United CharlaX Governmeant
The Pree Amble
A Classic Paroday
Bye the People Four the People OFF the people
let my people go
Black Power
up the Ante
where is Kansas
limited brain case but unlimited power the lagg is killing me what a monster there will be no justify for the monkey when the time is upp and over the topp is a long way down the ladder is rung the bell is knelling only for the highway is longer then the road. When the ROLL is called up YONDER it will be a Cross Topp BUnn. With Jam cause Jelly wont Roll. Roll the list roll the list call the roll is what eye meant the Governmeant. The acting President is Grey. Hounds are only Basket chasers. Baskervilles. Tartan worthwhile creatures full of fangs and old movie lists. Have ewe ever had a field day. ANN AMble with the marbel day. Spam streaming on my intergnet signal the lagg working against me reporting a bad lagger. Queens are not the same as queers now stop and do not think about this. Judges bang the gavel order in the court make mine with mustard over flowing fourth chair find me quick as the brown mustard gas attack the wall post the destruction of my facebook now id the time for all good women ewe to come to the aid of poor CharlaX Richard Long Rhymes with Ringer and Feather. Oh well iff eye have to spell it out LONGER.
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