Wednesday, April 30, 2008



Green Arrow

Episode Judged

There is many judges in the Earth and fighting is a way of life to the Americans. They destroy things as the normal function. All men even the poor and homeless must serve their country this means bearing arms and learning to use them. Unless like mee they have a JESUS helping them. The time Travel machine was ready and the Hooded Avenger stepped out of the corner with his Bow and quiver of Green Arrow. The Nutty Professor was scrutinizing the Super Heroe. Are you sure you are carry enought weapons young man oh that beard does not fool me everyone thinks you are ancient but eye knoe the truth. ZGreen one paused and looked the man in the eye “eye am 45 years OLD a man to you sir and quite frankly eye was rich and gave up a fortune to aid the poor people on the street like THOR the avenger always did with his seeing eye cane and Hammer.” The Professor responded “well the KNIGHTS of this realm you are visiting are very mean and nothing escapes there intentions of war they will eat you for they lunch perhaps well perhaps not.” He added this last statement after seeing the eye of the man before him he was singular in his purpose. He said “eye go to rescue my friend CharlaX the bard he has gotten into trouble with the function of the Government there they wanted him to Mark himself a number on his head.” Eye hope eye am in time start this machine and send me to a time BEFORE he is dead. Green Arrow stepped into the time machine but Oliver Queen stepped out of it wearing a chain mail armour over his trenchcoat trademark hat still on his head. Looking just like a midevil personage he started toward the mountain in the distance where they were holding CharlaX prisoner. Eye feel sorry for the baddies now don't ewe?

The Knights were merciless the Black Knight was using weapons that were supposed to be forbidden the CharlaX was a prisoner because he cared about King Arthur and the Round table. The Mordred dressed in black and cared only for the Mordred one. Green Arrow narrowed his gaze and walked. He neared the square window and paused there were no BARS. The window was quite small however and he said in a tight stage whisper? CharlaX why do you not just slip out this window to freedom? Eye did manage to get most of mye body threw the window but mye head was too large the window too narrow like a slitted window ledge. The Green Arrow smiled at that. Mye Friend step back away from the wall and wait. He pulled a blast arrow from the quiver of Green Arrow and then paused. We will have to make some haste iff this is fired now. And he put it back reluctantly and took another out. This one widens narrow spaces just look what Iron Man does with his suit of Armour on he gave me the instructions for making this one. He fired the arrow and it stuck horizontal in the window and actually widened the hole with hydraulics bunching and hunching like some narrow worm it moved the wall to make it larger without a noise or sound of any kind the CharlaX soon stepped forth.

We have got to go get Mordred. Have you got a weapon GL asked mee, NO. Eye carry the wind and mye friend the Archer is proof against the enemy.

Yes they told me you are a Christain. It must be hard to live that lifestyle nowadays. The worst thing is the other people who abuse the privileges given mee to use. Iff they eliminated the game players and the Television and movie aficionados there would never be a Student Priority again. The people that are actually studying are thin. The Black Knight came at them. The CharlaX Stood in front of the horse and sang a song of deliverance while the Green Archer took a net arrow and fired it over the MAN Horse and Black Armour.

Then he took the Newton Arrow made of black steel it had a Neutron Bomb attaché to the middle of the clipped feathers. CharlaX Smiled. How many men did you kill by the illegal use of weapons in this timeline Knight of ebon? Judgement has come to this Kingdom and we are all found ready to die. Still the Archer of Green hesitated. CHARLAX you will die as well as this Knave.

Then FIRE. This was CharlaX Last command for the Kingdom of Arthur was saved today in all the land. The Bomb Exploded the Archer wept for the robe of CharlaX became Scarlet and dropped to the ground like a stone. For a Watcher to sit in Judgement is judged quite guilty himself and he dies to later be saved in the Judgement of Christ. DO not weep gentle reader ewe the life is not in this body we see but the love deep inside the spirits of ewe and of mee.

To this day there is a Suit of Black and ebon Armour on display in the Tower of London the Suit OF the Armour of Mordred. Empty it stays.

The Arthurian Legend was saved by a CharlaX of Wonder and a Very Green Archer and arrows that worked in the Time Threaded Theme of the Camelot.

