to say they say you are in the file. The file? yes the file. The one thats under trigger finger the nail file of my gun. That one. Thats a reddnecked telling joke. So they left the bar revving up them engines whine out they went as eye heard them go bye one man was at the edge of the group shouting at the last man in line. There was Eight Harley Riders each one the same size Gas Tank the same size byke parts the same year model except for the fact that seven of them Gas Tanks was painted powder blue and only one of them was painted black and this one was smaller then the rest of the blue ones by several gallon sizes. The leader of the group was the last in line eye could clearly hear him saying to the black gas tanked man "It is too bad that we all do not have gas" in a strang reddnecked voice. He always rides beside the victum. They promised him a share in victories and half of all the women. When they made camp each man took a piece of the byke they needed to be kept for emergency use and they each man took off a glove or a boot whatever they decided they man now needed for they had a code of brotherly love. We have to have your byke old TOM but here is clothes to wear to get you back to town start walking old sod. TOm lives on a hillside near the eye in DUrango now. Kicked out by them reddnecked harley posse on the trail out of Colorado.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



As homeye stepped up past the drive inn window the girl was nice she seemed to attract the homeye like a magnet homeye went to her and said DO ewe have a application for Employment. Yes she said in that gutteral Mexicalli Spanish. They aer just inside hangging on the wall just get one you sure can. But when homeye got inside the place was in turmoil the manager was not in the office but on a ladder the girl at the counter was fighting with a boy that works there and the girl stayed at the window no longer friendly just busy. They only had three orders to fulfill. But they managed to not even keep up with all of them. Only then was homeye sort of losing interest in doing the application at all homeye just sort of lost track of train of thought was gone. As a man and woman waited just to be able to give her the order homeye ripped the application tossed the pieces in the trash and cussed a lot on the way out of Wendies. No apology just the cold hard facts. Thats life in them big cities for homeye.

Monday, June 22, 2009



Everybook in the lieberry is bout murder of coarse knot they varay a lot butt mostly eye think the fiction especially the young adult and teen fiction is MurderOfCrow kind of thing. Adult Westerns fill the shelving they shoot em up is the most fun us rustlers can have we read about things that can never really happen on a ranch we would never wish this on our neighbors house for really. But Text Goreing Cattle fill every page of every book lining them shelves. Who aer these authors like Lame Grey and Charles Bronsema they make killing fun with a pistol on every holster belted as one long extension of your gun. Walking wounded on every page as the dust fades in the cattle noses the kerchiefs tied up to keep the dust out and JOhnny will it work or betty dont. Eye used to eat such fodder and mudder with ghusto brewing in every word and in mye opinion each time the heroe wins the shootout it was eye doing all the shooting at crow. But the best was Liberty Balance when Lee Marvin was the bad guy and John Wayne was the good bad guy and they beat the old man up a lot just to watch him die. Somehow when it happens in real life its just not the same exciting thing. EYe do not stoop to wonder why because it has happened to me twice and the rules for being homeless keep me a hapless victum and so eye just dont read them murder mysterious anymore or less eye used too read MurderOfCrow.



There is no other reason because there is no rain falling now it has to be the cold it is the cold thats coming down from the mountain tops of Colorado. Too cause my belly to Pucker up to make my business in the early mourn turn into what I call a COldPucker and perhaps becuase of food stamps day I have been eating richer more Quality Can Food then I am single handly bulking scrounger found handily financing Albertsons Grocery complete. They tease me the checker girls so I gave it back them said be gentle I am virgin. NO she said but you AER brand new. I suppose I could be gratefull for just one month at a time of a total of three months allowed as eye search for the mandatory three jobs reference required to keep the food stamps coming to my mouth as eye work for food not money bad enought to eye think working for entitlement stinks of freebe smacks of something else perhaps what Cowboys call it Socialism Wealth. I will jump into the three hoops to extend the neck of eye in noose to hang self up on high in an attempt at poor more COldPucker outside.

