Friday, December 30, 2011

Just Saying

Just Saying
Stardate 2012
the division of the city seems to stem from prejudice they help some then take it away with the idea of cleanliness the constant work of the hired helpers is annoying to some of the homeless have trouble just surviving keeping clothing and blankets which things were given them by the populace and other things is wrong with City like Sodom and Gomorrah what about the Lave cone islands in the red sea perhaps Egyptions soiling rising giving up the ghost to time is on the side of no one least of all them wicked slavers. obsurenewyearsreferancealfweedersignpost see how many minions thought this was auld lang sign not auf weidershin let me chack this first just saying Happy New Year Goodbye to the 2011 Hello to the 2012 hope it lasts at least one more year or 2013 will bring those awefull lava locust bugs covering both polar ice caps will melt and tilt the earth over oblong particles drift past my meaning is saved in the folder of lifetime overheard in the russian sub the compass is stuck the compass is starting to smoke putt out the fire before it sets off the M-BomB. We hope Nostradamus was telling the truth and the Mayans were drunk end Quote.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Martian Jesus

Martian Jesus

Martian Jesus
Mars Base Two Five Five (edit(0r)
Nasa Spaceport One Eleven
The Martian slipped out of the Needle nose Space Craft making his way slowly so as not to draw the alarm rays they were always there to stop intruders at the Nasa Spaceport One Eleven they must have missed him with the scanners and He had this one chance to get to Earth now to survive. The COlony on Mars was thriving and growing but this Earth was not warning of the takeover they knoe nothing (ed.note.ed) tense is mine. Yes the Martian was tense way past tense he is neurotic running in place to fool the cameras they think he is a spacer now. He pulled up his left shoe to find some left over excitement stuck there in plain sight it smelled very much like it. He finally made it hidden. He peered slowly around the corner at the ambulance at first he thought they had found him but they were taking a Christmas break and were not even aware that he had hidden in his recess behind the building there. He counted fourteen steps and stopped. He walked thirteen steps backword then skipped one. His lips got dry then suddenly wet. He wants to sabotage the Earth he carries deadly. He let the germs go. He sneezed like an Earthman when he heard the Policeman say Guzendhight he knew they were getting too close. He limped on his left foot and got away almost invisible with his brown wolley cap pulled over his visor he peery eyed around. The corner was safety. The Spaceport Police grabbed and reached. The Martian went. He gave a little speech about all people will die someday all of you are grave. They decided to destroy the Colony on Mars and then they killed the Martian outside the spaceport doors they hung him on a Jesus cross death by Crucifixtion. Then they sent the last Silver Nose Cone to the Stars it went to Mars and there it dropped the Green Radiation Bombs and Turned the Planet into Tiny bytes of RUbble stone and now there is no planet there at all like missing someone dead and gone the asteroid belt glows blue in the dead radiation zone sometimes the Justiposition makes a cross of light some say it reflects the place that Mars used to shine. But when eye look up there eye see that Martian Jesus.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

666 oarts one two three

Poetpour Pictures, Images and Photos

666 the solution to getting online
 the solution to getting online
 the company will be a rich one the time is on your side began now and build this monument to the end of time eye will point to you the way and you must do it for eye am poor eye am homeless but eye have the idea of it build and intergnet city inside a warehouse make each unit workable as a table full privileges at all times never censorship never filter anyones time or results put at least three signal boxes on the ceiling wired and sockets under each computor there will be seven home computors that are free charge them for the rest whatever the market will bear as long as you let some of the homeless inside in the winter to use the computor for free seven is plenty and make at least a thousand tables this way you will make money for repairs and live there in New York or Bangkok wherever you can find the space to build this thing first come first serve and a waiting list when someone leaves someone else will come to give you money to keep the place running like a mini huge company take back the web away from the government they ruin everything they ever touch be flexiable on the price if you are having a good day let some pay less iff you feel you are not getting enought ask for more and they will come the free users the payers the online addicted need there fixes now be creative when you get established in this online established place and all the power and the signal spaced then make each cubicle noise free and user friendly fire the glass and make it bullit proff make the place to last into the next millennium for how do you expect to turn the Prophet over without funding get it from the Government they will buy you lots of Security devices leave them lame and take the money.

