Saturday, June 25, 2011


my idea is simple my mind works in only one direction it is there for my survival when eye get off work today eye will leave this lieberry to go to the interstate exit on the NORTH side of town a trip of only about 4.5 miles on the street there is no snow so this will make me go go go the length of the trip plus the heat from the sky orb will slow me down but eye do not lose strength under the yellow sun. eye walked for four hours last night finally sleeping on my raincoat in a parking lot. my cart with my camp gear minus the cover and the sleeping bag long gone eye left early near the south freeway to gain time. not sure how to describe this trudge trudge trudge have you ever walked a long distance not wishing to stop before its over. trudge trudge trudge. when people go into a public toilet why choose to wait inside eye always go back out iff there is no opening then enter when someone goes out. it seems to me so stupid to stand there complaining of the smell when two men sit on covered holes doing business with them both. to then go on and cast aspersions on some strangers odur while he is sure they can not be smelling my sweat its layered inside my double pants. exclaiming at his exit what gays they must be faggots. who comes in here off the street smelling of after shave and limnenants of various parfumes. foppish people talking of people who do not bathe taking my expectations of a silent mission too there extreme amusement and my prolonged suffering. hark hark what long winded discussion when the smell is clearly defined as local. Jesus SOng ONe Zillion eye sing them a lot but never write them down her goes this one ewe : Iff eye were Jesus eye would grow me a Giant Figg tree then ripen them just for me Iff eye were Jesus eye would put one thousand figgs upon the Giant Tree then eat them one by one all night long and all alone sing this one song when pushing a shopping cart home GOOD night every one of ewe. trudge trudge trudge

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