Monday, October 5, 2009



Today is Monday October Five 2009 TOmmorrow is Sunday October Four 2009 iff I could only walk into September that way back. One day becoming newer instead of older would I stop the aging process get myself so younger by reaching for Friday October Second day of 2009. Would I repeat myself. Each thing I did a loope de loope or still be free a changer of the past no one thinks that anyone can do that. They say that I would only meet myself coming and going the other way out. Already that day is occupied by what I did and said then and yet iff I reverse the direction too Ontime again and walk into the Lieberry I could not access the Computor because I am still sitting there going from session to session from AM to PM they will not give to me two cards with numbers especially they would freak out as I begin the first session at Closing Time I sit and loginn at *8 PM and sit until 6 30 PM all extensions always available again because no one else is doing this time travel thing but me. What have I created? * closing time. 6 30 to 5 00 PM my second session I look up to see myself come inn sit down on COmputor number Five. GOing from 5 00 to 6 00 is so busy so I get no extra time. From 5 00 to 3 30 is the third session of my Ontime day. The Liebrarian steps up to me around the corner faints dead away because she has seen two of me one in Realtime one in Ontime. So I smile and wink like Old Saint Nick of time and calmly disarrear. I rearrange my molecules sit down for session FOUR, as I here her say OH LORD GOD please dont let there be two of HIM. Then I open Gmail on Computors FIVE and SIX at close to 1 00 PM GOing both directions at the same time. In Realtime and Ontime I break for lunch last session now I leave the lieberry at 9 00 AM as the other CharlaX enters as I leave. ONTIME. Headed for September please. Ontime.

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