Monday, April 28, 2008




A minor setback was devastatingly important causing murine eyes and lack of sleepy ease. The poetry contest was over but extended please. The owner of the contest said someone posted three times sometimes this is automatic redial of the free impartial emails like yahoo. This is life and stuff it always happens it’s called MURPHYS law like walking to an intersection when you are hurry for the bus and there is no cars within three miles then suddenly they are so thick at that one corner you are unable to cross hurry or in a timely manner this is Murphy soap. The saddle was getting old the man in it was getting older the older the horse was getting the boulders were older. This is Murphy intended. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. This has always been quoted as Murphy’s ONLY law to me but there is many over the years they have been added onn. Today eye study LAW in the form of Murphy.

Soap does not make anything clean. It only makes something say a shirt CLEANER than it was it makes it CLEANER but not clean. The very fabric of a shirt even iff it is BROILED in a pot of LIES remains dirty the original fabric is stilted and worn out the fibers under a microscopic scrutiny become ROPES of gigantic proportions. The Army men could not exist within the framework of the perimeter but still they lived they looked up at JESUS how happened that day to be inside of mee as eye walked by wearing my one pair of pants far longer than the manufacturer intended them to bee. Abrams's Advice:

When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time. Abram was Abraham the father of all the desert dwellers the first no mad at ewe. The Elephant Cutlet The elephant eats only hay but he is made of meat and plenty of it Why wont the costumers come and partee There is a old man sitting down he has a lot of money Eye want my elephant cutlet money is no object But sire surely you can have the birds why we have pheasant in reserve Do you have the elephant there in that sign it says an elephant cutlet let me dine but sir please listen to my reason You cannot expect me to kill my only elephant for just one portion The meat will not keep in Tucson The elephant is not for you a miner a loner We only cook him for the partee after Then its plural that we sell we sell elephant cutlets

The man is camped near the edge of town when the policeman comes and stands there and says to him “ SIR you are trespassing here can you tell me a reason NOT to arrest you?” Eye am guarding your city from RABID Elephants. “HA the policeman says there are no ELEPHANTS in this city. The man smiles and nods his head politely and says, in a JEWISH manner of apology “ SEE Mr. Policeman its WORKING they are scared of mee.” There is no reason sometimes for the priority the thing is over before it begins it is so close to lunch time that eye am meeting myself at both ends. Handing food to mee and swallowing pride trying to make it to the other side of the revertabration. Almost eye got a vision of the past just now something about OLD MRS. Murphy. A Washing Stone. Washington that's it. The cherry tree was chopped but not bye mee the culprit was George Murphy. WOW. SO close.

Saturday, April 26, 2008



Chounds like

Eye chased mye deer into the rough the golf was tough and leathery the ball wound up in the gulf near the coarse leather coat the top coated layer of infinity. When every internet address is placed into the category suited to it best and every number has been named and everyone is best at what they do not just where they are could it be hard to let them off to la la land to make them just to understand the slot the slotted place therein. The lob lolly cained there was two of them they rub and shudder expectantly in exctasy like twine boarding a fence posting to the dead letter offices in all the land. The firmimentnation of the united stations was attacked with hate the rabbit tripped over the log anon and said quite frankly my dear eye don't give a darn who who is. They drugged the maiden dragged her screaming from the bed the water stain will set in the rug don't ewe understand it was to be this afternoon not later in the day not tomorrow anyway it has to be soon after noon. The goon dropped a cup and he grumbled and he gripped it in one hand and it slide like the banana peeling from the tree shaded oasis banana vines green black men picking them forking bales of hey what was that noise a student in the background just redialing all his porn so sure that all those girls are doing time to make him worn. Egads the Chounds are about us they have been released on Edgar come Allen forward POE. They foxed the kittens and sometimes the medical officer gets some extra hush money to look the other way is danger danger warning warning the alien is coming. When you must explain anything a joke or silent laughter a penny for your thoughts the hidden manna best sometimes to leave unsaid the thing so evident for iff she has not gotten it a lenghty explainnation will not further it along the windsome parapet the jester faking it has lost the thread the limits of the outer kind surpassed in unbelief. Nothing is perfect in scrabble blast eye have noticed sometimes there is only one tile left over but it still gives ewe the option of scrambling the letters and it even tosses the tile up in a vain attempt to move the thing in semblance of the shuffeling required by law in this game. Survival dictates like a witch brewing portents in the ditch poor and sinful man disgraced walking to the human race the chounds to chase.

