Wednesday, May 28, 2008




John the Apostle and John the Baptist were two different people. John the Author of the Revelations was the Apostle not the Babtisting person.

Baptism Poem
Baptism Poem

Sprinkle the babies immerse the freaks whole heartedly hold them under a bit too long and solve the worlds problems baptismal fountains in every city are empty the preachers are preaching for money
The nuns are living for earthly pleasure and the monks are drinking the vineyards of the devil dry
Eye wanted to John the baptize but my name was made Charles when my mother told to me there is already a Johnny too many in this the city of the borne child mee. Pick the grapes more carefully for wine do not let them age at half past nine make new wine and rebaptize the sinners in the fountain of the youth of JESUS CHRIST.
They brought him into the office in chains they said who are you? He said Jesus Hice. They said you are poor white trash where is your cat card he said eye lost it the cat ate it the canary swallowed it the Earl Grey of Stanley Gardener in a Tea shirt stole it he purloined it. DO you have a residence ici in the DORM a Torrey no doubt one of them smooth talking foreigners that positively drip it off the tongue. A southern gentleming how quaint. A queen among men and then some. NON. A homeless persona dating back to 2005. How have you been eating all this time with no money hum. The garbage cans you said. This is unacceptable to us have you been going to your classes you maggot. Does the teachers knoe that you are homeless. We find this most disturbing. Eye keep my textbooks on a pigeon limb in the park they drop the books fall to the ground and the homeless lout that pushes a cart he runs over them. Eye saw the beating of a man for no reason and the boy that did it will soon die and face his judgment. The man that was beaten is still fine. He survived and even got better in his mind. The evil that the boy did was his brag. Eye am sure he can be forgiven iff he tries to find his Jesus. Did you ever have kisses with women little man. NO there was two lesbians kissing and they asked me to watch but eye was too far gone. Eye just wanted life and to live for one more day come. Eye clean up in the bathroom it’s hard to go swimming the toilet is so small a target eye am so used to diving. The unreal twilight zone on the bus the lady got the papers out and checked all seven copies she said why all these papers are the same then she put them back in the holder and kept one eye will pay she said and she returned with some small coins dropping them in and trying to make us think she had enough for the price of the paper it was 75 centavos she had many pennies and tried to make them sound like quarters. 1 Timothy 2:15
But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
1 Timothy 2:14-15 (in Context) 1 Timothy 2 (Whole Chapter) Vaginal discharge after birth is called lochia. It is a combination of the old uterine lining and blood. The lochia usually changes from bright red, to pink, to whitish over the course of several weeks. There is a context most people miss the cross the Spear Pointe thrust that brought forth the blood and water from the SAVIORS side. Eye believe he had this done to symbolize the life the birth the new birth and death all combined in his own body upon that tree the cross for ewe and for the eye and mee. All three of us agree. The stomach is located on the left side of the body near the place where the spear thrusted him eye believe his belly was pierced as he did not eat much there was water and blood there? He never ate as much as a real person would he always only ate a portion of the food. He lived on 42They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43and he took it and ate it in their presence. 14I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15so no one can say that you were baptized into my name. But now they desire a better [country], that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. (Hebrews 11:16)

Friday, May 23, 2008




Why do Indians and other winoes and alcoholics drink Listerine in those big bottles? A friend pointed out that addiction is the key they have the money to buy the alcohol in some other form the beer and wine so why the mouthwash why the mystery why the problems with the added misery? There is some alcohol in Listerine. eucalyptol (0.092%)
menthol (0.042%)
methyl salicylate (0.060%)
thymol (0.064%)The Formula for Success

