Wednesday, May 12, 2010


we had some warning that things would get this way
one day at a time people keep say
and they do not every day do this same one day
they are in the middle of the eye of the tornado
and eye am in my storm
leave the things that happen tommorrow there
do not worry what color is your hair
is it black and grey and white
yes eye had a fright
eye almost had a fight
eye died my hair it does not fit my head write
four score and one small burger for breakfast fast
eye am leaving my feet alone so they will not peel off
eye lay eye layer eye lair eye lay
 eye am a green dot when good
orange when inactive
 my ship of fool is all alone
no jawbone
no tears flow
eye do not sleep or dream out in the cold
eye practise holding on
 eye lost my mule
the mule eye now become
 it makes a mans breast sag down with sadness
to be his own beast of burdens


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