Thursday, April 24, 2008



Private Hice


Sir Walter Raleigh was a turn coat. He turned his clean coat down in the rain the muck puddle browned his lapels and he frowned ah but he did it all for love. The lady stomped the thing clean down in the ground she did a little dance in his face to prance somehow to just pretend that she was in the human race and off they went together to the town. Let’s see what Private Hice discovered then. He was a member of the British Army enclandestined as a SPY for Uncle Sam in the act of growing old pretending to be a entry NO ewe it was a sentry on duty when the melee approached the eye. Martin Landau always stood out underneath his make up eye could usually tell where he was at and who he had become. American. Eye was in Tank Training as a Turret Repairman please do not laugh when they gave me my MOS eye argued with the instructors thinking just like most people eye thought it was bogus that they just had made it up to have a laugh at my expensive clothing. The pants were the same ones for the whole seven not nine months eye was there. The 45K20 was mine and class was starting. The questions were given on index cards in the form of multiple questions. Eye answered all of the questions each and everyone of them correctly some of them were visual aided. They showed me a picture of a tank and asked me was it A. French B. Russian C. American D. Other. It was very easy to pick a Russian tank from one of ours. A little harder to tell a French version. The other ones were easiest of all. When the coarse was over eye had earned 100@ and a Large Silver Trophy Cup real Silver ewe with a glass bottom you could see into and up from while drinking beers unending in those days. In the good old days as iff eye was newhearted bobbing for apples in the Newfoundland. The Patriot Hice was sitting in his leotards watching the pictures of the horses come up on his lap top Toshiba. The questions were multiple questions. Which one A b or d. The man was uncanny in his resemblances taking after his ancestored mee as he got every answer correct the livery of the English saddle horned was low profile as they all sat sidesaddled. He only wished that the ale was not grog for they had watered it down a bit too much it had no kick all the Hices were alcoholic. When it was over they gave him a Silver Challis Cupp worth 75P and some they filled it up with milk still cold from the cow. How can you tell iff the horse is British or one of ours? The instructors were dumfounded when eye answered them at Kentucky as well when both Hices told them eye have been playing ARMY since eye was a child there is nothing that eye do not knoe about the field.

Monday, April 21, 2008

1oe four4ie

1oe four4ie 1oe four4ie CharlaXFabels Iteret WEB SLIGER SMURFFER FREE MOVIES DOWLOADS TIME IS OVER TIME HAS COME TODAY The ews report was sketchy the Google ads were saying O O you ca ot be serious. The letter ext to m and o is missig. THE atios Capital gave a disclaimer said the Russias fially did it. The Cetral America figure of Giat Clay with the caverous MAW of a mouth was heard to say. Othig. We ca ot do the ews from aroud the world without the e s. Wome are four times more likely tha me to give out "passwords" i exchage for chocolate bars. A survey by of 576 office workers in cetral Lodo foud that women are far more likely to give away their computer passwords to total stragers tha their male couterparts, with 45 per cet of wome versus te per cet of me prepared to give away their logi credetials to stragers masqueradig as market researchers The survey, coducted outside Liverpool Street Statio in the City of Londo, was actually part of a social egieerig exercise to raise awareess about iformatio security in the ru-up to ext week's Ifosec Europe coferece. Ifosec has coducted similar surveys every year for at least the last five years ivolvig puters apparetly hading over logi credetials in exchage for free pes or chocolate rewards. Little attempt is made to verify the autheticity of the passwords, beyod follow-up questios askig what category it falls uder. So we don't know whether women respoding to the survey filled i ay old rubbish in retur for a choccy treat or haded out their real passwords THE N was soon recovered it was hiding in an AD in the middle of the INTERNET in Plain Site now we are back to normal. The survey of 576 office workers foud that 45% of wome ad 10% of me would give away passwords to stragers masquerading as market researches with the lure of a chocolate bar as a icetive for completing the survey. The survey, coducted outside Liverpool Street Statio I the City of Lodo, was actually part of a social egieerig exercise to raise awareess about iformatio security. Oh o it went agai the is goe.

