Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 12 NPM Time has Flown

Day 12 NPM Time has Flown

The moon starts up into the sky and the thing waxes and wans too many times in cycle then it ever did before something has changed the time is shorter in the sky the sun stays longer in the day and that brings confusion to the moon my best guess is the night it has been shortened some to let the day come to be much longer and the night only may seem shorter in the long run the day will be much shorter then the night in flight the moon gives a loony grinning tune it says to me we speeded up the night in flight we move the ocean more hear the roar of all the waves and more the end of time is closer to the sun is growing long but soon the night will take more time to come and change the sun and the day will be the shorter one the time will seem to go away in the middle of the day the night will come and there will be only war upon the world the men remade they took away the world from god and chaos comes
Day 12 NPM Time has Flown

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