Saturday, July 17, 2010

Make NO Demands On Love

Make NO Demands On Love

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My love she cares for me her health has always been so fragile of a thing she is my sole provider and yet eye will not ask her this time for she is healing and getting better and eye just do not want her to have to worry bout my necessity about my fodder.The alternative would be to worry her unnecessarily to make her think that all eye rally want is just her money eye am the monkey and eye can learn to do without before eye hurt her my very name is just default before eye rode the bus before she came to feather me eye walked and walk again is in the plans of this man soon when eye am broke again and can not get the ticket price eye will just make mention of the love eye have for her this seems like good advise to me it is after all just my own necessity not life and death to me but only riches in this world and we can always do without them eye learned how to march and hike and walk and that will help me in my daily grind the comings and the goings of my active poet mind please GOD oh LORD just let her headache become annoyed.

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