Listerine® Antiseptic mouthrinse formulations offer an unmatched depth and breadth of clinical data documenting efficacy and safety. The ingredients Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) and Chlorhexidine (CHX) may interact with toothpastes, resulting in diminished activities. Both have also been linked to significant tooth staining. Recommend Listerine® Antiseptic to help patients achieve clinically proven plaque and gingivitis control while avoiding the potential drawbacks of other mouthrinse ingredients and it gives alcoholic buzzes to the shoplifters at Walgreens. Imagine the ready cash a poor bummed out expatriate needs to keep his habit clean? He needs a lot of money at usually %5$.95 per sample bottle. The drunken Indians that eye have seen use the stuff do it in the middle of the night it makes me wonder at the camera replay see that man down there standing on Aisle Three stuffing that listermint into his pants there is someone that has to be seeing that? One would think. With the surveillance cameras and the tapes it seems they would get caught at that shoplifting thing. One night at the bus stopped there was five empty bottles of the stuff laying near one passed out cart pusher there. Indian or not eye think he is Italian what he does with his breath freshener is to guzzle it and leave the evidence laying all around him it would not take a policeman long to ascertain his problem but a rocket scientist would frown and guess it wrong. My friend suggested the rollie is just as bad so to include it would be the badge of panhandling. They smoke and the stuff is cheep. The pigeon droppings on the pavement add the bitter better flavor to the sheep dip tasting rolling paper made of Bugler or TOP the tobacco soon replaced with butts. How can anyone sleep behind a bus stop beg for money and always have plenty of drinks and smokes. There is not much more to add so listen when the many sided coin is tossed and your luck comes up then keep on begging eye suppose there is no reason for them to stop they hose the parking lot and keep the place pristine with all the empty bottles of there Listerine and then what would we do without the green and yellow wrappers from the cigarette unwrappers the parking lot is better with all the far flung paper. A big thumbs up to Listerine The gesture, for better or worse, has long breathed life or death into major events.

Death to gladiators

The thumbs-up gesture has its roots in ancient Rome, where gladiators would literally live or die by it. Pollice verso is the Latin term for the gesture, meaning "with a turned thumb."

"It was a hand gesture that was used by the crowd to say if the gladiator should live or die after a fight," then the Pontiff usually the Wife of the Ceaser tossed the Thumbs down sign and let the Gladiatior have some listermint wine and some Bugler time. Note this gentile reader ewe fable is a parody not intended to be sold in major or minor department stores. The last thing a sweaty sportsman wanted was a thumbs-up. While in modern times it has a positive meaning, back then it meant "get him out of here," or death, while a concealed thumb (considered thumbs-down) meant the gladiator lived. Today everything has a different meaning but a thumbs up still means good luck the end of life is taken to be the beginning in religion. To lose my head is justice of a heaven given me. Eye stopped my drinking excessively and smoking even before that was tossed away by mee. Can the certainty of Death be any better? The Mark of the Beast is coming soon please attend me. The poor among you still smoke and dance the hoochy coo. The listermint is better left there on the shelf drink Amaretto.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008




She is never angry she is not made with anger as a crutch she is love sublime the way it should have been for mee a long long time ago and yet eye sigh in happy gladness that we met this time is just the one that matters now. The love is certain yet eye strive to win her back as iff eye did mye best to lose her when we met. The father mother baby syndrome lets me fantasize of ewe but knoeing that she wants me level helps some too but this is a charlax fable so get ready for some fun in love tis true. A woman is a living person worthy of respected bliss. Eye want her to have her life to live and never miss a thing she has to love and never have real problems many times. The love is deep inside mee not just surface glitz. The manufactured clay is changed in attitude and longing lustful watchful ever noticing the things she will say. The thing she has to remember is we are not face to face the love we have is faith she can see mye picture but hers is mostly opaque though eye have asked her to get the daughter to take another one and yet it does not matter for eye love her just the profile is enough the heart adds all the rest of love. Some people worship way too many things and harbor love but some it permeates and she is one of those her love it grows and grows and fills the empty place the space that comes to all of us we want it all filled up with love. Eye love ewe and eye need ewe until mye heart stops beating and then beyond the afterlife the love is so inside. High and lo. Sometimes eye get sad because she is gone absent and away. Once when she found me late eye walked like eye was ten feet tall. All the spoil falls into the Egypt bag. Today my food has never tasted better its loaves and fishes even fruit in the desert like oasis. Musick soothes the salvaged breast. The GOD of heaven needed some more in heaven.