666 part two The Warehouse
three empty crucibles
one man simply decided to wash his clothing he went to get his laundry from the basket now he is gone from the slot he keeps the intergnet paid in advantage is now mine eye will pass the time and use his table instead of mine the second man is paid eye can leave it there for him the next time the third man simply left it open eye can sell his slot to you see the way it works a steady income for money begets money and it all adds into the reason is to keep a free user intergnet web the free seven computors for the public almost always stay empty the world still hates the free stuff they love to pay they love to steal the money to pay for things like time hardware and soft stolen kisses in the night where is this going oh when will it be done re member to do everything accordian to the building code of the estate where you must be living in the ether zone. Dash it all prancer dont you see iff you follow my first poem instructions you could be filthy soon living high by social eyezing try to make one of my warehouses somewhere in Spain Madrid comes to my mind unbidden like Holy WIne in the Chalice of GOD cupped in other hands can you only sip or will you drink it deeply adding lead from Roman urnings spilling it down your white chastied shirt sleeved for the winter has come blowing coldly move the signal boxes farther apart so the signal is stronger to every computor in the warehouse but keep the money accounted and free flowing not saved or stolen or double hatched this idea from a long time of useful worry see me in less then one hundred of my years and let each person decide what they post or stream or look at or read upon the intergnet web for free or the small fee they pay for the time keep me posted brindley or your fired
666 third examples
 666 Third examples
 The gamer
 in the middle of the warehouse sits the gamer he is paid in advance for several years of time advance he plays each game until the game ender button is revealed and then he cheats of course he wins all the games he plays them all day long never tiring never missing a pinball wizard he loves to play them all the lyrics to songs run into the words for my poem seems ok to hum a battle song he whistles in his little crucible cubicle we listened one day and it was dixie the next day it was the battle hymn of the republic he is confedarate one day the yankee spy the next he plays the games no one else will buy he plays them free online he pays us for the signal space the switch boxes gives him love and grace the number of his name the 666 replaces what he needs his body looks so thin but the gamer has no time to eat he must play and download games
 the student slash writer
 get it what a joke ahha
 the person has the curly que ball hair he sits and stares in space is paid but only for the one day at a time he sits and stares until he gets ideas from space and time then double spaces all the work has to be in black government ink they still dont like the computor generation homework some teachers still make them student/writers write the homework out by hand on old timey notebook paper three hole binding in the notebook is an actual plastic looking thing with folders pens holding ink and pencils with the number two allowed them the online look ups but not the cheating styles.
 The pornographer sits near the end on the Cee ell the Ex ell is my inital investment included no exposure to the elements no censure or sensorchips allowed no filters of any kind let love rule the day on my watch is mickeys minnie mouse here is what his computor might say to him CLICK too many clicks and the more he clicks the more he wishes and wants he needs exhaust fumes in this small breathable space let go of the mouse you idiot while the pornographer still clicks too many clicks we turned off his moniter long ago to give his privacy a blessing from the 666 we do not care what he is looking at or doing there as long as we get paid the money to keep the overhead paid and all of us in online need there were three unpaid homeless users also here today. This warehouse needs to be more work done but all of us are still online and having fun with 666 work is the last option.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

texas hospitality

texas hospitality
eye was removed from two areas today for no good reason other then eye am homeless which thing is just not good enought for eye think there is no such thing as texas hospitality and christmas is not in these peoples hearts are very far from god and centered on themselves the little bit of power they possess has gone to there little brains and kissed there texas hospitality they told me they do not wish for bums to be inside the downtown area and once they removed me from the lieberry and yes eye was on this signal spot but outside the main section was not open yet and eye was early and they said that eye was camping there and it rained a lot and they accused me of the bathroom and to make a longer story short and downtown back in the park just to have coffee they told me you can not have camping gear and stay there so what eye will not easliy forgive them and christmas here will be no fun for eye think they missed the very idea of christ in all there lives eye see only the devil from mexico in san antonio no texas hospitality eye hope all these people become homeless and face the things eye face each and every day just to survive oh god in jesus give this to them let them see it from the other side everything they own upon there back and move them down there sidewalk crack them to infinity and then let them find some of this texas hospitality

Monday, November 21, 2011

heaven rains

heaven rains
Angels stand on nothing it looks like a Choir robed all in white while they sing the sound is so beautiful it looks like flight and sounds like heaven raining down the steps unseen the building behind them must be behind those heaven gates they swing the music like nothing ever heard on earth before it praises them it edifies there GOD above the throne looks down and somewhere standing there upon the right hand of the GOD the Jesus dressed for the final battle smiles he sees me in perplexion the mortal coil in danger of reflection why is this allowed to me to see this vision of my GOD and why just singing it seems so strang to see this vision of the Angels singing above me in the winter heaven rains the smile of Jesus while eye quake in fear the sheep though lost in thought is quickly picking up a stick like Moses eye leaned heavily upon my staff and chaffed at yoke of GOD while my mind tried despiritly to pull this music into reality but failed to discern the content of the happiness of GOD while heaven rains the happiness of GOD the smile of Jesus the moment of my wisdom in the desert came to me from HIM who made the elements and brings to me the heaven rains the music of the Angels standing in the Clouds the Building steps under them quite beautiful to imagine them the Alabaster marble and the clear sea tones escaping to my ears can not contain the melodies of GOD while heaven rains upon the brow of this lost son
CharlaX crying for the heaven rains above

