Thursday, May 9, 2013

MOther May eye

MOther May eye

 photo mother.jpg

MOther May eye

by Charles Robert Hice (Notes) on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 11:28am
MOther May eye
MOther May eye
sometimes eye do not believe in miracles thinking bad thoughts when pain attacks the eye remember what the Jesus suffered eye remember what my Mother was forced into. iff not to love my secret lover nothing would stop me from bailing out of life is over now eye seem to need to leave
the blue flame was only firecrackers a string went off at the bottom of the steps it was hard to see the person guilty left so quickly but eye heard someone might have caught him as he fled the area is patrolled the NOPD was on the job searching for a bomb the band stopped playing at the sound of the attack even iff it was just the children playing it was almost like playback for when eye was young we did this two too many times we did those shooting rockets passing cars it sounded like three more bang went off but moving away this time so nervous now there is no reason for me to remain alive thinking of Jesus in this day and time iff the Apostle Paul of Roman times were living now they would stick him underground. eye walked past the pies of mudd eating apples made of green loving nothing seen now the violet  vine of tendrills fills my heart and thoughts of wine so purple from the grape the flower dripping all my love exposed at once a wish to act yet nothing to be done regret and loss the fortune that eye never made the house has a  too high fence the lock on the gate will never open upp for eye will plant fields of flowers ere eye die and gain refrain for poetry is love
MOther May eye
add a word to love
a poet knows
MOther May eye write compose rhyme add a word to love a poet knows

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