Let JIMI roll over let CharlaX take over. Light my fire loving spoonful doors make organ come alive. Eye m a changeling see me change. Here look here in this document erline it appears the man was just making references to musick. There is no words to define love no way to describe the feelings that eye get when she says she loves me. Remember Thomas A Becket. Canterbury taled. He was a JESUS man. Like CharlaX he must have had a violet. To look upon he was slim of growth and pale of hue, with dark hair, a long nose, and a straightly featured face. Blithe of countenance was he, winning and loveable in his conversation, frank of speech in his discourses, but slightly stuttering in his talk, so keen of discernment and understanding that he could always make difficult questions plain after a wise manner. Like CharlaX with his Pinocchio nose. DIVERse CitY we will spread this love like dandelion. Like a city on a hill. One day at a time. All eye have for love is ewe she it is who love mee. Put on your high heel sneaker yeah your wig hat on your head. Eye did it for ewe. The Pandora radio is rapping now eye got a ticket on the J Train. Eye got a ticket to ride on the other side. Eye am treating my sorrow with the JOY of the LORD. Yes AMEN. Struck down but not destroyed. Still hoping someday to live again. In this mean while eye am looking for the love of ewe to carry on. Loveewefabel more than anybody else in the world could ever dew. Eye love ewe.




She is never angry she is not made with anger as a crutch she is love sublime the way it should have been for mee a long long time ago and yet eye sigh in happy gladness that we met this time is just the one that matters now. The love is certain yet eye strive to win her back as iff eye did mye best to lose her when we met. The father mother baby syndrome lets me fantasize of ewe but knoeing that she wants me level helps some too but this is a charlax fable so get ready for some fun in love tis true. A woman is a living person worthy of respected bliss. Eye want her to have her life to live and never miss a thing she has to love and never have real problems many times. The love is deep inside mee not just surface glitz. The manufactured clay is changed in attitude and longing lustful watchful ever noticing the things she will say. The thing she has to remember is we are not face to face the love we have is faith she can see mye picture but hers is mostly opaque though eye have asked her to get the daughter to take another one and yet it does not matter for eye love her just the profile is enough the heart adds all the rest of love. Some people worship way too many things and harbor love but some it permeates and she is one of those her love it grows and grows and fills the empty place the space that comes to all of us we want it all filled up with love. Eye love ewe and eye need ewe until mye heart stops beating and then beyond the afterlife the love is so inside. High and lo. Sometimes eye get sad because she is gone absent and away. Once when she found me late eye walked like eye was ten feet tall. All the spoil falls into the Egypt bag. Today my food has never tasted better its loaves and fishes even fruit in the desert like oasis. Musick soothes the salvaged breast. The GOD of heaven needed some more in heaven.

Let JIMI roll over let CharlaX take over. Light my fire loving spoonful doors make organ come alive. Eye m a changeling see me change. Here look here in this document erline it appears the man was just making references to musick. There is no words to define love no way to describe the feelings that eye get when she says she loves me. Remember Thomas A Becket. Canterbury taled. He was a JESUS man. Like CharlaX he must have had a violet. To look upon he was slim of growth and pale of hue, with dark hair, a long nose, and a straightly featured face. Blithe of countenance was he, winning and loveable in his conversation, frank of speech in his discourses, but slightly stuttering in his talk, so keen of discernment and understanding that he could always make difficult questions plain after a wise manner. Like CharlaX with his Pinocchio nose. DIVERse CitY we will spread this love like dandelion. Like a city on a hill. One day at a time. All eye have for love is ewe she it is who love mee. Put on your high heel sneaker yeah your wig hat on your head. Eye did it for ewe. The Pandora radio is rapping now eye got a ticket on the J Train. Eye got a ticket to ride on the other side. Eye am treating my sorrow with the JOY of the LORD. Yes AMEN. Struck down but not destroyed. Still hoping someday to live again. In this mean while eye am looking for the love of ewe to carry on. Loveewefabel more than anybody else in the world could ever dew. Eye love ewe.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Spelling Bee



S it starts with S no arguments the EI could be the IE but the E is alphabetically the foremost letter and IE seems wrong to mee then there is another S. It seems so out of place but sounds so there it seems to me the S makes seismic sense. The M is just the middle of the word caught between the EIS and the ending. The ending is the IC it seems to me to be less forcefull AC would do better call it seismac rhymes with smack see eh? And makes a much better and harder word. The possibilities multiply immediately the Seismac Ocean. The Isle of Seismac. The Seismac waves washed over the smurfer today as he sat android like at his computer terminal in the shaded area. Everyone has favorite places and webpages on the internet there is many such places a man will visit and tell everyone about them but there is a few that he will never divulge the info even on his deathbed he keeps the sign in log on secret.

