Time has come today
Hair shirt is on my wrist radio dick traced the call to the bordello hello aint you cute you pie full of cherries cut in half my new ®Extender™ at full throttle eye made it inside the lieberry is so nice and quiet will it last this is a long day it is Wednesday the lieberrian is so good lookin in her glasses and jeans the new Time®Extender™ looks just like a cell phone and does not actually stop time but adds time to every second making your day much longer then it should be now
A poem while eye have the
The boss passed the men working grabbed his accelerator and began digging in to the side of the tunnel like a madman doing more work then all the men had done together all day long so far he slammed the accelerator down and turned off the digging machine then sneered at all the man but one was a woman she picked up the accelerator and began to dig across from the boss had done and suddenly she walked out of the hole he had started on the other wall. Very impressive he smiled. Wish all you men were women now.
Amellican pullican get your off of me on me off of me on me off off off back dangerous foe meat for the belly belly is for the meat both of us shall die cast in the teeth the meat hangging like a shard of flower petal dangling like a participle from the edge of a black boarded upp forgotten memory of Time Bring to Socrates more wine