Friday, April 22, 2016

Day22npm aprils thorney rose

Day22npm aprils thorney rose

One thing eye have noticed in my short lifeline lifetime
Life is sort of random tandem flotsam jetsam
Some of the people rise above the muck and become huge muck
Dinosaurs live longer then flys but do less damage to the masses
They climbed to heavens windows shooting rockets to the stars they went to the Oceans lows and they tried to kill it all one by one they murder all the good that comes they sit and the walk but they make sure that others simply dont they rule with anger and with fear and only when they finally come apart like all created things will they learn the fear and the anger is for them
The petals of the flower are so soft and the leaves below the petals ask for loving caresses and then smelling of the buds brings the poor old nose into contact with the thorn and then the pain reminds me of the time is taken from the beauty and added to the age of all mankind and soon we will be all equal in the mind we live as better then you are and we thrive on rising over muck and then we jump time and we are muck but so are enemy so are they the end will determine them all people become old the age outs the beauty and the youth is fast becoming gone the flower is softly saying leave me all alone
Day22npm aprils thorney rose

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