He will sit and watch the movie while his best and only friend flips the simulation cards to make the mouses ears move up and down. This is vanity and chagrin. The up to the minute news is had while his only friend sits looking at the crystal glass ball in an effort to determine what transpired in la la land. The news in Africa is GOLD in America its OLD in Switzerland it’s COLD in The Netherland it’s BOLD. The same seismac article of war zone policy states that upper echelon read faster they get better weather and more money cake and laughter. Mein COMP. MIEN Comp. The hills are blue the beans are red becomes blue beans the hills are red, the while away the time becomes the time is marching on the sun will set in the western sky at daybreak in the eastern lie. The tsunami waves of seismac grains reach all the living left alive for when the people die the spirit feels it. Eye am seismac.

Greener Grass

A Fabel



Greener Grasses there is always someone who who who tells a different point a view; a traveler who tells a painted picture of a better place at least four thousand miles away. A place where eye can go to shrim:Pe the shrim:Pe is fresh each and every day but why oh gentile reader ewe is the expounder of the greener grasses principle not there? Still he lives the same place too the here the now the shrimpless place we be the shrimpless acres the land of shrimpless mee. Why is he not camping at the boat dock in the wetted sand to eat the fresh stuff that they catch and then gobble up all them shrim:Pe they fetched? A fabel is a short story poem or not prose or not poetry that tells a story a usual fictitious short story or long or not about a donkey or not speaking jumble words of fiction the writer eye play GOD placing bubbles of fruition on lipps that usual utter sounds such as The Falcon Dry. He lives the bird who thrilled me with his cry he stopped upon the parapet to let me see his profile add to this my vested interest my shirt turned into jacket Jacket has a hood shirt goes over vest to dress a poor man for ewe so that eye walk with cleaned attitude. Eye have mye one regret and yet she it is who loves me rules the heart the fabel the vested interest. The hummingbird hummed in place a most unusual thing for they move constantly to eat a thing in hyper motion sitting silent staring just at mee. Usual a image in motion hard to capture with a camera grace inside a living thing GOD in a fabel. There is too many singers in the world today too many cowboys wearing the same hat. Strummers singing the same sounding songs. Too few groupies left they all grown up. The same word with different meanings the same meanings with different words. Roundabout thoughts of greener grasses. Fame is meant for flaming weird flame is saved for them in jars of honeycombed molasses sulphuric in the hazes of the lake. Many err in judgments when a man does say AMEN to what the preacher say don't shush him. Leave a possibility that he is write yet even so he’ s white a unicorn of breasted meat the same as every ebon brother there. Share the air make a new noise the ignorance leave at home with all the bullits in the gun. While eye may believe the shrim:Pe are there eye will not leave my lair of solitude to risk the magnitude and flounder on the shore of sanded beach. Give me Greener Grasses.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

HIM of Praise



life; broken

used unwashed homeless tired sad hurt questing for an answer, yes it is HIM who loves me JESUS. The answer to every question. ABOVE every other namme the HIM who seems so far away and yet eye find the love is still in evidence the richness in the finding. Love is given never taken the takers and the shakers come to HIM and get dumbfounded, the poor questors will still receive communion. Live is a mobius stripped not the start of the cradle to the grave sinfilled natural disaster somewhere in my timeline lies uninterrupted salvation. HIM who loved me also called me to tell his people of HIS namme. HIM who loves ewe also needs ewe to call on HIM in fear and trembling YES and then to drop the fear of days gone bye and love HIM for YES HE loves. HIM who writes the names in BOOK of LIFE loves all of us the namme of JESUS the namme the namme is JESUS. HE who brings us life also brings us days then HE adds them to our lives. JESUS. HIM of Praise.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Kis




Do eye need a kis. Eye need a girl to kis. Eye have a girl that eye can kis.

