Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 18 NPM charlax the dragonfly spy

Day 18 NPM charlax the dragonfly spy

They come to children and lay upon the back of the hand they have no fear of man they fly and come to meadows full of flowers just to be near water and they multiply and become fruitful a part of Gods plan these creatures are benign they do not bite the children they consume food in the wilderness they thrive they multiply upon the fables of the writers at the tables they ignore the people food they fly down near the water and the kids chase them until the parents call them back to supper and to bed charlax lives instead of dragon eye am a dragonfly spy when they find me there will be a thousand of them dragonfly all a different color in the sun like a rainbow bursting all around me and bringing me more love each day will be the better then the one before and no one will be sorrow anymore when the dragonfly fly to see everyone they bring joy to children and so to the eye of GOD
Today charlax is so happy he could cry
Day 18 NPM charlax the dragonfly spy

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