Sunday, June 21, 2009



Sequeaster was a rich eye the richest man in town. He drove the only Edsel Diesel for miles around it was a 1965 not old enought to be a Classic Car but he still got the Antique tags for State Rules say over Thirty Years will Qualify. He had it painted much like the one he saw in the Edsel Diesel Magazine a 1958 Model T Car. His Motor was just some remake he was convinced when he found the MOtor tag it said 1953. Pretty old for Edsel Diesels. One day he needed a parking light. The Napa Store insisted on installing the new Halogen Bulb so now when he parks at the night stand of the Post Office in DUrango one light is white the other yellow like a blinded cat in the night. The Napa Store manager tried to explain but the man refused to listen hating to part with MOney for anything but LAW. Sequeaster said eye got to park at night but here is not no rule about color of the lights. Then off he drove the Policae man was nice wrote out a ticket for parking lights on without headlights showing. Smiling waving as he drove off. Sequeaster so forlorn He parked the Edsel Diesel near the river revved it up. He reached down pulled on the parking brake then he let it off in gear the thing rolled toword the river as he bailed out jumping clear at the last possible moment those SUmmer Time Blue Tears in his eye. Iff ewe go down near the Albertson Store at nite when the San Juan River is flowing low ewe might ewe may see the Edsels tail Fins as iff some swimming fish is in there getting away. Hit them quick with a flashlight to get that Reflection back from the tail lights it looks like the Edsel Diesel Demon them Brights Red eyes looking out behind that abandoned Edsel of Sequeasters forever swimming in that San Juan Colorado River.

Saturday, June 20, 2009



IM FOlding Tao inside heart of smiling CharlaXCowboyO smiling and walking thinking of ewe her love a legacy of time IM counting the dung of ARizona gone is OLd TUcson as IM walking under COlorado sun IM singing a COwboy song. IM a Cowboy in DUrango I have to pull my GUN real slow; IM a Cowboy in COlorado I have to hold my pistol steady and let them bullits go; IM a Cowboy in DUrango punching cattle in the snow; IM a Cowboy in DUrango Thankful for the sun. Thankful for someone.

Friday, June 19, 2009



People uncaring for others should vouchafe the statements they make as self evidence of idiosyncracy elongated synapase responses of hate generated by ignorance of facts and completely biased in opinion of others and self worth on the scale of egotistical brain dead. Perhaps then and only then will they stop destroying hearts. Eye screwed up mye resolve to speak to the group eye was so nerves and wanting to be accepted by mye peerrage group old men drinking coffee in a MIDDLE size town not small MOMA bare not LARGE papa barely just write Baby bare there. The critique was most unincitefull a porridge of go jump in the lake river bed eye cannot get over it easily it must be jealousy rearing its ugly head it must be the man is not a writer himself of privey to lots of them making up stories and sharing them at class time. Perhaps eye was wrong to look for understanding in the throng. When someone judges another person they must first walk in his moccassins and get a life for self its privelaged infomation to hurt someone with sarcasm when they lay the heart on sleeve for all too see. Perhaps just passing wind that fell on them to go beyond propriety in public places to make faceless propoganda to hurt wannabe followers of group. Eye could not never be commediane upon the stage eye would be devasted but the hecklers there would win they would drive me away taking crooked staff to neck and drag me off the stage frightened like the dear in headlights trying to remember who eye am what is mye own namme today. How can eye write under such pressure of the orientation of learning a lesson when will eye ever learn too keep the mouth shut and let no one leave comments why would a writer want that why would a writer want them to be so heartless.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Philip S

