Tuesday, February 16, 2010



Eaters unite we simply must have that KFC recipe bye tonight.

Have you given some thought lately to the spice racks. Here is mye best guest guess at the Colenals Secret Seven Spice Recipe they roll the chicken round inn. #one on th elist is turmeric. Saunders used this acidic rhizome to add color to the white chicken legs. It is basically a yellow flower. They use turmeric acid in CocaKola. #two on th elist is tarragone a vinegar like malt used to add a mulch like flavor usually found only in th eskin around the meat. Go figure its how they cook them they roll them round in it. It comes from Mother Russian fields. Its green in color what makes that chicken lose its yellow flavor. #three on th elist is onion green yellow and white the Colenal once said on Television there was no onions used in his secret recipe he lied basically thats what makes the recipe a secret we found all the onions in the testing center he would have used a blue onion in the powder iff they made them. #four on th

elist is sage. This cacti like substance is still added daily near the Arizona Border into Mexico they get it fresh folks watch the salad. This herb is easily found by its reflection in the sun of the chromatic green it gives off chlorophyll. #five on th elist is Paprika the dark red color made the brown skin tone when this stuff hits the hot grease it never looks the same chicken looks done even when its not. Above the Masonic Lodge line it is Pimentoes below the line they use the bell peppers only the mild ones. #six on th elist is Basil. Do not confuse this leaf with a Bay leaf which thing may taste like Seaweed. Saint Ocimum used this to fish added every Friday at the rectory. #seven on the secret spicy chicken recipe used at every KFC in this glorious Country is a secret no more uncovered in our lavoratory. No its not Rosemary was the secret namme of the Colenals Girlfriend. Anise yes its just licorice. Hot and seasoned with this containing spice is this candy like coating what thing makes the children order up the original. Just go to the zappersunlimited.com website and order your list of spices now only for home use. CLAHU.

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