Tuesday, July 6, 2010


entire yeppers entare

entotal yearning entotil

territorial yessing territoriol

technocolor yeilding yielding


eye the android having a woman as a best friend makes me almost human in mye thinking it is tainted as the motional side of man becomes the heart takes over the control and let me just add this when there is more then one of them in charge then who am eye to cause

eye have an alibi eye can account for my whereabouts last nite eye left three strands of DNA hangging from a branch on a small near bush just a little dew falling from the end of time iff eye were to paint you just one picture it would be the clouds of summer so white the darkness inside them the little patches of water make the contrast exciting me and you the tops of the clouds where the sun hits them hurts the eye see the reflected light each water drop flaming eye there is no whiter white unless its Jesus these clouds are hiding on top of the nearby buildings not daring to invade the total blue of the sky never have eye ever hated myself less then at this moment in time the colors of the clouds work dark and back to light eye hope that you are happy where you are and deep inside the clouds bring light

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