Philip S. Driver

His name is Philip S. Driver he is the President of Philips®™.com a Corporation™ which manufactures Screw Drivers and Bolts and Nuts with that Trademark™ Cross symbol in the center of every nut. He was in the Army in Vietnam. And his records were destroyed along with so many others in Saint Louie MO.Town. Here ici is his story ewe. He was taken to the cleaners they took his pride and all his millions when he paid the Trump poor Doanald for those High Riser BUildings he went belly up they call it Flats they call it loser they do it fast as a June Bug he was poor and homeless in New York. He went to the NYC DES office of those FOOD STAMPS they give the homeless plenty. When he was in the office of the 666 she stared at him over Glasses with frosty colored eyes. He was in love but she was having none of that she minced her words to him she seemed to make them dance. "What do you want to put here for your middle namme. YOu left it blank eye have to have a Middle namme not just this S for an initial DO you understand mee Mister Driver. He reached down with his enormous black inked pen and wrote SCREW in big block letters like all the Children do. He is in the Mental Ward at Bellview Hospital but they will let him out in Spring when he gets a good review please be carefull when you apply for all them Food Stamps like the eye and Philip Screw Driver did.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Eye had ZEN when all mye problems were as nothing the Town the head the toe the tooth all dissappated went away for eye was reminded of all the problems of the everyone. Eye saw a woman in a wheelchair pivot and stare as iff she was feeling all mye aware of her and then eye moved eye did a little dance in place glad that eye can walk how would it feel to pivot in a chair to wait wait wait for someone there to get mee to move eye to take me back to Town to be dependant on her Clown to always care. Eye am no Cassanovae beating self to Bossanovae but eye have mobility and freedom sudden wealth a Diamond Studded Tear fell down from eye as eye am writing this HandYCapEye.



She was kind so nice her mouth was open in a grin eye could see where she puts food where Tea had been then she noticed eye was watching her she sighed and close her mouth perhaps it was a yawning moment eye had caught and when eye smiled real BIG Like old men do when they get caught and said Hello to her she stopped and raised to me her Mighty Joe Young left hand she flipped me off she laid the hand backwards and simulated a cuff she gave me the back of her hand and then she waved it again at such an awkward angle eye thought that it looked broken and as she departed as she was driving off eye closed mye heart it fell off mye sleeve again eye sloughed and cried and said inside oh ewe the women here ici how unfriendly they can seem to eye Unfriendly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Tee shirt babay he wore the thing inside out the tag was showing omg what nerve the crowd was booing he was still smiling not sure that it was him he was a tiger wannabee a golf fanatic lunatic showing up to tee off the ball was soaring fast and loose it wandered off the green he stopped at Tenish just for tea time was almost over when the ball went soaring over the amber grains of waves of the crowd beckoning he was so out of line with the hole and yet it sliced and when he putted all the ladies swounded mostly at the way his shorts rode up them iron gray legs and then back down them in the last and final hole they say his concentration got the beast of him he let go with an angry oath and tossed the clubs into the pond the bag and balls and all they floated and tried to stay that way and then they sank but he was already in the Mercedes watching Frank Gifford on TV and drinking Scotch on the Rocks in his long black limosine singing Dialing for Dollars is trying to find me as CharlaX penned this Epicure.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Flowers Fade

 Flowers Fade

Flowers Fade
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I saw the flowers on the roadside,
they were all so pretty to me;
they seemed permanent to me,
But snow will frown--
wind and rain and sun.
The flowers are all gone.

Charles Robert Hice
رنگ مي بازد گل را ديدم دشتي دسته های گل بودند, همه اين است كه به نظر من دايمي به من اخم برف و باران و وزش باد از گلهاي خورشيد همه
Copyright ©2006 Charles Hice



The man was almoast Incarnate BYKE was brand namme new sleeping bag was upright behind on BYKE his Boots were seemingly okay but gave too much away when he stepped toe the gears he went too slow for such a massive machine eye noticed a skitteritchering sound, like as iff the tension was not wound on the chain tight enought it was missing sprocket now and then eye pause and GIVE GOD Thankzx to JESUS that he has saw fit to include mee with the homeless and to make mee poor, eye will shudder as eye remember the Rich Mon BYKER Mr.INcarnate as he heads out over River Bridge eye pray and hope he makes it safely home as eye walk mye three more miles at least eye cannot have a wreck on foot in GOre Texted Boot land as eye limp give JESUS thanzxk away from Town of Durango eye eye the open RoadY.



