Day 5 NPM The VOltage Device A Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater Poetry Poem CharlaX is Electric
Thomas Plence was now in charge of the Treasury Office at the Whirly COrporation in London England they were having a meeting of the Board of Directors the New President WHirly was absent not yet arrived his first namme is Thomas just like his employee they have trouble in a conversation sometimes. It is Thom and Thomas sometimes Say What ? what what and so the New Meeting comes to Order without the New President and this is what they found upon the table the Treasurer frowned down at a strange looking device hooked up to his computor desktop. What's this doing here he said with some surprise and he slowly turned and looked at the inventor who just arrived. Its called a VOltage Zapper its really an interrupter of the current of the electric flow to the Desk Top its just there see the button on top it will stop the computor in case of a bad problem or a dangerous surge in the electrical field in case of a storm. . The Treasurer was already shaking his head how much of our money have you paid out to make this demonstration of such a device there is many other things on the market that do this much better then your device. Have you heard of a surge protector OBTW what is your first namme Mister INventor? What what Thomas NO and he sat down so abruptly they called the Nurse to come check his pulse. He waived the Nurse away and at that Moment in time the door opened and Thomas WHirly the President of ZapperSunlimited walked into the room Hello Thomas he said. What what you could have heard the Pin drop. Both of the other men said Good Morning at the same time. Now there was Three of them three Thomas and Thomases. The Nurse paused at the door and said my Middle namme is Thomas my mother nammed me that as a child to remember my Father all my life and now there was four Thomases, And so the INventor opened the door and brought into the room his SON and introduced him to everyone you guessed it what what his namme was also Tom. Tom V. Dooley and the INventor was Thomas Dooley not the same as the song. And so now there was as many TOM as there are days in this month. And now we will hurry to the confused conclusion for the benefit of all my Tomfoolery for the Month Of April is still young there will be another poem another day will come. And here is what President Tom Whirly told the other Toms at the meeting He said to the Treasurer Plence just call me Whirly and the other Tom Dooley and everything will be just find Marketing and tell Tom Thomas down in Marketing to rename this Voltage Device. We will call it the Panic Button and sell a Million XIllion of them and that is how we got the Kill Switch on the Voltage Meter a very good idea and a wonderful NPM poem this is CharlaX TOM Advice is this read all my poems and save me the lines like this
Day 5 NPM The VOltage Device
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