Saturday, April 26, 2008



Chounds like

Eye chased mye deer into the rough the golf was tough and leathery the ball wound up in the gulf near the coarse leather coat the top coated layer of infinity. When every internet address is placed into the category suited to it best and every number has been named and everyone is best at what they do not just where they are could it be hard to let them off to la la land to make them just to understand the slot the slotted place therein. The lob lolly cained there was two of them they rub and shudder expectantly in exctasy like twine boarding a fence posting to the dead letter offices in all the land. The firmimentnation of the united stations was attacked with hate the rabbit tripped over the log anon and said quite frankly my dear eye don't give a darn who who is. They drugged the maiden dragged her screaming from the bed the water stain will set in the rug don't ewe understand it was to be this afternoon not later in the day not tomorrow anyway it has to be soon after noon. The goon dropped a cup and he grumbled and he gripped it in one hand and it slide like the banana peeling from the tree shaded oasis banana vines green black men picking them forking bales of hey what was that noise a student in the background just redialing all his porn so sure that all those girls are doing time to make him worn. Egads the Chounds are about us they have been released on Edgar come Allen forward POE. They foxed the kittens and sometimes the medical officer gets some extra hush money to look the other way is danger danger warning warning the alien is coming. When you must explain anything a joke or silent laughter a penny for your thoughts the hidden manna best sometimes to leave unsaid the thing so evident for iff she has not gotten it a lenghty explainnation will not further it along the windsome parapet the jester faking it has lost the thread the limits of the outer kind surpassed in unbelief. Nothing is perfect in scrabble blast eye have noticed sometimes there is only one tile left over but it still gives ewe the option of scrambling the letters and it even tosses the tile up in a vain attempt to move the thing in semblance of the shuffeling required by law in this game. Survival dictates like a witch brewing portents in the ditch poor and sinful man disgraced walking to the human race the chounds to chase.

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