Eye wished for just one moment eye could get a Whiskey Galleon and float mye memoris away but then eye stuck a safeteye pinn in mye left hand in mye finger eye hurry to the bathroom to wash it off learned quickly how to make the sensors on the side of the spigot spout water will never learn them new device eye decided to stay sober is far better way to go alone on highway was missing yard of HOME where MOther was eye decided Saul of Tarsus of Rome must have had a Mother  yelling "SAUL. get down off that high horse this instance, put that Scabbard back on Sword wipe your feet on Porch come inside and Kiss your Mother while she is still alive before she is gone forever( A Jewish thing). Sad eye HomeYSic.  Now for sure eye am missing Father eye weep inside  mye heart for home is just a place for eye to lie in bed eye make for only eye.  Happy Fathers Day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009



The lantern was green on the River banked near the undertoe of eye took the plastic pooper picker upper from the store front cafe and stuck it deeply in the water of the river it came up twisting heavily from side to side the fins was stuck like a fish hook got them up eye tossed the largest fish eye ever saw onto the river banked near mye egYpt bag there was only a large lump where the fishes belly should have been was this protruding navel like eye took mye knife and opened the fishes belly and what to mye surprise did eye find it was a scroll with this upon it this is what the scroll was saying We live in an Underwater Cavern we wanted the world to knoe of Mermaids and Mermen we love to kiss and frolic and love is the way we live under the water in Rivers and Seas and Oceans of love we live to be free. And carefully eye ate the fish raw and spit the fins out and there was a Mermaid in the water of this river eye was a Merman and we were in love now we live in the Undertoe Cavern of love.

Saturday, June 13, 2009



Eye found a Bikers Cap made of nylon wool one piece kind of small fits all elastic band to hold on one place on skull eye breifley contemplated wearing it alone on back of head a JEW RABBI on the roam to Rome but propriaty was won out over frenzy fantasy the Bikers Cap is under wool layered inn then neoprene rain cap on top of head on top of all them caps of CherrYCharlaX. Still intact mye head is safe warm dry no rain in sight today the EgYpt bag gets smaller every day all the time as eye get used to leaving things behind where eye camp out. As eye write this in Durango Public Eye become cold on them Streets of Old Durango folding Tao of heart in smile as eye think of ewe her love a legacy of time Eye count as dung them Streets of Old Tuscon as eye meet new people under COlorado sun this SatirDaY.

Friday, June 12, 2009



She was HUGE Elk sized no Rack of Antlers on this Doe she went straight up on inclimb leaving Fawns triplets behind one was skittish but two of them accepted eye after all a Darkstone Android is near a human form. Eye did not tempt the LORD by reaching out to them to try to touch them but left them there a permanent photograph imbedded in mye eye computor memory of love. There was three of them Fawns one of them was gamboling two were staid the Mother gone; eye believe she was distractioing Hunter from his game from her Brood hoping eye would follow her and leave her Bambies all alone like a Birdy will do still sometimes does to keep egg safe in nest to keep man away from nest by fluttering her wings away and acting lame. Eye almost wept at seeing this this random act of love on DeerDay.