Saturday, November 19, 2011


 Superman Pictures, Images and Photos
 The time dysfunctional unit
 He took off his hat and glasses stepped out of the area and jumped into the air he felt good about his new project he turned on his Super speed and became super sonic man he passed close to an airliner and the kids all cheered as they saw the streak of red and blue shooting away off the wing even the pilots were grinning at the sight of Metropolis favorite Super hero in flight. He did not stop until he was near the North Pole where his Fortress of Solitude was dwarfed in size with the Super expanding version of Krypton this was the one he was taking to the time zone he intended to place this unit into orbit Minutes before Krypton exploded. He would take the few minutes he had there to protect it from the Kryptonite particles coming into being the pieces and parts floating past him into Space. He had a plan to form a shield around the expanding planet Model would become the New Krypton he intended to save only a few people on the planet when it exploded even he could not take the time to save them all. His Parents of COURSE his parents he intended to place them on the New Krypton so they could live there lives long and discover more of the love between them. He landed and started his last minute adjustments he would go to Krypton in real time the area where it should be when he created his time warp would be kryptonite free until he reached the Real Krypton just a few minutes before his Parents sent his form into the rocket to send it into the Earth where it landed really rather badly in the Kents fields of Corn he thought back and forth his whole life flashing past him he decided he must be almost ready to go now. He picked up New Krypton which was not yet expanded it was only a little larger then his red S he held it to his Chest and took off directly for the place where Krypton once was a thriving Metropolis in the Sky the Emerald Dot. He created the time warp by flying backwards around the planet while it was expanding in space the race was with Time now the dysfunction could kill him unless he did it right the first time it was critical now. He began the red and blue streaks tinged with his yellow belt he began to spin backwards around New Krypton each orbit becoming larger as the New World expanded outword. He encountered no resistance and then he was there the old Planet Krypton glowing green on the false horizon. The new one in place and He was just in time for the Destruction was almost upon them the Justice Hall began to shake and YES he saw it the ROCKET with the little Superman inside it HE must not touch it or stop it or He himself though Stronger then Steel might cease to exist in real time. He deftly flew past the Rocket into the Hall of Justice. Leagues of time seemed to seperate him from his Parents He could see both of them now they were watching the Rocket get away and trying to avoid the falling debris from the breaking cealing above them when Superman flew into the room. Jor-El and Lara-El the last Kryptonions alive. Except for we know who is in the rocket. He Picked them both up carefully one on each arm they held to him sensing he was there to save them. He took them to the Hydroponic Gardens on the New Planet Krypton and showed his Real father how to read the teaching tapes for the New Planet Krypton and then he flew away back to the Earth where he found it in the prehistoric state of nothing really much there. He flew forward around the Earth at Super manic speed becoming the familiar red and blue burr every child loves to see on Saturday morning cartoons. And when eye got back to my office eye changed into my street clothing and got my Hat and Glasses on now and dont you just love to read about Superman ...byline...The Daily Planet...ClarkKent...Repor​ting

Monday, November 14, 2011


San Antonio
5$ for one pack a woman bought a pack of menthol 100’s at the store for SIX SIX SIX dollars and she jumped at the chance to get them saying they were much more than that about Seven Dollars where she lives they keep going up and over the asking price it is comparable now to Crack. Snipes still are free the pigeon flavor is not extra long are hard to find in the cracks on the City SIdewalk there is cigars and wrappers. Fingers stained brownish with tobacco they roll them twisty upp in any old thing now even toilet paper thin and twisted they grin the death heads grinding grin and Smoke. Twenty five cents on the street will still buy a cigarette sweet smoking some people pay a $ Bill for one Smoke. They ask for smokes which is still panhandling and bumming is against most law men will blanch out and start arresting them perps rolling papers full of pigeon droppings and sticks and leaves whatever they can find that will burn them brown eye fingers to the bone just to get that Smoke. There is still machines in bars full of packs at twice the price in better strip joints you can buy the Smoke. The smoke breaks on the phone whom has a smoke hay buddy hay good buddy ROW bring to me a Smoke eye need one NOW because you smoked all mine up the last time. The wind blows against the papers when you get them ready to lick they lose them flavors to the wind they seem like Smoke again. There is something said for filters they stick to lips when left too long the fire is out the smell is all youve got of Smoke when you see something not in your interest and you fell like checking it out you reach up for the smoke inside your mouth you grab it hard to get ready to go and some of your lip peels off it is hard to heal up it makes such a blister it hurts to Smoke.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Charles Robert Hice
 COWBOY Haiku Two
 The wind with someone in it
 Ruler of the finer
 Works of men destroy
 Wind chill factory Max
 Wet cold intense men
 Blow wind oh blow blow
 Wish the wind to stop
 Why does it blow still
 Still blows cold no matter
 Worry wort worry
 Ride the cold wind out
 What horn anti personal
 Mind over wind over mind
 Proper tie white black attire
 Wind to hold blow would be amiss