Eye have kis her in the rain. Eye have kis her in mye heart. Eye have kis her in mye start of every day for years of love. Eye have only to the kis to go to read more into kis to find the place she dwells in this old mortal frame of yearning

dwelling place. The kis is purple bliss of alarm blazing love waking me from death like a Snow White Charmed young man a captive smith to Pocahontas fame. A dandelion flower lost in the caverns of the depths Ianthe drowning mee in sea ward tufts of left and right bouts of beating on the air to keep from sliding to the depths of drowning in her arms of love. A leap at faith a death reprieved from Grounded Grave a leaping portent making waves of Gragon wings. An attitude of love refrained in every tuft of wind again the sound of love the beating of the water on the roof of tin the sound of kis inside the wind and rain. A younger man and woman would have hardware in the way the nose and yes the nose gay and the corners of the vampyrific fangs. The center of the tongue is one the belly button too. The snooker table has a cue it’s called the ball extender bridge it's a cheater it’s made to let the basest man to reach her in the wind. There is so many problems with people the gas is oughta sight at the pumps this country is no longer prominent but a third world country going south. The end of time has come and arrived the ruthless and worthless rule in the name of god money and time. Take a number wait in line what’s your name please fill this out and wait. The number of his namme. Have you got a credit card or payment of any kind iff you can give me seven dollars for an office visit eye will help you the doctor is inn. The man was lighting a candle in front of the computer and the lieberrian asked him what do you think you are doing he said eye cannot see the screen. There is not very many rich people in all those cars on the highway whizzing by the most of them is middle class or less the plastic hose on the back seat is a siphon they use it to get gas. Eye had too many problems at home growing up to ever be a father. The age factor plus the drug indicator keeps me from trying to further my benefactor with fodder or with mudder. The morality of this hurried fable of dividing documents is this a kis.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008




There is rhymes from childhood coming natural to the brain like little tin tin and jimmy ford ewe oh ewe ewe knoe eye make them up. The ones that eye remember most were favorites oft repeated there were two. The ants go marching two by two and the Cow flying. Let’s do the cow one first eye attempt the memory the background waits.

Cow oh Cow up in the sky why’d ewe do that in mye eye?

Gee eye am glad that elephants can’t fly.

Birdie Birdie in the sky

Why ewe do that in mye eye?

Gee I’m glad that elephants don't fly.

OKAY so much for memory lane now here is the modern day version.


The ants go marching in. The ants go marching in two by two.

WOW eye went blank on this and used to sing it all the time where did mye thoughts go too? Eye grin.

Let’s get a background on it and a newer version perhaps it will jog my mind off other things ewe.

Of course as soon as eye saw this eye remembered the tune iff not all the words here it is in its entirety ewe.

Written By: Unknown
Copyright Unknown

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching two by two,
The little one stops to tie his shoe
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching three by three,
The little one stops to climb a tree
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching four by four,
The little one stops to shut the door
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching five by five,
The little one stops to take a dive
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching six by six, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching six by six, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching six by six,
The little one stops to pick up sticks
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching seven by seven,
The little one stops to pray to heaven
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching eight by eight,
The little one stops to shut the gate
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching nine by nine, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching nine by nine,
The little one stops to check the time
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching ten by ten,
The little one stops to say "THE END"
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

There is nothing much more to say the sky is full of cow the ground has ants they rule the moral of the day stay inside as much as possible and play.

Monday, May 12, 2008



The bus left the man at the entry to the walk way he powered his chair to the lift He was more robot than man his house opened the door to the gayraahge and the lift shot out of the wall the entire house is a robot. He entered his lieberry and turned on the computer he insists on signing in even though it would do it auto. He had a nose to pick he would not let the robot do that and so they were arguing about it even while the email was being marked and sorted and read. “It’s still MY nose”, the man said. “Eye don't want a waldoe in my nose.” NO the robot oiled the word NO. Eye have a real finger and a thumb. “When”? The man began to say, “WHEN did you do that?” “Eye do not NOT want you poking on me with a fake finger?” It’s okay the robot was crying. Why don't you trust me you human. Never mind. Mabe you will change your mind someday and want me to do things to you with my finger. “NO the man was adamant NO” “the finger has to go.” The Robot quailed the whole house began to quiver and to shake. You will not take my finger and thumb and he began to run away from the man the thumb working like a crutch to oppose the finger like a gimpy little man scooting across the floor. The man the human blanched. He turned to his secret door the robot did not have an electronic key the secret was the wooden handle only a man could open it. Eye live in the real world people get quarantined for sickness when there is only fear of sickness most people suffer some from allergies. The man returned to the living room computer wearing the flame thrower the canisters double on his back. The computer was throwing walls of flame up on the screen and laughing at the man you cannot use that in the house. “Just watch me” he screamed and saw the thumb and finger running in an obscene resemblance of a creature. He twisted the controls and fired a string of napalm all over the front room. The finger died the thumb kept trying to drag them both it was sickening. He put the flame thrower back in the secret closet and he dove into the pool in the basement floor and he sat there until the house was gone.

