Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Judge to Jury. We the people wish you to decide the facts in this Case then bring back to us the Guilty verdict. The Prosecutor found this evidence on the defendants home computor its there on his harddrive. The mouthpiece for the defendant your honorific custodian of the court he begins. You just cant do this judge its still against the Federal rules. The porn movie you seem to want to use for crime evidently is just one of those pop up ads my client never even looks them except to find the x to get them off the desktop is his den when he is home he shaves the palms of his hands then gets out his magnifier glasses with his tweezers then he goes to town. Er no your honor its only the figure of speech not the honorific mentioned. Oh yes he is Guilty but you see you will not be telling him so its so against the laws you people keep changing them so much. The computor putts lots of things onto the harddrive not ever seen or viewed by the owner of the laptop. Eye rest my Case your Honor. Its got pickets for this packets for that pockets for everything else to Lay flat. Kind of sounds sing song like the CAT in the Hat Strikes Back. Oh what did you say Not Guilty today. Hip Hip Hooray. What a wonderful nonsense this play.

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