Thursday, June 11, 2009



Eye guess eye must of aged almost fifteen years so when eye order up the Senior Coffee its adamantly for real eye heard the Scorn in a voice so small and otherworldly prettily she YELLED at eye "GRANDPA" as a statement of fact she was not Questing for an answer she was so intent so certain of her facts eye Quailed all good intended gone the heart just fell off the sleeve of eye it reinforced this hate in eye first felt for Erline now kept in place of love for eye am rally not this old but mascarade to get the coffee cheap to get a better deal on paying for mye meal of coffee cupped eye have to peal a scab away to look for ewe again to look for love. But failed to find it in rich mon with trunk of car extended his advise but not his hand too eye was almost at a loss of understanding what he does with socks imaginging all sorts of maladjustments of his luggage stuffs as he said out of the corner of his mouth just hang around a few more minutes oh no said eye must be off as eye thought it was a simple thing but he then delagated his authortiy sent me screaming up the hill with dirty socks go ask someone else was all he said but that rich mon just locked up his trunk no socks for eye in hand but bitter man as so now eye use this namme SoxAxGrampAx an old man with wet socks over sleeves pulled down hastly on toes inside a perfect pair of TEXTED GORES boots because this eye had other things to do but homeless soup and $dollar signs for socks at $4.95 a pair on shelf eye left them there to improvise eye care to carry home upon the back of egYpt bag a happy eye still damp eye carry on. A GrampAxSoXAx.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Clean Clothes but same old person man or lady wicked lazy Dorothy holding on to TOTO in her new red shoes she lost the easter basket eye am seeing eye dog the undergod the only man alive to downgrade pants and come alive to feel so nice the color match the planet sky at night indigo blue but cargo style with those side pockets that eye love to dropp stuff inn them that will not fit the pockets in the front the back pockets hold the wallets two of them what fun to be so rich iff only for one month most people do it every  payday once a month the bleach stains and the mudd make mye found and scrounge pants belong to eye just made for mee cuz they waz free the rain so washed the pants so clean in mye clean clothes.



today mye acccounts appear to bee linked they somehow knoe its eye a persona android liking to link linking mye friends and postings eye was not on this computor more then two one hour sessions, when mye comments ceased to work all eye got is to try again later error messsages unless this facebook horror stops eye have decided to delete mye facebook accountings tata solong goodbye eye may even try to go to a differant place such as myespace to stay in touch with myefriends who may choose to remain in Battle and fight with the Evil Empire of the Holy Roman Facebook eye might try to link all the Bloggers everyone makes so aat least eye can read the new poems they all make while facebook just stinks and smells and relates to certain smells of skunking mates it sinks bye eye this facebook place FacebookByeEye ed.note.ed not a paroday this is the truth phhhhht so there. ed.note.ed



He is all over town JOB hunting he says he lays tiles on roofs there is so many real estate signs in town they will never sell even one of those houses this year. He is a first rate jack of all highwaymen trador of time. Eye have SpaceBrainWaves eye finally got them signals from Andiron 17 they were hidden in the cell phone signals leaning away from Ocean waves nearing closer to the Sea. Eye was getting bent no real attitude just scenting danger in mye gratitude at ignoring helpless enemy infantile adjustment thinking power to annoy when eye get this interception call from ether the sky is falling mye socks need a change but eye am dry entire villages and cities disappeared in a twinkleing of eye care to have dry underthings old and dirty need not apply eye have too many overs on but final resting place is keeping eye dry as eye ignore the ignorant people who hace self interest before eye.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009



Ewe has a persona Aura of purple hue a heart of love a Kiss inside of eye am short kind of short and uninteresting whitebeard unkempt hair is there but scary. They think of mee iff they think of mee at all as ironfittings on a pedestal near the door a TV watcher a friend to be ignored. But ewe have the kindest Hue eye ever have seen that few minutes that it takes for love to blossom forth eye would bee an amazing little man iff only they could guess at package under wrapper old and torn and vintage gray. The yearning deep inside the heart for love. The old man want. The eye have never ever done it like this syndrome this old man wants to try a new heart to try a new love but wait eye have found it in ewe kiss. No need to hurry off to search for more than this ewe has it in her heart inside her kiss she has eye inside her love.

Monday, June 8, 2009



eye see the mind of GOD in JESUS in Motion, as the day is Glowing almost over now the Birds even Quoth the Raven they spiral near the mountains surrounding eye can see them turning silver in the setting sun like so many fish flopping in a stream they seemed surreal as iff this is not reality how can this be a gift to me a sinfull man? The crows seems less sinister this way even good omens now of things to come the day the day is Glowing now. A new portent is given eye saw a dandelions seeds fall out of sky to hover near a tree fall back to ground close to where eye lie someday the dandelions growing there will feel the kick of some small boy perhaps eye shall kick them too setting them in motion to the wind to carry them to some other little boy again his own day

Glowing too as eye see the Mind of GOD in JESUS in Motion as the day is Glowing almost over now