The moral of the CharlaXFabel do not let technology get the upper hand er finger.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hidden Manna




Mere mortal living will not explain the miracles away you can try and most of you will attempt to poo. The truth remains eye become steadfast in all my things the GLORY is to be to GOD in his SON Jesus. A few items here and there an empty pizza box with only one pepper there some red pepper left in the little squares packages eye love that pepper on meat. Under that box was a smaller one with more than several of those fancy mini breads the kind that they make with all that cimmummum. MMM. The space on this word document will not let me add all of the things that eye found and scrounged. Some chicken wings eye eat past the skin to get past the BBQ sauce. The meat comes off clean underneathe the bone is all eye leave with the skin it looks clean when I’m done. The fish from the fish place the dumpster was gone but someone left some out on the ground for the doves and the pigeons to scrounge eye left them some bread the hushpuppy kind and took all the fish and the meat in the shrim:Pe eye could find with the hurry up egYpt bag run to the bus kind of day. The food is clean when the eye needs to play over meat he just wipes some and swipes some it’s fun and complete.

Unleavened Bread

Yield: 1 large round bread Ingredients:

    • 2 cups warm water

    • 1 teaspoon salt

    • 2 tablespoons olive or sesame oil

    • 1 teaspoon caraway seeds

    • 6-8 cups whole wheat flour In a large bowl, mix together the water, salt and olive or sesame oil. With a wooden spoon slowly stir in about 2 1/2 cups of flour and the caraway seeds, mixing and beating for about 5 minutes. Mix in additional flour, until the mixture is too thick to stir. Flour a board or kneading area. Transfer the dough and any remnants left in the bowl, to the board. Knead the dough, adding additional flour as necessary, until it is smooth and the consistency of your ear lobe (yes!). Unyeasted dough requires a good deal of patient kneading, about 15-20 minutes to start. Work in a rhythm, turning the dough clockwise to assure uniform kneading. Altogether, you should have about 250-300 kneads. Oil hands, and form the dough into a ball. Oil the dough, and place in a large bowl. Cover with a cloth and a cover, and place away from drafts for 30-36 hours, or until the dough has puffed and risen. Allow longer time if no fermentation seems to be taking place. Remove the risen dough from the bowl, knead lightly and form into ping-pong sized balls. Place the balls in a large well-greased oiled round baking pan, snuggling them up, one against the other. Do not cram -- use an additional pan, or form an additional small loaf if necessary. Allow space for rising. Cover round bread loaf with a wet cloth and set in a warm place for 3-6 hours or until the dough rises about half again. Brush with milk or oil. Place the bread in a cold oven, and heat to 300F. Bake bread about 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until it sounds hollow when tapped on both top and bottom. Serve warm and thinly sliced, or let your guests tear off the rolls as individual servings.


Pathya Vat TrilogY


Rice Staple Rice Paddy dances as he embeds the rice the long green shooting into ground Rice Missy plays too much the work is more important then the fun
Rice Paddy like the dance a bit too much he fell and swum
Rice Missy help up Rice Paddy he is her love Rice Missy work so hard the rice is done Rice Paddy go get sampan from the cove
Rice Missy try to imitate the dance but lost her foot and dove
Rice staple was embedded in the east and northern fold



Rice paddy man Bare feet are wet Farmer toes wet
Making rice grow Water is cold Rice man do sow
Paddy is moue Rice paddy wet


SamPan Label Rice PaddY Dance
Place the long rice Green stems so nice
Move with the floe
Rice Missy falls dove from the floe
Rice PaddY Moue Helping her up
Work is so hard Saki in cup
Rice staple done SamPan Label
Rice is staple Asian for table
YanKee Potatoe SamPan Label

The True Hidden Manna is the name that's been hidden and given us JESUS.

