today mye acccounts appear to bee linked they somehow knoe its eye a persona android liking to link linking mye friends and postings eye was not on this computor more then two one hour sessions, when mye comments ceased to work all eye got is to try again later error messsages unless this facebook horror stops eye have decided to delete mye facebook accountings tata solong goodbye eye may even try to go to a differant place such as myespace to stay in touch with myefriends who may choose to remain in Battle and fight with the Evil Empire of the Holy Roman Facebook eye might try to link all the Bloggers everyone makes so aat least eye can read the new poems they all make while facebook just stinks and smells and relates to certain smells of skunking mates it sinks bye eye this facebook place FacebookByeEye ed.note.ed not a paroday this is the truth phhhhht so there. ed.note.ed
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