Saturday, April 19, 2008




Every seventh day is mine
keep it holy unto me,”

The Sabbath day. What do we rally knoe about it ewe. There is only one GOD and his Apostles in the form of one forgiven out of time the Converted Saul become the Paul he stated we have no Sabbath day upon this Earth so we look for the one to come. Perhaps he was having a bad Saturday or Sunday. The weekly Sabbath: is it
to be Saturday or Sunday?

In some areas of Africa we can find a four day week. The ancient Greeks once had a ten day week; the ancient Romans once weeked for eight days. Conservative Christians generally believe that the seven day week of the Hebrews was derived from creation week where God is described as having rested on the seventh day after six days of creation. Historians discuss the weekly Sabbath and other religious ceremonies of the Jewish and early Christian believers. Also covered are the reasons why they were abandoned by the Christian church, and remain abandoned today within most denominations. This is a fabel thought not intended to replace ewe religion attitude but food for thought to make a person think intended to cause a search in the write direction most people have a place to visit a kingdom hall a church or a mission. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto Jehovah thy God: (in it) thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." The capital S is mine the poetical license plate in use on this Saturday Sabbath. The Theological base of The Church of Haile Selassie I is
founded upon temple worship through liturgical chant and
rituals dated back to the days of Moses in the wilderness.

This is known as Rastalogy 'Black Theology' based on the
divinity of Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, Conquering
Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of Yahweh Elohim Sabboath,
225th rebirth of King Solomon of Jersalem.

20. Sabbath:
The beneficent Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. The fourth commandment of God's unchangeable law requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of delightful communion with God and one another. It is a symbol of our redemption in Christ, a sign of our sanctification, a token of our allegiance, and a foretaste of our eternal future in God's kingdom. The Sabbath is God's perpetual sign of His eternal covenant between Him and His people. Joyful observance of this holy time from evening to evening, sunset to sunset, is a celebration of God's creative and redemptive acts. (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; Luke 4:16; Isa. 56:5, 6; 58:13, 14; Matt. 12:1-12; Ex. 31:13-17; Eze. 20:12, 20; Deut. 5:12-15; Heb. 4:1-11; Lev. 23:32; Mark 1:32.)

Chant for me at the place ewe go to chant. Fill your heart with Jesus man. Catch your kisses in the wind knoe mye heart is filled with ewe again. Learn what it means to be forgiven. Smile at eye smile and never frown take the worry from your brow. Eye have found she it is who loves mee. The Sabbath come early before the Heaven come. Mye Saturday and Sunday now. Mye calm mye eye of hericane. My precious love.

Friday, April 18, 2008



Is Fish Meat?

Vegans and Vegetarians have always eaten fish on Friday.
Vegetarian Diets
What is a vegetarian diet? Some people follow a "vegetarian" diet, but there's no single vegetarian eating pattern. The vegan or total vegetarian diet includes only foods from plants: fruits, vegetables, legumes (dried beans and peas), grains, seeds and nuts. The lactovegetarian diet includes plant foods plus cheese and other dairy products. The ovo-lactovegetarian (or lacto-ovovegetarian) diet also includes eggs. Semi-vegetarians don't eat red meat but include chicken and fish with plant foods, dairy products and eggs. Fish is meat. How can a vegetarian ignore beef but consume a fish instead. Eye am more concerned with the abuses of the forensic doctor who scrapped some pigeon shine off of his shoe and said this proves it it was the bum that did it. SUSHI is not life. Daniel in the Lions Den, was eating PUCE, a vegetable. He was a Vegan disdaining the King`s venison. He could not and would not face corruption. Astounded by the Revelation, the Book Of Daniel tells of nations, torn asunder by the sword,
plundered by the soldiers eating meat. Not the Vegans or the Vegaterians. Non-pulsed is what I am when I am eating meat. Daniel of the Bible is a Vegan to all the Vegaterians. They have no meat, and no corruption. Chicken is defiantly meat. How could chicken be a vegetable no thanks there is nothing worse than insanity in chickens they turn there necks and look up at the rain and drown. WAIT no that's turkeys does that. There may be detailed reports in Medical Journals by scores to explain why meat makes proteins and why muscles and bones work. There was a late night truck driver working and eye was being careful not to approachment when he stopped his rig at the insistance of the police they politley gave him a ticket not to be outdone eye approached the officer who told me to go to the nearest bus stopped there. The Ebony driver soon stopped his big rig near me asking me for a ride. Eye declined and at his own insistence eye kept walking to the bus wiser to the ways of murder in the night or mabe just a thief out to steal my bags.

