Refuse. They used to say I will have to get me a look. ??? Makes me think was he walking around profiling. Trash Garbage Refuse. Not Re Fuse but Ref use. Short e sounds like eh. I will have to refuse. Perhaps an android needing an electrical outlet for his laptop battery to charge. RE-Fusing. The act of charging. i.e. a battery for ram. I need more re-fuse. Ref use is the garbage canned. Refuse can be the act of kindness we all do in turning down a proffered coverlet. Means NO Thanks. As inn eye REFUSE to cover up the bed is damp and wet only on one side melord. And too recap we have Re-FuseREF-UseRefuse. Fusion power plus trash intake valve plus refueling or refusing normal cover function equals love self stamped on an envelope of determined CPU. Refuse.
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