Wednesday, December 31, 2008



How to make a Spanish omelet disappear OR who turned on the green light.

Fight eye was watching the fight down in Spain when the Phone rang at the Office “Whirly”

The door of President Whirly was still closed he would not be available until after NewsYearDay. The officer and treasurer Romand Plence was speaking “My namme is NOT Ronald Duck that is a joke that Whirly likes to play” and he slammed the phone down so rudely that we all (ewe guessed it) DUCKED down behind the desks. The Fax on the Computor was belching there is no other word description that even comes close to the sound of this old IBM. We have tried to get them to upgrade and failed. Eye actually had to remind him that eye was an android and that he can not fire me like he wanted to the others there they are all cowards no one raised up except the android eye. It was Madrid asking for a WhirlyFritzer Blue and Purple BOX delivery. There was a facsimile of a Cheque it was for a Million P$. Plence stopped Quacking at us and quickly added his okay to the Fax and sent it back even though they got the number wrong he waived the code EQZ29004938932984766748476384300(9) the last digit should have been an 8. He said relate to this we can bypass the Security Cam from the President’s Office and in his haste he slammed the door on his way in and the glass tinkled all about the floor he grimaced the door was so old it would be impossible to replace he would just have to put the new glass inn before tomorrow comes. Quickly he typed in the password to the BOSSES computor it was YaYness7 an old code he was happy that it worked. He told the computor to okay the Spanish account at Madrid Spain. They are heading the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M line toward the South Atlantic Ocean they meet all the Federal Guidelines. The Robot Code he used looked something like this oihh mfd isiohhr uht mojpjrijihsoi@hf dihs ofhdih foh fihei thirhos hghih giot dhit loo phy jecvrol ikkolelinur. There was no problem for several weeks then we got the proverbial message that silver bars had hit the fan.? Understand? There had been a Bullrun on the way to the Atlantic Ocean just west of Barcelona and near the end of the pipeline. But wait of course thats in the wrong direction they were running the pipe the wrong way. Thats the way it is in the big city. There was one million thirty seven silver bars all stacked into a pyramid between barcelona and Madrid. Iff ewe gentile reader aer confused a bit by this just look up at the map see where it says SPAIN it was very near to there they aer calling it the Spanish Pyramid. The NINTH Wonder of the World. They can no longer hold the Manassas there at all. The Bull run. A little Southern Humour a little dry for yew mister no its dehydrated. The new office door to the Whirly Presidential Office had a Batman sign with Whirly in the Center and a little Android humor from the eye goes undetective for instead of glass eye had them make the door out of clear Spanish treacle board. It will not break or tinkle on the floor. Ronald Duck gave me a bonus. $$$ThirtySevenP. Eye got a new Cardinal Hat. With a Mary Bird logo on it. For almost free. Its too small the head is rather large on an Android. Eye can not wear it very long it pinches mee and causes headaches they call it cardenal in Spain. Of course Android has a headache the eye is not a robot. Not offended or mistaken eye forgive the lot of ewe

just wait till Whirly sees his new office door the facing board is red.


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