Wednesday, July 10, 2013


pondoor pondoor for Jesus Crisis as eye pondoor

July 10, 2013 at 12:27pm
droping a famous namme on humpp day dromedairy wednesday

for Jesus Crisis
as eye pondoor  week and theory strang thoughts rudimentary
isolated snippets eating existing whole cities is cleveland still with it is it the place to be alive
eye pondoor
eye thrive on advertisemeant
wood eye have been borne with webbed feet iff mother had eaten a duck
mhy luck
two left hands and a left handed brain
because she sewed my new blue jeans
dew eye exist eye assure yew eye dew
 eye seldom duck down the avenue is fish but eye hate to go swimming  with bow legs and drowning in haste
stupid is as stupid does the adages the impressiairio too find the negative relief
adolf hitler standing in the closet holding upp his two shirts do eye wear the gray or the brown
no feelings of any kind
android curios kudos
droping a famous namme on humpp day
dromedairy wednesday
eye hopped you liked mhy word play