It was not her fault HER she is a good girl I call her BeBe. She got inside somehow what was bothering me was she was talking to me in skunk language telling me how cold it is outside and i thought she had made a hole in my wall to get inside so I reached out and tried to grab her and grabbed AT her and missed but I did get a hold of her side. She turned and bit my finger really fanged me twice but only once went in real deep inside. Then she did NOT let go quickly and I guess this is what then scared her and so it was then that she sprayed me with that skunk oil that they carry around with them it really stinks in a small enclosed place. It is still on my jacket sleeve at home i leave it in the corner to scare away bears from the place. She was excited at the close contact and bothered by the human race she waddled slowly then she turned up her nose like a lady and out the door she went. SO regal like a qyeen I heard her chattering in the COld all night long she said I Skunked him. I am not sorry It is what a skunk SHOULD do to every Human dumb enought to grab a skunk its true. But I love the Chicken Bones he gives me and the love. This is CharlaX a reluctant savior of the skunks and mye dear skunk i still love you and while I am taping up mye finger I am getting wiser and better looking too. Just waiting for your next MIDNIGHT visit getting ready just for you. With a big glove on mye sore finger. Just in case. SKunkedInLove.
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