Solar Winds still trace an oblong orbit where third planet from its sun was racing on its Celestial pathway around the SUN is Black a hot Coronae Haloe the only evidence of its trace. For one day the ugly Creatures there impaled the Living Christ of GOD upon a tree. Killing in Crucifixtion the only means to live a life COnfusion is now the Ruler of the BlackSun. We have heard there was a Judgement day. The Lord now risen from the Dead took SOULS from Earth to Heaven where they play while somewhere left forever lay others in BlackSun. A lake of Fire and Brimestone was always there like an Evil Eye in SKY of Earth a silent witness to the Evil under Sun. Perhaps GOD reached down from heaven after Book of Life was closed and putt away. We think He grabbed the Earth in a giant nailscarred hand perhaps a Single Dropp of Blood left on the Hillside of GOlgotha. He took The World with all the Dead Souls there and tossed it up spinning like a curve baseball into SUN. There is the Flames of Hell sputtering and Black at Judgement come. The Second Death is the lake of Fire and Brimestone. AJudged the little SOlar System stopped. NOw working like a clock which spring has sprung. All remaining Planets just exploded a little pile of stones where each one was. Today the Intersteller Mappers took off the Milkeyway from Routes Venues Areas and Advertisements for the BlackSun. NO place left to play.
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