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Charles Robert Hice
San Antonio
COWBOY Texas Haiku
 COWBOY Texas Haiku
 you take a rock stone
 you crumble the rock
 you pick the sand stone parts up
 you crumble the sand stone up
 you crumble the sand
 you pick the rock up

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Never in the History of Mankind do we owe so little to so few to so many to no one in particular. 7Billion people you say you want a better life for them today. Nay but Nay what kind of life did you give the CHILDREN in Viet Nam the Congo most of Asia and the African Nations. Making parodays of people into slavery voices arms and legs saluting death. HEAR me and heed my warning unless you change the status quo vadis to more tender forms of love like actually making feeding centers for people who are hungry out there in the field where they have a chance to get to food. Try a little tenderness in the back streets of America where people suffer and starve most every day and night. IN every Country France and England there must be Starving people begging and dying call them homeless call them drunks but dead people just dont count in your statistical world of love. UNTIL you address the worlds problems with actual solutions like FEEDING centers for the poor Medical treatment made available on a need for need basis with no regard for money paid or earned YOU HAVE FAILED to love you have FAILED your GOD. May Jesus have MERCY on all your souls.
eye declaration
the dead poet

Friday, October 21, 2011


San Antonio

This is Johnny Dark calling for John Travolta : Johnny Dark
KFC : yes SIR how may we help you SIR ?
Our Restaurant is at your disposal.
Johnny Dark : We need a Reservation for 43 people including the MAN himself is coming down. Can you handle it. Clown.
KFC : You must be thinking of Mcdonalds now. NO SIR we take no Special Reservations for important people just come as you are.
Johnny Dark : Clown. You don’t understand who you are talking to be or not to be that is your Question we cannot frequent your Society without are safeguards will you take $20,000 ??? Speak up, Clown.
KFC : Sniff, we are a Chicken Place we get more then that much at our Window every night NO CLOWN am eye eye serve my wings to everyone but old homeless people with no money. WE send our gangs outside to beat him upp. NO CLOWN here you can still call McDonald Ronald.
Johnny Dark : We prolley will go find a Burger or Steak place now you missed the Golden Rodded boy of this Century and the Millineum how dare you refuse us service GOOD NIGHT you Chicken eater place. Ed.note.ed
the semblance of a cell phone hanging up was not lost on all of us were looking in the dumpster for the bones of Scientology is gone. One more item for the Record you were NEVER talking to Travolta.

Thursday, October 13, 2011



Eye still believe in Jesus Christ
eye still make poems in the Dell
eye am much too self centered
to be considered to be a good christian
nevertheless and nevermore christian eye be
until death or the end of time
or the return of the Jesus Christ
this is a list of my shortcomings
one half of my big toe is missing on my left foot there is nine broken bones my leg was stapled back together there is still scars on my shining shin bone there is numerous small cuts and contusions too numerous to mention them all eye have a dandruff problem and bad broken teeth this well hung horse is fine in that direction south of my border is ok as well as my head suffers trama from too many hard fights from the gangs they hit me too hard but my mind is still in use the Spirit never broken the love in my heart is good but iff eye took out a majic marker and marked off all the places eye have been where eye can never go back there again there would only be a small white spot in Texas where eye now live and reside still homeless on the street still with all the problems and my need for all my meat intact thank GOD eye can still see and here and function without crack AMEN this is short and sweet like eye.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The BookISH student not the Booker student. A Booker student connotes shades of transparenties cluminating in effortless definitions of the Bookie. Good Example is thus the Booker Student was taking bets and making money on them. Better Example is thus the BookISH student was taking bets and making money on them. Best Example is thus the Bookie student was taking bets and making money on them. After all is said and done he is the BookISH Booker Bookie. ISHing thought for the day eye do not see why eye have to die so full of years when my days were so crappy each one an ordeal of death the hot sun sucking the life out of me as eye walked in places eye would never willingly go to live. Unlettered and unlearned. Protesting my demise by being sober and drug free. Perhaps in one mad moment eye think eye should have stayed off the computor and written nothing drinking myself into oblivion. Or mabe not. Eye like to make my poems but what is better for eye is for someone to actually read them. Perhaps these last seven years were worth the first few decades of pain. Life is meant to hurt us perhaps love is meant to heal us perhaps our love will someday keep us from our misery until the day we die. Post nasal script addition. My Jacks Restaurant has joined the rest of the world and only gives me one refill on my coffee cup now. Jacks. Jack in the Box the guy with the ping pong ball for ahead he is in the fast lane now speedy. While eye am still just ISHing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

