Friday, February 26, 2010


Facebook is fried. Gmail no longer accepts the pictures that eye copy and paste into the text of the prose poems that eye make and send to baby lamb. Spelling is not mind. Babay Lambea is how eye spell and say this to her mind. I am repairing none of the damages done just making a new start is hard enought. Nerves are sharp sitting on the edge of wondering iff eye can ever carry on. Yet eye hehehhe yeti yes eye am the abominable charlax now. The life is over the death has not yet come the end in sight eye carry on. Eye retained my love for babay lameba. The house is safer warmer better now. The food eye carry on my handlebarred will feed my pets will make me proud. SHe foraged near the tent last night so cold and there and then eye cried because eye was too upset at this last upset to carry food to home last night. Begging her to go to burrough home but she ignored me mabe she finished all that old left over turkey carcase ceases to feed my black and white kitty catt. Today is startingoverson. There is no real ending to this poem. StartingOverNowSON.

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