Wednesday, September 22, 2010




 Bio degradable a little behind a long Pinocchio nose iff you catch my meaning that eye do have the male appendix is full of white cooing dove noises when my poetry is read to ewe at the end of ewe day time is waning and waxing begins to fall all over you in the form of made up syn tax energy of love like cupid is invisible. Eye take the title and make some beginngings then eye add the text slowly typing every letter of the alphabyte to get the idea across of the what eye want you to understand the meaning of words changes becomes archaic even other languages will not help you in the affronted study of charlax poetry. When eye get about here it should be informing you after eye start down the page again the whole meaning of the poem may change it may only be a new day has come and eye opened my documents again and saw this and tried to finish this this this horrendous. The only real thing you need to remember when viewing my prose is the story find the title read the text after this part is done eye will twist an ending on this and then when that works corrected papers look better now. Did you get my drifting. EYE am CHarlaX he makes prose poetry.

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