Sunday, June 7, 2009



Every Studio BIG NAMME Musician and/or movie star even girls who sing back up against the wall get paid big bucks even on the Street Artistes Musicians open cases accepting donations free soliciations earning every dollor every dime. So here aer self effacing men over the instep bounding mainly confused as to how life works they say a True Spirit Artiste would never charge money or take money for talent. Eye write but not never for money. While the new book "Family Dickenson" at the corner bookstore just sold 15 copies at $24.44 tax&sales never added until in each and every Bookmans store in every City -of the USA landing for a total net worth of $17,000,000,000 for Bobby Dickenson who never ever left his own backyard he must still live there in Cleveland writing on his own desktop his laptop nearbye, his Mother Dickenson living there further down the street He will never spend all that Money at his feet before He dies. He put a heavy metal roof on Mommas house but his still leaks. At the very least his wife and children do not lack for bread but eat He still and ever plans on moving out to Beverly but walking Hills makes his face turn red, instead He will keep writing Science Fiction perhaps make another Million of them dollar things He scratches words on a text messager with a silver diaode pen when they total six hundred sixty six then He hits send opens up his laptop smiling as it shows a happy face it knoes then creates another word document and saves them all from poverty. Life is good for Bobby Dickenson in Cleveland family as CharlaX once again adds this new one inn to his list at his free internetted website poetrypoem. A slave now to his own SalomY.

Saturday, June 6, 2009



  Foot mangled a cripple mye bestest friend called me a cripple before mye feet was  injury a cripple in the mind is what he meant cause eye was always a good boy do not like the sex withe men Scars from girls who kissed but did not tell women full of hate relating to the murder in the heart of leaving terms ungreatful for the scorn of middle grounded unscathed sores aer healing up torso twisted up bones searing scattered nerves eye simply hurt where no one ever sees it or cares mye head is skipping throat a blessing is the pain of tooth decay. Mye Jaw of right was damaged in a sordid play two men of devil come mighty men decided to embark mee to oblivion twice eye almost died in desert places but JESUS Saves is what they tell mee the crown of eye is flaking misearbly eye have the excerbia on scalp eye am a mess of broken bones in clay intact is heart mye love is ewe she makes mye love inside with nothing left to say eye rise each day still glad to bee alivea CharlaXJob inside.

Friday, June 5, 2009




Eye like to give a look of Agony

Because eye knoe its true

 Eye can not sham Convulsion,

Nor Stimulate a Throe-

The eye glazes but once and this is death

Impossible to Feign

The numbers upon the forehead

Bye Homey Anguish strung into the 666

the MegaDeath





The girls were slow the act was nice but they were slow the drinks were melting the ice before the patrons reordered some. The place was dead the sex was pantomimed. The director decided to try some old Burlesque routines they had nothing left to lose. Three girls naked from the top kissing each other not able to stop while wiggling there fantails up an down an up and down they hoped it would bring down the house an it almost succeeded but for the small drunk in the middle row JOE he smiled at the half naked ladies but he wanted to get in on the act. He waddled to the stage and chased the girls around trying to actually get a kiss at his age it was all he could hope for. They did not laugh no snicker no crack a half facebook smile they dickered quickly for rights to which one would kick him off that stage and the red headed long winded girl won. He tried to rally his attack and came back to the edge of the orchestrated pitt she turned her back and hit him with her fantail shrimpe fell headlong into the place where they were playing musick there. Oh WELL now that IS a deep subject. Playing now at every bar and grill in town.



