Tuesday, May 20, 2014

in otherwise words

in otherwise words
in otherwise words
sometimes time leaks watch stops hands idle and late for work late to bed
watch leaks time stops hands idle for work and to bed late late sometimes
sometimes bed leaks time and idle hands stop for work late to watch late
hands leaks time to stop sometimes work late watch late for bed and idle
ed,note,ed 14 words each line has the sa

me words but each line is in otherwise words

Thursday, May 8, 2014



mayflowers mayflowers “We need the Moon light fast so we don’t perish in the dash, we need light so we don’t perish in the human race., we need truth so we don’t perish in love, we need news so we don’t waste away from art.” -CharlaX robert full of mayflowers - See more at: http://s216.photobucket.com/user/charlaxici/media/Thursday/10308191_10152382056289002_718461851664764939_n.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0#sthash.I80y1Jzx.dpuf