DAY TEN of APril
Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater poem # ??? Zappersunlimited.com. We have developed without any outside help a HOmeless How Too Cook Book. We will send you this Booklett free of charge when you order our new HOmelessMEssedKitt at 49.99p per each one is sold seperatley in a Brown Lunch Bag or send us 52.22p and get the Deluxemburg model # 0 which is nothing more then a box with a lid usually a cardboard box that something came in.
Ah but inside this wrapper underneathe the lidd is pair of dice and wait yes two empty aluminum cans. YOU poor wretched homeless creature can now spend several hours a day boning die. YOu can dip water from a puddle with one can and heat it up to boil them easter eggs in the other one wont last long and so you may have to switch them both around at least oncet or twiced. Iff you are in Cleveland (omg) or Ohio may GOD help you all and please add the Homeless taxes to your purchase can be made at our NEW neon colored website Zappersunlimited.com. oh wait. President Whirly is shaking his hoary head. There is not a new website its the same old one with a new backgrounded of neon. Whatever. The Bored of Directorshippe of New York has stated that most Blind People are now homeless also. Order today and we will place a pair of broken sunglasses into your homeless box absolutely free of charge non we can not add it to the sack. Thats how they got broken in the first placed. We had to collapse both cans are flat take your index finger get it in them holes on top come on you can do it now work them cans out until they will hold water again we are sorry this is the only way some of you have ( to filture water) the canal is still there iff you can cut or cross them fences. TheHOmelessMEssedKittCookedBook
(your copy is in the bag) free
open aluminun cans with finger
restore them to where they will hold water
go get water
make a fire
(ognore this in UpperStateNewYork)
boile water
add eggs
now you can eat Easter again
play dice
have a great day old homeless one
This was stolen from the desk of President Whirly of Zappersunlimited.com.
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