a coffee table poem
The CharlaX Phenomenon
Discover Caffeine again
Discover The Powerful Hair Growth Formula that Was Used by a Chinese Monk (713 A.D.) To Re-grow Thick Luscious Hair HE DRANK lots of COFFEE
Go figure it out now
Feel the BURN
The hair on MY head is all natural and caffeinated
Eye drink cokes when eye am not drinking coffee eye will NEVER BE BALD
The Chinese knoe this it is no secret formula
The Fleeceflower root is only the coffee bean
Proven facts
Go see page 32
We called them China Berries back home
Now they are still called Waxing Berries in China.
Notice the first picture
See the hair
This persone drinks coffee
Notice the secone picture now
See the balding head
This persone does NOT drink coffee
Full disclosure
Monks and monkeys alike
notice the area around the bald spot
needs more brown substances
this is called
non caffeinated hair syndrome
now look at the after coffee picture
notice the resemblance