The driver lets me ride sometimes knoeing that eye just found my bus ticket but eye am also good at buying them when eye have the money.Fish is brain food afforded to the poor the fabels come so quickly better when eye have my fish at launch and supper. Today eye added some hot dogs to the mix she will be so proud of me with cole slaw and some beans and rice as sides. There was fries. There is two pieces of mye fish and two shrim:pe as well they were good for brunch mye love mye tell.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


138 138 CharlaXFabels CharlaXSonnetta I There is my holdings my vineyards in Franco The eye waves flies off of his wine While making millions of euro dollars While ewe aer always reining Qyeen The kisses lemone oh so sweet Only in my fantasy wine is never sour Away the hour enthrall love ewe CharlaX Millions making fables true bend Holding love above the real life Holding love inside the inside Holding love upon the morrow Holding love without mye sorrow Holding love to be the marrow Holding love above the dollar. II The grapes were used though lemone added mix A thing unheard in all the land The regent came to me anon to ask CharlaX why the wine would sec sit Tis for the love violette eye bend The lemone fragrance doth remind the eye The wine is never bitter then The love much more imported avec bien Love holding more than love can tell Love holding odoring the smell Love holding like the fetterments Love holding like a taste of her Love holding only love anon Love holding after we aer gone. III There is a mission now upon the corner Near the water they do stay there All the homeless wander there they live safe They have laoaves fishes sec vino No one hungars no ones cold No one misses world so bolder older No worldly pleasuer can compare Working harder now than ever fables quake Hold me loving hold me closer Hold me loving je embrasser Hold me magistrate ragon Qyeen Hold me merry happily long Hold me sensually loving Ruling the vineyard sun love song

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jesus Facts

1Thirty7 1Thirty7 CharlaXFabels Jesus Facts We study and we pray and we learn but what do we rally knoe. Most people scare away from and revile the devil and follow him more closely then GOD. And the end of time has now come we aer in the millennium the Mark of Satan 666 is coming soon to every town near ewe. The early Christians faced Death at the hands of every Roman Soldier when the decree is passed to become LAW the mark to be taken on the face or hand only DEVILS get to live the entry fee to high a price to pay this one decides to die. The first thing eye remember is being taught in Childhood in Sunday School about the JESUS. They watered down the GOSPEL of course they were not HOLY GHOST preachers at a revival and we were just children what eye rally always hated was the way they placed us into age groups the men no longer wanted anyone to sit with the other children even though the kool aid and cokkies was much better in those classes then the coffee and peanut batter they served us in the fellowship hall growing up was hard for this eye as eye want to stay a child forever in JESUS arms. We all sin and fall short of the glory of JESUS. Remember at all times just what the bible says GOD placed HIM above every namme to Rule over the Universe HE sits on the Right Hand of GOD becoming GOD himself. He died he lived alive for six long hours of agony to save mee and the ewe. Romans 4:21 He was fully convinced God could do what He promised upon the wooded cross the death instrument they fashioned. The Tomb was a gift from a Christian in the Government A person of some importance the entrance was guarded by soldiers intent on surviving the ANGEL of GOD mabe Gabriel rolled the stone and the Lord departed. Unable for Death to Hold him the Author of Life became alive and then some forty days later ascended into Heaven where he waits for the second coming. Like Lightening he has described it. The sky will scroll open and the Cross shall tear it open the sign of Jesus in the Heavens.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008




