Wednesday, October 5, 2011

White Jesus: charlax k.e.

White Jesus: charlax k.e.

He needs to talk to Jesus
To accept his healing
But he’s mad at Jesus
Jesus let him get sick
That white Jesus did

That Jesus in the pictures
That Jesus on T.V.
The one in the shroud
The one in the crowd of
White-sheeted bigots
The one who kills little
Children in Sunday school
The one who builds theme
Parks and bilks old ladies
Out of their pension checks
To pay for ‘em / the one
Who put air conditioning
In his dog house yet
Lets the inner cities starve
The one on the cell phone
Who steals your identity
The one gave you that free
Computer you’re still paying for

The one in the White House

No wonder he’s mad at you
You made him sick and
He’s gonna stay sick
Just to spite you
You white Jesus you

 Whitebread Jesus
Whitebread Jesus
Jesus is limpwristed white anglo saxon male tripping on acid drinking pale ale smoking only Manitoba Red but willing to BONG with any group of young educated white people STOP. Of course this write is all self evidently supported by the Constituents of the Republicans Hierarchy. Jesus was an Israelite. A dark skinned desert dwelling nomad he travelled back from EgYpt on a Camel back. Jesus is a Negroid. He is a tall and balding black man with a hair lip in the south of darkenness so that when he smiles his teeth are showing up like the Cheshire Cat  smile as eye remember ALICE as eye smile. Jesus is Oriental yellow palor blending into hide as homeless next to concrete walls unpainted near the asphalt changing colors as the world glides bye. Jesus is blue. Because we make him sad. A frosty blue reflecting anger turning purple and then red because of coming judgment of the dead. Jesus is mad. But not at ewe or eye. Jesus is white for Holy Robes cleansed of all the weaknesses of Human Frailties; GOD.


Invigourus, I lay inviolate at rest

inn nesting nest

hot but not over done

the clouds it almost came the rain

came drops once hard now gone

sweat some on the back of neck

swiped away with hand

I lay in socks

legs resting

thinking in this clay



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