totally random
totally random
totally random totally random
by Charles Robert Hice on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 1:42pm
totally random
totally random
charlax disclaimer eye almost never make a disclaimer butt eye have some cute new friends eye write FICTION as in science fiction usually most of my stuffins is made up totally random
typing on the intergnet is like the embodiment of a ghost who said that eye think it was Fermat singing Beethovens Fifth very quickly enow iff eye were doing Daniel Webster versus the Government Pierre De CharlaX will never finish this wax job now why someone was just viewing this document on the web his name is anonymouse but he has a number perhaps he is the fifth floor singer on his phone cell calling all the ladies in this city confidentially he should be horney none of the old men GET any ON THEM did you GET it ewe when eye copy then pasted this number to this viewer it disappeared from my facebook wall the ghost is hiding his tracking number eye love to get glitches like this when eyem writing something like this the real trick is to come to the ending and then stop just stop and never ever f
wow eye have to do a wall photo and try to get the picture wont upload WOW WOW WOW 666
love this glitch
you see this guy Pierre is on google for not fin
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