Copy and Past

Like a Euro dollar or even Canadian Money there must be a way to save lost sentences the web pages erased with restarts and hastes to find them again in the World Wide Web so many people are learning to master the art of the internet. Eye like to copy and past most anyold things pictures of dandelions seeds and poems. Reminisces of grace. Restated problems. Restarted boredom. Sometimes the mouse clicks and then doubles the problems begin when the green SQUARES start crawling the lag monster eating the web page is seen as a physical thing. The length of a title box grabs my attention this is the message not hidden in my fabel when the number of characters was limited eye used to copy and past the whole fabel then past it in the title box and there was the title. The woman was Filicia she was making her last name too long with circles and arrows and clicks sounding like beetles it looked something like this Jamearrowsonmormonbreadlongfellow so she called all her markers inn she went to the Yahoo offices and stayed in California until they lengthened all the TITLE boxes on the internet so she could copy and past her namme inn them. Now when the fabulist CharlaX copies his fables and past them in the title boxes the whole dang fabel is pasted in the boxes and HE losses a lot of time in erasing the crinkle paper then going back in the boxes and adding the title to fabel again what a chore no small thing to do depending on the length of the fabel so true some are short some are long but they all have to do to make children to smile and old women to weep to make young men to sleep and old men to smile. GOD bless ewe Filicia Jamearrowsonmormonbreadlongfellow.

Monday, April 7, 2008


CharlaXHeston CharlaXHeston 130 CharlaXFabels ZTribute No eye will not cry he is in a better world now eye believe he Knoe his Jesus better than most people ever will having been standing in his sandels playing Moses there is no sadness in me now at his earthly departure only sadness that eye must still face my own demise quite different for a homeless eye suppose it will not matter in the long run if eye was famous eye had his movies in mye eye from the time of early child. And when we imprint a figure of a man into the mind there was not a greater hero in my time. The best time was popcorn taken in secret to the Rialto where it was eaten they even made us leave the movie if we were caught for to them the box office was god and money was meant to be spent there not anyone was allowed to bring in there own the later years was spent hating them don't groan gentle reader ewe something just happened to me to compare all the apples and oranges there a compare. The Bus driver was rude in my opinion clearly in the wrong they think that they are GOD and when eye told him my opinions he was of the mind of Devil hatred telling me so clammily how much he hated me he cast aspersions on my anatomy and called me nammes. He referred to distant cousins and ignored my attempts at advice eye told him calmly eye would make the complaint not once but twice. He will learn to keep his mouth shut to a costumer on the ride. Eye said it is nothing personal just don't talk to me that way. The Plainsman was the best western and there was lots of fighting and killing and eye am sorry to say eye was in sympathy to the drifter he needed all the help he could get my GOD they was Indians and they was trying to kill him oh wait that was not Heston just Gary Cooper. Eye cannot remember the name of the movie but eye think it was the Mountain Men. Bill Tyler (Charlton Heston) and Henry Frapp (Brian Keith), two aging beaver trappers in the high Rockies, find their lives on the line when they encounter Running Moon (Victoria Racimo), a beautiful Blackfoot runaway. Though Tyler wants no part of her, she takes him as her own--which angers her true mate, Heavy Eagle (Steven Macht), the powerful local Blackfoot chief. Beautiful photography the funny thing that bothers me is how they make the BOLLYWOOD look so real when Stacy Keach lost his hair in this movie it looked so real who you say oh ewe yes it was Brian Keith eye get them actors so mixed up. Just now eye tried to find a way to submit to some of the magazines eye read as a child there is no way for a man to become an Asimov again its over the end of an error the era of freedom is lost there forever now the rejection letters are form letters only no help for the up and comers. No time to help a Heinlein to make it. Solyant Green was the only movie eye never watched all the way start to finish eye just saw snippets. Eye refused to be a grouper (groupie) eye never study the man his family what he drove what he drank or ate all eye wanted of him eye got from the silver screen a good way to remember someone you love. You think about someone like him being around forever and then they leave. It's a tribute that we will keep looking at the YOU TUBES and the films some and just keep on remembering the fantasy. SO, listen to the man that eye become when eye tell ewe that to some eye was Charlton Heston only at the time that eye was watching him eye could become him and that dear reader ewe is what the films were for.

Friday, April 4, 2008


they arressted a girl in the lieberry
they tagged the computor out of order
it has to CHILDPORN

could there be any other reason for that???