White Jesus: charlax k.e.

White Jesus: charlax k.e.

He needs to talk to Jesus
To accept his healing
But he’s mad at Jesus
Jesus let him get sick
That white Jesus did

That Jesus in the pictures
That Jesus on T.V.
The one in the shroud
The one in the crowd of
White-sheeted bigots
The one who kills little
Children in Sunday school
The one who builds theme
Parks and bilks old ladies
Out of their pension checks
To pay for ‘em / the one
Who put air conditioning
In his dog house yet
Lets the inner cities starve
The one on the cell phone
Who steals your identity
The one gave you that free
Computer you’re still paying for

The one in the White House

No wonder he’s mad at you
You made him sick and
He’s gonna stay sick
Just to spite you
You white Jesus you

 Whitebread Jesus
Whitebread Jesus
Jesus is limpwristed white anglo saxon male tripping on acid drinking pale ale smoking only Manitoba Red but willing to BONG with any group of young educated white people STOP. Of course this write is all self evidently supported by the Constituents of the Republicans Hierarchy. Jesus was an Israelite. A dark skinned desert dwelling nomad he travelled back from EgYpt on a Camel back. Jesus is a Negroid. He is a tall and balding black man with a hair lip in the south of darkenness so that when he smiles his teeth are showing up like the Cheshire Cat  smile as eye remember ALICE as eye smile. Jesus is Oriental yellow palor blending into hide as homeless next to concrete walls unpainted near the asphalt changing colors as the world glides bye. Jesus is blue. Because we make him sad. A frosty blue reflecting anger turning purple and then red because of coming judgment of the dead. Jesus is mad. But not at ewe or eye. Jesus is white for Holy Robes cleansed of all the weaknesses of Human Frailties; GOD.


Invigourus, I lay inviolate at rest

inn nesting nest

hot but not over done

the clouds it almost came the rain

came drops once hard now gone

sweat some on the back of neck

swiped away with hand

I lay in socks

legs resting

thinking in this clay



Sunday, October 2, 2011

2000 BLOGGER posts here ici

Pills then call me in the next life. OR take two aspirins then call me in the morning light. Pay for the intergnet is not an option but the free stuff is so iffy. Trying to get online securely Shirley. Take two tablets and call me in the Mourning time. They make intergnet for phones complete with viewing screens for people like me who cant see two inches in front of the space. But eye will never use a phone this way. It is nothing but a clock to eye see the time is mine. Perhaps a small Eee viewer can be mine for $100. It had better come with rollers. And Downloading so eye can get my Firefox or even my Mozilla one is just the other. Cracked bones and teeth hurt eye need extract or other forms of medicine. Vanilla. Chocolate Brownies for a snack. Cake. Texas has the worst sort of Government it is only the State run institutions they do not recognize the Federal Government they still wear Rebel Uniforms the GIANT ten gallon Hat and the Buster Brown steel toe wing tip shoes. They are the Republic of Texas and San Antonio is the corporation not the free sovereign. Iff eye die here before eye escape then eye will have lots of homeless company in Heaven for every homeless peon in Texas lives here on Texas leaven. Worth more then eye can tell ewe. Another Roman Sunday. Adequate. TakeTwo.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


a coffee table poem

The CharlaX Phenomenon
Discover Caffeine again
Discover The Powerful Hair Growth Formula that Was Used by a Chinese Monk (713 A.D.) To Re-grow Thick Luscious Hair HE DRANK lots of COFFEE
Go figure it out now
Feel the BURN
The hair on MY head is all natural and caffeinated
Eye drink cokes when eye am not drinking coffee eye will NEVER BE BALD
The Chinese knoe this it is no secret formula
The Fleeceflower root is only the coffee bean
Proven facts
Go see page 32
We called them China Berries back home
Now they are still called Waxing Berries in China.
Notice the first picture
See the hair
This persone drinks coffee
Notice the secone picture now
See the balding head
This persone does NOT drink coffee
Full disclosure
Monks and  monkeys alike
notice the area around the bald spot
needs more brown substances
this is called
non caffeinated hair syndrome
now look at the after coffee picture
notice the resemblance

