Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Microsoft Lawn

Microsoft Lawn
 photo Lawn.jpg
Microsoft Lawn
yes we did not get all the bugs out yet you would be surprised at the kind of grass we use for Lawn we cannot use so many of the variety is denied by law
anything that even looks like a fern can not be used for grass grass can not be sold as seed but clumps suffice no trees or shrubs just micrograss no hidden fees of any kind you pay a lot to get our grass no lawn should be without the price of a Microsoft Lawn each pattern comes with the famous green and yellow lights the plastic filters over the bulbs not your average lawn turns brown and dies in the sun not Microsoft Lawn yes we add computor laptop color to every blade of grass comes individually applicable you plug each grass into the ground it lasts forever never turns brown or ever ages this stuff is indestructable nothing will ever harm your lawn again we suggest planting the first grass in the Lawn at Midnight on the Dark OH the Moon. That way iff you have a problem it is not our fault at all. The grass will look thicker when you plugg the lights inn. Green and Yellow Computor Laptop grass from Microsoft Lawn. YOU will never grow lawn like this lawn again. Guess what we charge NO not that much. We could charge more after all we are rich. We could charge much much less but then we could not get that much for what we do is make those trillions. Sixteen blades of grass makes upp one pound each blade is sold separately or we consider in due consideration by the pound of grass warning there is no subliminal messaging warning we will talk about the price. Oh come on now Jestor iff your neighbhor has a much nicer house we will charge him much more for basically the same amount of grass we gave too you iff this marketing ploy bothers you had better move to the African Tundra is still parts of it is free. Reading Railroad
Reading Railroad
first eye must be the last living dead poet left alive surrounded by the best seller reading list most people lose the classics they evolve into the murder mystery section how many ways can people write murder with a twist with a swish with a flair pen ? again eye am astounded at the readers wants
why dont they want to read a poet and yes there is more then a few poetical books in the queue ed.note.ed to keep this from becoming a book list the titles and the authors not mentioned how can you say what is written is not good or that person is not a good writer my word is my bond is my number is not yet found in the lieberry of congress ? so what iff no one reads poetry today

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