Saturday, April 17, 2010


Quiz soda dad atop box eye goes the weasel corn tunes eye art up overs zitz bubblez gum ears tart drops wait have you ever heard of pop drops this is the sixty four dollar question for DAY Seventeen of April poetry. Eye struggle like a lower case dog to ebony ivory keys. What is a pop drops. Each little segment of a tootsie roll is called a pop drop. Now you knoe. Pop drops is a whole bunch of them in one package each segment is a smaller version of the whole roll. Bet ewe did not knoe. LIke those donut holes they still sell them a wad of dough. Pop hole. NO. non. Eye can not find a pop hole that rhymes. YOu would not be able to POP a hole as it seems the antithesis of a hole to be popped. A pophole is an English word or pop-hole is a woodworking word neither one is rhyming now. Pop Hold. This is a bastardeyezation of a word meaning all sorts of things but not American. Upp. POP text. PoP can be a beep on redial. Skype is calling. Facebook sent another message to your phone. Beep. POP. The driver grabbed his headset and screamed all the way threw three lanes of heavey traffic just to stop to get the message it was beeping it was popping upp. Auld Lang Syne >..< OH SIR was all it said. CharlaX came to facebook thread today.
POP on POP off POP on POP off pop pop pop. POP open like the cave of Ali Baba in the Sumerian Desert a slim to none crack in the rock wall of them hangging Gardens of Babylon. Cucumber is hangging there. Just waiting breathelessley for Poem maker to come dine. It is my nickle it is my time. POP

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