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

United CharlaX Governmeant

ff Pictures, Images and Photos

United CharlaX Governmeant
The Pree Amble
A Classic Paroday
Bye the People Four the People OFF the people
let my people go
Black Power
up the Ante
where is Kansas
limited brain case but unlimited power the lagg is killing me what a monster there will be no justify for the monkey when the time is upp and over the topp is a long way down the ladder is rung the bell is knelling only for the highway is longer then the road. When the ROLL is called up YONDER it will be a Cross Topp BUnn. With Jam cause Jelly wont Roll. Roll the list roll the list call the roll is what eye meant the Governmeant. The acting President is Grey. Hounds are only Basket chasers. Baskervilles. Tartan worthwhile creatures full of fangs and old movie lists. Have ewe ever had a field day. ANN AMble with the marbel day. Spam streaming on my intergnet signal the lagg working against me reporting a bad lagger. Queens are not the same as queers now stop and do not think about this. Judges bang the gavel order in the court make mine with mustard over flowing fourth chair find me quick as the brown mustard gas attack the wall post the destruction of my facebook now id the time for all good women ewe to come to the aid of poor CharlaX Richard Long Rhymes with Ringer and Feather. Oh well iff eye have to spell it out LONGER.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


San Antonio
Satan and Daniel
one last word
Checked or checkered worsted or suited to be nude under your clothing is transparent apparently non existent to my naked eye think this will be easily my last try Daniel answer me what is the last word ? Remember it means your soul against your long and sinful life”. Daniel shuffled his feet there was only a long silent night. “Away over there in the manger”,  the Devil began to sing. “Stop that” was from Daniel, “How do you expect me now to think” ? “eye need a drink a stiff one or both, ? eye need to THINK!!! The merciless Devil began to sing louder “Baby Jesus in the Carriage rhymes with perfect Marriage” yes you never married Daniel Webster but you played the bombast lots of times. Tell me now this one last test of time repeat after me “the last word is now just fill in the blank for your life ; at this the Devil Satan rocked back and forth in a Mimicry of him and then HE smiled. You always defeat me so quickly so smug in your Lawyers britches. While Christians die naked and stoned in the bull rushes of “GOD”. Daniel was smiling now. The Devil slapped his hand up over his mouth TOO LATE he realized just what he had done. Daniel seized the day. “GOD” is the last word howsoever you say it Jesus or Our Father the last word is “GOD”. Then the Devil rode a giant lightening rod back up to the Heavens and Daniel did his little Webster definition of a dance shuffle full of saving Grace. He shot his cuff out and buffed his sleeve and looked down at his Plaids.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

UARS satellite

dot dot dot dit dit dah and indeed the satellite shall smite the world as Nostradomus predicted in 536 BC or whenever the thing was written down much later as a hand me down shirt from the brother wool gatherer where will the thing come down now is the time to tell you all they could have should have would have shot it down but the shrapnel would fill the sky much worse then the debris would have filled the Korean Nuclear Chamber setting of the chain reactors. If that radiation still dont shine gonna kill that mockingbird of mine. DATELINE canada soda cans HOLY recyclying Moose man it landed and is being stolen by Northern light men on Mooses. Flash in the pan in canada. AAron and Abigail got the first piece it is so shiney they blinked then raced it to the can man place they got in line speaking French is such a lovey dovey languages. they got Fifty six LBS. thats 14 cents American. And how is YOUR saturday eye am tired of waiting for this UARS sattelite to land in NORTH AMERICA eye am ici. sattelite

Wednesday, September 21, 2011





and not so famous nammes began to beg for my attentions before the
mourning light has faded in all the deserted places.

American Nicknamme Number One “Connie”

Conrad Weiser traveled to
all the Indian capitals and negotiated many treaties they called him
“connie” it means conniver because he was so wise he made
many inroads to peace even in spite of the fact that he lived with
the Mohawks he was a survivor quite possibly a Christian though there
is no evidence to support this the reason for this treatise is the
bubble of peace that surrounded him and all the Indians quite
largely disappeared with his demise for Death takes the Spirit Home
to Christ.

