Thursday, June 18, 2009

Philip S

Philip S. Driver

His name is Philip S. Driver he is the President of Philips®™.com a Corporation™ which manufactures Screw Drivers and Bolts and Nuts with that Trademark™ Cross symbol in the center of every nut. He was in the Army in Vietnam. And his records were destroyed along with so many others in Saint Louie MO.Town. Here ici is his story ewe. He was taken to the cleaners they took his pride and all his millions when he paid the Trump poor Doanald for those High Riser BUildings he went belly up they call it Flats they call it loser they do it fast as a June Bug he was poor and homeless in New York. He went to the NYC DES office of those FOOD STAMPS they give the homeless plenty. When he was in the office of the 666 she stared at him over Glasses with frosty colored eyes. He was in love but she was having none of that she minced her words to him she seemed to make them dance. "What do you want to put here for your middle namme. YOu left it blank eye have to have a Middle namme not just this S for an initial DO you understand mee Mister Driver. He reached down with his enormous black inked pen and wrote SCREW in big block letters like all the Children do. He is in the Mental Ward at Bellview Hospital but they will let him out in Spring when he gets a good review please be carefull when you apply for all them Food Stamps like the eye and Philip Screw Driver did.

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