Actual Police FUnction : what is your DOB boy what is your Social Security Number boy Show me a picture I.D. boy howdy erzatz Mark of the Beast ; 072154429041680760420071 There is also thirteen numbers in a rows on mye new lieberry card eye choose not to reproduce this number online someone could steal mye time. TODAY ; eye was a namme dropper a Woman from OHIO the CLeveland area was in DUrango to RIDE THE TRAIN with her little boy cute how cute in an Engeener suit. She did not tell me her number but she said they were with a Childrens Group do figure. The narrow Guage Railroad Train parking lot was packed like sardines they charge SEVEN 7 $$$$$$$ Dollars for a parking spot per vehicular car. Eye quickly told her eye was Friends with one "John Burroughs" of Cleveland she said " YES, I have heard that namme." This hurried out of eye said " He is a poet eye am linked to him on Facebook. "SO very nice" she said then hurried off with towseled boy to catch a Train ride. An instant Karma byte of fame Congratulations SIR for being mentioned in an early mourning conversation so very far away from home. Even in DUrango they seem to know your namme...instant Karma fame. They will never stamp a bar code on forehead of eye perhaps abbreviated the number 666 stamped with permanence a Branding Iron to Skull on less important personages of ROME , COlorado.

Thursday, June 4, 2009



Ancedotes of overheard conversations a man had 6six6 teeth pulled paying only half price to the discount dentist it sounded like an advertisement when he told this to his friends all noticed it they thought he had pulled out his indentures. Reminds me of the time eye slept inside a zipper tent nothing at all on but wet my Jeans a wet crumpled dirty ball of mud next to my feet on floor of tent while mye belly flopped full of beer. The place that eye have now is mine, the sign on the highway says RAUNCH FOR SALE the road maintained no doubt by the City of Durango for they do not notice lines of embarkation where the City Limits Stop the County Line goes on. How many times the BlueJays come thier voices sounding like Sweet Sweet Wine in audible form to eye do not  notice racaus noise that everybody else does Thankzx YOU JESUS for the BlueJays Voices.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tool and Die


Perhaps we were lucky that toy companies do not rule the working world but limit the moulding of the plastic Army men just to themselves the makers of finsforfeet and large blobs on ends of guns tabs on locks stocks and barrels when playing in th edirt it was neat to be covered up with dirt them tabs never showing like a weight they were supposed to just stand there so Little Joe Army man would stay upright on his feet but no one ever actually did it like this. They sometimes twisted them off usually losing a leg in the process can you imagine a real life making of wrenches the plastic toy army man way. The first one is poured then allowed to cool then dumped looking like the half of a wrench that it is then another is poured the half that has been cooled is slapped on top too soon allowed to sit until the whole wrench is finished with FINS sticking out all over the place. Steel instead of plastic much harder to trim off always in the way of the Mechanic during your OIL change making life much harder then it reasonably is. Eye grab a 9/16 only to have to stop and trim the edges so eye can twist it even in only one direction stopping starting ripping off chunks to finish JOB while boss is laughing in your face at your plastic tool and die job.



911 there is a bum asleeping soundly he has new boots on they must be stolen surely oh ewe this did not happen appended ed.note.ed eye was scrounging as fast as eye knoe how when eye got to the Automotive place a man halted my activity swiftly pulling up in the parking lot he stopped and listened attentively as eye explained mye predictability as He seemed to listen and nodded completely understandingly in sympathy He was the trash can manager a Janitor one day as eye was walking home eye bumped into him coming to town He told me he wold give to me a pair and said He wold leave them there behind the green dumpster where we had met before. Boots! eye got up that  mourning hurriedly eye almost ran them streets of warningly lights to get there eye was almost dissappointed when He pulled up handed me mye NEW Gore-Text boots now eye can walk home fixedly thanzx very many to that Hospitality Worker Janitorial server a MAN in mye book who has been blessed eye wish everyone was so understandingly today eye powered mye feet with foot powder walking sans socks eye feel betterly fixedly with new boots on.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009



Eye want to be a football hero eye want to beat myself all day eye want to wipe mye hands on the back of your pants and pass that ole pigskin off again and again eye want to be a football hero and make all the girls go swoon and give the passes lots of spins and yards to get to the touchdown line with you mye hero is the team. Eye run to the 20 yard line with nothing but time on the side line eye look for you and there you aer wide open as eye hit you with the bomb eye sprint with both arms open up in the imitation of the goal posts.Eye want to be a football hero. Football Stories

As a boy Fitzgerald dreamed of becoming a footbakll hero. He contributed “Football,” a poem, to his prep school magazine, the Newman News:

. . . Look! their end acts like an ass.
See, he’s beckoning for assistance,
Maybe it’s a forward pass.
Yes, the ball is shot to fullback,
He, as calmly as you please,
Gets it, throws it to the end; he
Pulls the pigskin down with ease. . . .

