NO one ever mourns to the death a few a very few women in war die when they get that letter of Mortise. The heart goes away for it was in the other person there so far away. That's how it is with mee. Eye live for mye heart so far away in San Juan Cap of Strain Oh. This article is written by the CharlaXonesevenandroid. She it is who loves eye also loves mee. What eye meant to say was this no one ever FEELS anything like Death when they MOURN. For feelings come. The Death would prevent people from feeling them. Funerals is for the living eulogy for all the ears that hear the flowing words at least the ones that eye was unlucky to be near they tried to get the content near the persons actual deeds no one ever gets up at the Funeral of a bad man and says HOY BOY he was a damn Whiskey Drunk Hell has another victum its just not done. But the preacher says His attitude was wrong he liked the boisterous life the center of attentions was his demise. For some of the more endowed among the clergy are still convinced of Hell made just for them not understanding sacrifice or debts paid in full all the adjustments have been made upon the Cross no hidden clauses no varmints lurking in the dark. Drink could have undone me strong drink could have unnerved me and yet eye survived cold turkey some say it’s way too hard to eat. A jock would drink the whiskey neat and knock his sweet heart into next week he said eye rap eye fight eye drink a wordy man most manly too eye guess we think what up is true some men murder drinkers at a party when they go after wife they fight out comes they knife away the head of unjust man adulterer he was then heard to say unclear this life is all that matters most for even if eye qualify for GOD eternity it will not apply to this timeline my life is done is done and destiny is given men and only God can forgive sin upon the Cross mortise the way is clear the namme is Jesus. Eye have seen people live a lifetime in just one day there face a different color as they rise up to go eat for eye can see the change as blood leaves the extremities to go to the belly to gorge on the tray. Its cafeteria tray time in all the institutions they let some of the safe ones out of the cells to go into the halls they leave the halls and bells to feel something good for perhaps twenty minutes of pleasure if eating is not a sin to them before they are taken to the various activities again. Day area preferred. Some of the mental giants write against the wall propped up with gumshoe twisted it was only there half done the most important poem ever written and then the jailor calls his namme so softly the first time but again he calls his namme louder and more frantic each and every time until
the man tosses his poem on the ground the floor the mat the under places of the tables as he walks away to freedom and to her who loves him come to bring him home. And this is why a poet mourns not for who he is or what he has or what he loves but what he mourns for is the rust of lost snippets on the papers he has dropped for freedom. Just now eye smelled a dozen different chemicals like chlorines in the swimming pools all other in my past no future happenstance no normal nowadays no lance on saddle pommel as eye ride my folded paper into the trash the title says mortise a treatise.