American Nicknamme Two “Davit”

“Davit” Crockett this early pioneer was left with this
early Nicknamme as the result of a fight he had at the boat docks
with Mike Fink who simply did not like the color of his famous
trademark SkunkCap he had taken the skunk in a fair fight and used
the white fur with a black stripe he defeated the alarming FINK when
the man was overcome by the fumes from the cap he called for the
David they thought he was saying Davit after the lift for his famous
raft. He swaned and Davit Crockett hit him with his best jab and won
the fight is now in historic traces.

American Nicknamme Number Three “Johnny Appleseed”
Jonathan Chapman little “Johnny Appleseed”

was an American politician, serving as the tree planter for the
generation of Appleists they all had wives and married young it was
not unusual for them to be seen bobbing a lot. He was last seen near
Idaho still wearing that silly IRON pot on his head some say it was a
serving pot to make Applesauce and other apple soups. He traversed
the land leaving many seeds podded behind him. Trees of Apple in a
row go little Johnny go go go but Johnny Be Good was my favorite song

American Nicknamme Number Four “bigfooted’

“Bigfooted” Armstrong was a astronaut yearning for the
stars when he joined the NASA program they said do not get your hopes
up but we will get you to the moon.
On July 20,
Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the Moon. That
is when the Houston controllers said WAY to go “Bigfooted”.
This nicknamme stuck with him all the rest of the days of his life
in this lifetime. He was astounded one day when his 6th
grade teacher Mrs. Alpine Smith said how is it going there
“bigfooted” yew. He was surprised everytime someone
remembered him.

American Nicknamme Five “CharlaX”

“CharlaX” Hice

famous author and statesman was making a new fabel when the idea came
for a new nicknamme he wanted to use Charlock because of the faith of
the grain of the mustard seed and because there is already a CharlaX
in France the soccer KING. The ax on the end of Charl refers of
course to the CROSS of JESUS and makes the man appear to be religious
in all his writings at least famous. He does not always make a JESUS
reference in every fabel but the reader should take it as love for
his ewe and grace from above in every fabel that eye dew there has
got to be love a little place in my heart for humor not much and the
liscence plate in place for the words that eye miss the spelling on.

Monday, September 19, 2011


San Antonio
work EYE SHOWED YOU MY INTELLIGENCE when eye hammered the pegs in the round holes not the square ones but eye showed you my ass when eye told you how much eye wanted to hammer the square ones there. life is too short not to go there. to have fun is the answer to the end. oh eye was two young wishing for the brass ring tone but not understanding eye had to have a phone eye fought against the mark of the beast the phone eye have now has a charger and a clock eye use it to tell time nothing more eye would not even dial 911 they would arresst me for stealing someones phone eye found it on a ledge outside a lieberry on a wall of stucco no one was home this may have been the reason they kicked me out of the lieberry SOMEONE heard something is what they said to me but eye unplugged the phone in plain in front of the policeman eye did so now eye am in my new city jack off the wall is made of fences and trespasses no where to lay my head eye hide atop my bed is made of wishes and poor dreams oh but such dreams eye have of ewe not to be discussed in public and yet you must sense just what eye meant to tell you yes it is sex when consenting adults play hard ball it lingers all night long balls off (typoe) lightening ripping my sky apart simulating the coming of my lord as eye think only of her there wishing we could meet for real for life. Romance is the key to life. Violet Barbarella MaryJane Fonda. dew you see this as easy eye see this as work.

ed.note.ed the pic because on SUNDAY eye found a Cross Crucifixt across from a Catholic
on the ground on a chain
it is a Jesus thing

Saturday, September 17, 2011



San Antonio
a paroday of who
Who are you ?
eye am How eye am the Indian How
How are you ?
eye am How
you already said this once How are you Doing.
eye am fine
eye thought you just told me you are How
just kidding
JustKidding is my niece
eye am How
you must be serious now
NOT Now How
oh ok talk later
TalkLater is my Uncle.
You have a lot of people in your WigWarm.
No not really in my Wig warm is only How.
Stop laughing now.
And How.
OH BrownCow is daughter of

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Agony MOuse Padd

Agony MOuse Padd

charlax perfume

Agony MOuse Padd
The agony was several days eye refused to get to the counter to ask for a mouse padd the agony was caused by not knoeing what they will do for eye. Eye finally decided to try. This prose poem is brought by the tear in my eye to ewe. They did not refuse to help me they would not tell me no but they refused to give me one for my very own bout it is nice to use it for the time eye am alone with thoughts in public they let me take one not all the away home but to my laptop zone and eye can use it all day long as long as eye return it when eyem done sometime same day kind of thing it feels so nice to eye to use something loaned and the lieberrien is so nice to eye think eye am in love again she is the ethnic Chinese almost touched me with her hand such a nice feeling in a man and eye will return this mouse padd in agony because it is a gift and eye will not steal this gift but use it wildly in my dreams as thrift and pay the agony with love

