Saturday, October 29, 2011


Charles Robert Hice
San Antonio
COWBOY Texas Haiku
 COWBOY Texas Haiku
 you take a rock stone
 you crumble the rock
 you pick the sand stone parts up
 you crumble the sand stone up
 you crumble the sand
 you pick the rock up

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Never in the History of Mankind do we owe so little to so few to so many to no one in particular. 7Billion people you say you want a better life for them today. Nay but Nay what kind of life did you give the CHILDREN in Viet Nam the Congo most of Asia and the African Nations. Making parodays of people into slavery voices arms and legs saluting death. HEAR me and heed my warning unless you change the status quo vadis to more tender forms of love like actually making feeding centers for people who are hungry out there in the field where they have a chance to get to food. Try a little tenderness in the back streets of America where people suffer and starve most every day and night. IN every Country France and England there must be Starving people begging and dying call them homeless call them drunks but dead people just dont count in your statistical world of love. UNTIL you address the worlds problems with actual solutions like FEEDING centers for the poor Medical treatment made available on a need for need basis with no regard for money paid or earned YOU HAVE FAILED to love you have FAILED your GOD. May Jesus have MERCY on all your souls.
eye declaration
the dead poet

Friday, October 21, 2011


San Antonio

This is Johnny Dark calling for John Travolta : Johnny Dark
KFC : yes SIR how may we help you SIR ?
Our Restaurant is at your disposal.
Johnny Dark : We need a Reservation for 43 people including the MAN himself is coming down. Can you handle it. Clown.
KFC : You must be thinking of Mcdonalds now. NO SIR we take no Special Reservations for important people just come as you are.
Johnny Dark : Clown. You don’t understand who you are talking to be or not to be that is your Question we cannot frequent your Society without are safeguards will you take $20,000 ??? Speak up, Clown.
KFC : Sniff, we are a Chicken Place we get more then that much at our Window every night NO CLOWN am eye eye serve my wings to everyone but old homeless people with no money. WE send our gangs outside to beat him upp. NO CLOWN here you can still call McDonald Ronald.
Johnny Dark : We prolley will go find a Burger or Steak place now you missed the Golden Rodded boy of this Century and the Millineum how dare you refuse us service GOOD NIGHT you Chicken eater place. Ed.note.ed
the semblance of a cell phone hanging up was not lost on all of us were looking in the dumpster for the bones of Scientology is gone. One more item for the Record you were NEVER talking to Travolta.

Thursday, October 13, 2011



Eye still believe in Jesus Christ
eye still make poems in the Dell
eye am much too self centered
to be considered to be a good christian
nevertheless and nevermore christian eye be
until death or the end of time
or the return of the Jesus Christ
this is a list of my shortcomings
one half of my big toe is missing on my left foot there is nine broken bones my leg was stapled back together there is still scars on my shining shin bone there is numerous small cuts and contusions too numerous to mention them all eye have a dandruff problem and bad broken teeth this well hung horse is fine in that direction south of my border is ok as well as my head suffers trama from too many hard fights from the gangs they hit me too hard but my mind is still in use the Spirit never broken the love in my heart is good but iff eye took out a majic marker and marked off all the places eye have been where eye can never go back there again there would only be a small white spot in Texas where eye now live and reside still homeless on the street still with all the problems and my need for all my meat intact thank GOD eye can still see and here and function without crack AMEN this is short and sweet like eye.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The BookISH student not the Booker student. A Booker student connotes shades of transparenties cluminating in effortless definitions of the Bookie. Good Example is thus the Booker Student was taking bets and making money on them. Better Example is thus the BookISH student was taking bets and making money on them. Best Example is thus the Bookie student was taking bets and making money on them. After all is said and done he is the BookISH Booker Bookie. ISHing thought for the day eye do not see why eye have to die so full of years when my days were so crappy each one an ordeal of death the hot sun sucking the life out of me as eye walked in places eye would never willingly go to live. Unlettered and unlearned. Protesting my demise by being sober and drug free. Perhaps in one mad moment eye think eye should have stayed off the computor and written nothing drinking myself into oblivion. Or mabe not. Eye like to make my poems but what is better for eye is for someone to actually read them. Perhaps these last seven years were worth the first few decades of pain. Life is meant to hurt us perhaps love is meant to heal us perhaps our love will someday keep us from our misery until the day we die. Post nasal script addition. My Jacks Restaurant has joined the rest of the world and only gives me one refill on my coffee cup now. Jacks. Jack in the Box the guy with the ping pong ball for ahead he is in the fast lane now speedy. While eye am still just ISHing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

White Jesus: charlax k.e.

