Friday, April 11, 2008

Jesus Facts

1Thirty7 1Thirty7 CharlaXFabels Jesus Facts We study and we pray and we learn but what do we rally knoe. Most people scare away from and revile the devil and follow him more closely then GOD. And the end of time has now come we aer in the millennium the Mark of Satan 666 is coming soon to every town near ewe. The early Christians faced Death at the hands of every Roman Soldier when the decree is passed to become LAW the mark to be taken on the face or hand only DEVILS get to live the entry fee to high a price to pay this one decides to die. The first thing eye remember is being taught in Childhood in Sunday School about the JESUS. They watered down the GOSPEL of course they were not HOLY GHOST preachers at a revival and we were just children what eye rally always hated was the way they placed us into age groups the men no longer wanted anyone to sit with the other children even though the kool aid and cokkies was much better in those classes then the coffee and peanut batter they served us in the fellowship hall growing up was hard for this eye as eye want to stay a child forever in JESUS arms. We all sin and fall short of the glory of JESUS. Remember at all times just what the bible says GOD placed HIM above every namme to Rule over the Universe HE sits on the Right Hand of GOD becoming GOD himself. He died he lived alive for six long hours of agony to save mee and the ewe. Romans 4:21 He was fully convinced God could do what He promised upon the wooded cross the death instrument they fashioned. The Tomb was a gift from a Christian in the Government A person of some importance the entrance was guarded by soldiers intent on surviving the ANGEL of GOD mabe Gabriel rolled the stone and the Lord departed. Unable for Death to Hold him the Author of Life became alive and then some forty days later ascended into Heaven where he waits for the second coming. Like Lightening he has described it. The sky will scroll open and the Cross shall tear it open the sign of Jesus in the Heavens.

1 comment:

CHARLAX said...
this is a bogus address

dumuro is a bogus namme

cant find an email for contact
please ignore the link