Re Publishing
failure after the first few successes it is only failure where is the fanfare eye desire where is the lieberry book upon the shelf for them mexicanas to see my namme in lights the few online things working for me offset by the fish that swaned away they do not like poor homeless people on the internet or is it my religion could it be they dont like jesus or the combination lock of both those things decievers promises pulling all my resources out of me iff eye made a mapp of the United States then placed an X upon those States the ones eye cannot live there anymore there would be a large number mostly southern states for eye have never been much upp north of the masonic dixons those people who lay bricks in stone edifices and offices of purple ivy hanging outside on the walls Re Publishing my free things wll last virtually forever on the world wide web how can you tell someone who does not get online just what they are missing these windows on this world we have our love incased inside small boxes waiting to be sent with numbers for a namme true love is like the vision of the forgotten pain of jesus as he danced before the romans as he carried the heavy burden of his cross eye carry my laptop eye carry my laptop for you my heart incased in electric housing of plastic made in Chinese places in the snow iff this does not ever prove my love as least of all it does then try to understand how much eye really do love you its more then any fear eye have my poetry is free all my online things are free no paypal for me no credit card or plastic jesus will you see :) ) let them eat cake in three car garages eye will stay homeless :((((( thinking no one really loves me hate is much to closely installed next to the love button inside the heart eye cannot find the switch to turn either of them off the side of the world is where eye should just leap like a dead fish into the water of time iff this sounds like eye am crying it is only Re Publishing most people have a friend inside the prison walls some people have a friend her faulty thinking comes between them she sees lies in poets eyes she sees prosperous as the color of the man he has green money for his backyard plan too bad some people see things so differntly they miss the most important idea of just being a friend without adding to the money that they have or what eye believe she is really doing they call it smoozzing huddling with the rich masses of black poets who use gutteral languages using rapp and cursing making rhymes of unutterable usages making real poets shudder and feel worthless why do women like the limelight missing real true puppy love eye refused to black out oklahoma on the map of xes it iiis one of those places where eye only visited and might go back Canada is there the big black run off in the dark where they make Potatoes Idaho is marked eye did not want to hit INdiana by mistake you see i love Potato Flakes and Corn but the secret of oklahoma is the reason eye was borne in the desert full of purple flowers torn from my hand the wind holds the secret word for you polite society has no idea what a man might do for love or for Re Publishing