(F. Scott Fitzgerald in His Own Time, pp. 3-4)



How many times have eye been telling ewe that a few minutes with ewe a day is better then a whole day in a hen house wolfish eye am mye heart is blessed with true love there is no longer any doubts the love eye feel when otherwise eye feel life, the love ewe fill mye heart until eye can no longer tell when eye leave off and ewe dew start the blinding nagging doubts aer gone when days turn into months then into years when fighting turns to tears then tears dry up and smile comes at just one word from ewe of love.



She walked to bed from bed carring for the invalid the POX had come they all had it she would be abed herself before too long she cooled the fevered brow of little Charles Farthingsworth a poor and homeless Urchin he an Orphan found behind the motel trash downtown he was suffering now but getting better day by day they had hopes that he was leaving soon and then they closed the school. When they moved the Mercy Hospital they moved the boy as well he was healthy and let go to live a normal life one of the very few they asked him often how he thrived and this is what he told. SISTER MARY brought me gruel and fed me with a spoon to make me well. He still places flowers on the way to work a Doctor now at Mercy Hospital he has scars but does not tell. Everyday he lays them down on SISTER Mary's grave. The flowers never wilt but just sort of fade away as if someone is keeping them somewhere, the flowers fade.

Monday, June 1, 2009



Alas eye wept of Grief the tears certain eye had found a new means of Funeral arrangement suspection that poor ZOLA Yanni was embedded in the wall in an urn nor cavity she earned her place forever working fingers to the bones in this Public Lieberry she seems at peace entombed in one of the last quiet bastions pre-computor era of this human race the lieberry lady was so understanding sushing me with Kleenex for mye tears she finally guffawed its a wall ornament she said with laughter welling up inside her she finally pealed in this mye face astonied as eye reflected on artistes work this rendering of a drawer knob of this giant sized card catalouge. Poor Yani-Zola eye had cried tears as eye cried out Ashes to Ashes placed in a drawer and labled Y to Z now eye am just looking thoughtful as eye pen this ode to object"de'art, eye move along reflecting surface material admiring how much strang things can be found in everday living life in the alphabetic limitations of the mind.  

666 truncated

666 truncated

Lay mye head down near mye body send mye soul to Jesus Christ when the number is the normal thing to be then count me out just lay me down to die with dignity no longer can eye smile please lay mye head down near mye body make it count for GOD when eye have to have this number on my hand or mye forehead to buy or sell or market place the food on table for myself then eye refuse to be a number borne in freedom borne to wealth just lay me down to JESUS take mye head and leave the rest take mye head and lay it down just give me rest. Recruiting others will not listen will they work to get to Heaven must they ask to be let out to take the Leaven on the snout. Lay mye namme down into the Heavens eye am quite certain and ready to die. Asking others why they want to burn forever with the numbered Devil they think that money is life. Eye am quite sure and safe in spirit with mye wife let freedom slice the blood will break the blade.


eye agree with mee

mye time anticipating heaven bye CharlaXAndroidOneSeven. eye started with an abandoned camp apparently left over from an illegal immigrant from CUBA (he chose his area well) for eye am expert eye was surprised to find some actual tent poles and eye chose one caredfully left them others undisturbed rubber gromment on the bottom tapered end on other end and fitted one to ARM of Cross and AAron Rod to make mye tripod WIKI tent. A tent cover they call a rain fly a tarp with visible holes for cover over rain fell all night long one leg was wet only a little on the side the other soaked but only on the bottom near mye foot mye head and other area was dry the silver foil eye used under me caught and kept a small puddle of rain and this water must be what colored my pants on the right leg side when eye was laying just before the rain came down eye looked out expectantly considering Jesus namme and Heaven coming someday. The night passed when mourning came glad to be eye lived again, for eye agree with mee.