White Jesus: charlax k.e.

He needs to talk to Jesus
To accept his healing
But he’s mad at Jesus
Jesus let him get sick
That white Jesus did

That Jesus in the pictures
That Jesus on T.V.
The one in the shroud
The one in the crowd of
White-sheeted bigots
The one who kills little
Children in Sunday school
The one who builds theme
Parks and bilks old ladies
Out of their pension checks
To pay for ‘em / the one
Who put air conditioning
In his dog house yet
Lets the inner cities starve
The one on the cell phone
Who steals your identity
The one gave you that free
Computer you’re still paying for

The one in the White House

No wonder he’s mad at you
You made him sick and
He’s gonna stay sick
Just to spite you
You white Jesus you

 Whitebread Jesus
Whitebread Jesus
Jesus is limpwristed white anglo saxon male tripping on acid drinking pale ale smoking only Manitoba Red but willing to BONG with any group of young educated white people STOP. Of course this write is all self evidently supported by the Constituents of the Republicans Hierarchy. Jesus was an Israelite. A dark skinned desert dwelling nomad he travelled back from EgYpt on a Camel back. Jesus is a Negroid. He is a tall and balding black man with a hair lip in the south of darkenness so that when he smiles his teeth are showing up like the Cheshire Cat  smile as eye remember ALICE as eye smile. Jesus is Oriental yellow palor blending into hide as homeless next to concrete walls unpainted near the asphalt changing colors as the world glides bye. Jesus is blue. Because we make him sad. A frosty blue reflecting anger turning purple and then red because of coming judgment of the dead. Jesus is mad. But not at ewe or eye. Jesus is white for Holy Robes cleansed of all the weaknesses of Human Frailties; GOD.


Invigourus, I lay inviolate at rest

inn nesting nest

hot but not over done

the clouds it almost came the rain

came drops once hard now gone

sweat some on the back of neck

swiped away with hand

I lay in socks

legs resting

thinking in this clay



Sunday, October 2, 2011

2000 BLOGGER posts here ici

Pills then call me in the next life. OR take two aspirins then call me in the morning light. Pay for the intergnet is not an option but the free stuff is so iffy. Trying to get online securely Shirley. Take two tablets and call me in the Mourning time. They make intergnet for phones complete with viewing screens for people like me who cant see two inches in front of the space. But eye will never use a phone this way. It is nothing but a clock to eye see the time is mine. Perhaps a small Eee viewer can be mine for $100. It had better come with rollers. And Downloading so eye can get my Firefox or even my Mozilla one is just the other. Cracked bones and teeth hurt eye need extract or other forms of medicine. Vanilla. Chocolate Brownies for a snack. Cake. Texas has the worst sort of Government it is only the State run institutions they do not recognize the Federal Government they still wear Rebel Uniforms the GIANT ten gallon Hat and the Buster Brown steel toe wing tip shoes. They are the Republic of Texas and San Antonio is the corporation not the free sovereign. Iff eye die here before eye escape then eye will have lots of homeless company in Heaven for every homeless peon in Texas lives here on Texas leaven. Worth more then eye can tell ewe. Another Roman Sunday. Adequate. TakeTwo.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


a coffee table poem

The CharlaX Phenomenon
Discover Caffeine again
Discover The Powerful Hair Growth Formula that Was Used by a Chinese Monk (713 A.D.) To Re-grow Thick Luscious Hair HE DRANK lots of COFFEE
Go figure it out now
Feel the BURN
The hair on MY head is all natural and caffeinated
Eye drink cokes when eye am not drinking coffee eye will NEVER BE BALD
The Chinese knoe this it is no secret formula
The Fleeceflower root is only the coffee bean
Proven facts
Go see page 32
We called them China Berries back home
Now they are still called Waxing Berries in China.
Notice the first picture
See the hair
This persone drinks coffee
Notice the secone picture now
See the balding head
This persone does NOT drink coffee
Full disclosure
Monks and  monkeys alike
notice the area around the bald spot
needs more brown substances
this is called
non caffeinated hair syndrome
now look at the after coffee picture
notice the resemblance