Monday, July 12, 2010

The Emperors Clothes and Clothier and Lady

The Emperors Clothes and Clothier and Lady

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The Jacket:

the clothier is speaking first :

The Jacket has a certain flair the cuffs are French oh sire they blanch

when viewed from the side they staunch old wounds they positively howl...

The Jacket:

the emperor is reply

Are you sure that these cuffs are French eye simply LOVE the French

they make those ruffled potatoes and call them fries.

I LOVE to shoot these cuffs and preen and watch the Lady as she smiles.

The Lapels:

the clothier

the lapels are double wide to hide thy royal girth from mirth from jesters

as they toss the thorny crown underneath thy feet to trample under...

The Lapels:

the emperor

These wide lapels shall do just fine I LOVE to hook my thumbs in them with pride

and dance my way to where the Lady sits and smiles.

The Pants:

The clothier

the pants are pantaloons and round where they fit in areas of grotesque

anatomy such as an Empire dweller such as yourself seems to have

in the overabundance of wealth

The Pants:

the emperor

These pantaloons are round and very tight upon some parts of me

it makes me feel like quite the clown

but leave it as it seems they made the Lady smile again

The Lady:

as she frowns

leave off knave and let me tell the emperor the truth

the suit of clothing that you have been weaving

is in truth his birthday suit

The clothier:

in chagrin

thou hast blew it milady the emperor shall never have me again

The emperor:

mollycoddle chasten and depress

in truth I knew it was but a jest the wind was blowing against my chest

the cuffs were American not French

the color of the pantaloons was off

The Lady was smirking in a frown and not a smile.

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