Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The Booted Impersonator of Obama danced in his boots. He roasted the Republicans. They Terminator him. 666 will come to AmeriKa. The whole North American COntinent will be under water before the end of time this third world country is never mine. Not even the snorkels in California will save them from the Tide of Changes which now will come. For Jesus rules the nations dipping Flags in flaming places remember now what you must read. The Continental Divide is mending they showed me in the photograph the water covering the depths where eye once stood in agony losing my Country by ignorance yours not mine. The water makes the harbor some unmitigated tomb looming into the twilight of the coming justices. When you outlaw the boats only outlaws will be in boats. Russia fell headlong Mother the Berlin Wall is gone Sister none of the remnants of the Flag Old GLory will be found dry docked. The KFC restaurants become the needed chain of reservoirs to pull the deepest end of the flood into the missing link of land that was once AmeriKa. Sandersville is born. They will make the shark meat look like tuna fin sandwitches. The Nuclear Fission Reactors will melt into the mess every one is fearing it will happen soon but only when the time is recently past the quarters or those DOllars no one will be using money every party will be Barged. Egyptians floating carnivals playing poker in the hold them aces let the deuces go to blazes. Let the water roll. Flooding occurs frequently on this plateau. Will you trade world trader one handful of shrimp for one limpid pool full of whale tails. The fat the senate the blubber the house. But Office of the President will always be afloat nearer my GOD to thee. A twenty one gun salute to the intended victums of the new age religion the new 666 the flood of the Egyptians seemingly alarmed to be the Leaders of this New Nation under water since you would not pledge allegiance to the Flag with under GOD. IN case you missed my meaning the beans and ham and cheese seem better to my tooth then one new chicken. With seven hints of species fish will rule this country. Oh Obommo iff you need to pay the SIR charges on the Brooklyn bridge or under the Manhattan sunrise of your Nations new decay. Just go down to the Peter near the water tell him to pull the coins out of the fishes mouth. Left over chicken needs to be putt into the take out bags give the money to the Government then pay pay pay tie the end of the flag to your rudder in the summer let the good times roll away. The presidential barge will eventual have the Egyptian and United Nations Flag OH SIR iff you look closer there just past the stern you will see OLD GLORY doing double duty tied up to the paddle wheel to keep you moving for remember for the elephants never seem to forget 2012 will soon be his.

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