Charlesrhice becomes CharlaXDarkstone with a little hidden imagination my manna in this wilderness.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Poets Credentials



What makes a poet become a famous poet or write poems to line the bird cages of the rich and famous readers of the poems written in the day after day grind of a hard homeless life setting down his feelings writing all his heart? What makes a poem start? What makes a poet start a poem? What makes a poet poet? Where must we begin the heart the thoughts the mind become the man. A poet bleeds. A poem bleeds as a poet writes. A reader weeps as she reads the words in fright. Can he write all this and love me still and yet of course he does. A love. A living feeling of wonder and hope. She is the snow white purple dove. More than this eye will not add she it is who loves me knoes her ways today. Yet touching base to remember the young boy enthralled with stories poems were the sissy stuff of love and girls and laughter eye read the science fiction books back then that were so popular.

And movies on the screen and television thing were always more than books to mee infact when eye started to receive the books from the Doublesay when place the third class deliveries kept me broke and begging older brother for the postage cod. The novel The Dirty Dozen was almost a real hard read the plot was taken from the movie so eye thought but the other way around was key. The determined that eye was to understand the book and then the movie was the stuff of poetry. There is education to be considered the formal kind with degrees and ribbons and diplomas. There is what most men call the OLD SCHOOL and the SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS. There is the street smart poet who reads more than he writes he loves to orate and fight. There is the turnabout prose maker who abandoned poetry at an early stage and made stories instead they seldom rhyme so he can call it prose poetry instead. There is the austere poet who only makes the standard forms the line after line of the sky is always blue in my life. The dog has never fleas the kids always never sneeze the garbage in the cans are never tossed about by strays the limits never surpassed by stranger there. For most of us the trespasses were very real admitted guilt notwithstanding there or here. The difference of meat and peanut butter pale and blend into indifference. Charity is good eating wealth is transitory dearth the one day at a time syndrome works the best the given day equals the equations related at light speed the love inside me spills forth at odd mournings for ewe. He writes of real life stories they happen every day he tells the truth so often he even loves the way to say the rhymes of portent he makes some up in added glee he concocts a story fable not true at all but mere cartoony. He makes his poet then his story fable bleed. To them at AA that want a five year pin. May 13, 2004 is DDAY when eye did begin a life of sober mee. Next May then come see mee.

Thursday, May 1, 2008



May May

There is a first day in every month but disregarding April 1 the foolish day we strive to feign importance for the first day in MAY. Trees have been linked to a part of celebration, perhaps, to the days ancient New York rites of Spring. The association of trees to this celebration day arrived on the back of the spring festival in ancient Europe. Trees were always the symbol of the great vitality and fertility of nature and were often used at the spring festivals of antiquity. The anthropologist E. O. James finds a strong relationship between the ancient tree related traditions of the British and the Romans. According to James' description, as a part of the May Day celebration, the youths in old Europe cut down a tree, lopped off the branches leaving a few at the top. They then wrapped it round with violets like the figure of the Attic, the ancient Roman Chester Drawers. At sunrise, they used to take it back to their villages by blowing horns and flutes. In a similar manner, the sacred pine tree representing the god Attic and was carried in procession to the temple of Cybele on Rome's Palatine Hill during the Spring Festival of March 22. At last, winter is dead. To celebrate, thousands of people will strut their stuff on Sunday as part of In the Heart of the Beast Puppet Theatre's 34th annual MayDay Parade along Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis. The walking theatrical production will wind its way along Bloomington Avenue to Powderhorn Park, where a ceremony and festival will follow. The parade will start at 1 p.m. at the corner of Bloomington Avenue and East 25th Street in south Minneapolis. If the weather turns foul, the parade and ceremony will be held on May 11. A 200-person pageant in the park will begin at 3 p.m., featuring dancers, puppeteers, a live orchestra and four giant puppets representing Prairie, Sky, River and Woods. The festival, which includes, music, dancing, poetry, food and canoe rides, will continue until dusk. The parade in Tucson was done before noon with only several hundred people in attendance.