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


He walked with his arm out from his side extended into apace near his shoulder was large he neared the table where the other bums stood to make room for him HEY they all hollered its SideArm everybody move. Eye am George Worthington and every body snickered you is SideArm just to us they all laughed and handed him the whiskey “ they set the laptop down in front of SideArm and he paused the bottle not yet to his mouth he froze. This is CharlaX Dell computer his only means of contacting his ewe where is he now where did you get his so mean of you ??? And then he laughed and pulled of his disguise it was me not you and eye got my poor laptop back from the wrecking crew. Pretending to be SideArm was hard thirsty work but eye got cokes and water from fountains. My friend Billy was still just a kidd eye asked him why he was staring so hard at one guy who came upp too close to the table he left a huge apple pie for me to eat for eye am able to get the apple out from under the crust. He told me he changed his hair oil and cutt off his bearded face and that must be a new tee shirt but that is my friend poor Tom and eye laughed and told him that is My uncle John. Jack in the Coffee is still a good place three free refills bring no disgrace. BOX BOX BOX the guy with the wool scarf and the ping ball head PONG PONG PONG lol. The time is standing closer to the sink hole under water the miller told me what 12 minutes is it 12 minutes to 95 eye almost did not finish up my friendly oration but told him NINE o'clock is when this established opens. To my friend aside eye said he must have some idea of when this lieberry opens. He went to the store to get bred he is old enought to get some on him. Largese and winter time approachmeant. The end of SideArm is coming soon he is a handicapp when he approaches they yell LOOK OUT hes got a SideArm ahahaha.


He walked with his arm out from his side extended into apace near his shoulder was large he neared the table where the other bums stood to make room for him HEY they all hollered its SideArm everybody move. Eye am George Worthington and every body snickered you is SideArm just to us they all laughed and handed him the whiskey “ they set the laptop down in front of SideArm and he paused the bottle not yet to his mouth he froze. This is CharlaX Dell computer his only means of contacting his ewe where is he now where did you get his so mean of you ??? And then he laughed and pulled of his disguise it was me not you and eye got my poor laptop back from the wrecking crew. Pretending to be SideArm was hard thirsty work but eye got cokes and water from fountains. My friend Billy was still just a kidd eye asked him why he was staring so hard at one guy who came upp too close to the table he left a huge apple pie for me to eat for eye am able to get the apple out from under the crust. He told me he changed his hair oil and cutt off his bearded face and that must be a new tee shirt but that is my friend poor Tom and eye laughed and told him that is My uncle John. Jack in the Coffee is still a good place three free refills bring no disgrace. BOX BOX BOX the guy with the wool scarf and the ping ball head PONG PONG PONG lol. The time is standing closer to the sink hole under water the miller told me what 12 minutes is it 12 minutes to 95 eye almost did not finish up my friendly oration but told him NINE o'clock is when this established opens. To my friend aside eye said he must have some idea of when this lieberry opens. He went to the store to get bred he is old enought to get some on him. Largese and winter time approachmeant. The end of SideArm is coming soon he is a handicapp when he approaches they yell LOOK OUT hes got a SideArm ahahaha.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

JavaJack.docx ® Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater.Org
Jack ® IN the Box is a religious organization so acting President John Q. Whirly is making all new decisions concerning the new coffee. is now online and available at all the stores in the United Kranium Country. Remember this is only a test soon this Iced Coffee Latte will be available in this country US of A. Kona Coffee from Hawaii is always the best but now we added ICE. we do not own the trademark ® on this yet. But we will use the ice machine until we get the Jack.Snowcone machines in place. Jack.Lemonade Stands out back. We are entering the millennium now we are running out of Jack things. Looking for alternative Jack. The latte will be flavored just like Starbucks ® only somewhat different we will use the Snowcones flavors everyone knoes and loves the ice machine will be moved into the Kitchen for the latte will be only made according to the flavors on the Wall thing. JohnJack will get tired of pointing to it all the time. You want a list go into JackintheBox look up on the wall no wait COMING SOON lemon line lime flavored Ice Kona Coffee only at Jacks Restaurants. Oh wait its called JackintheBox in THIS country. YES my head is also a huge Ping Pong Ball. From California. NO REFILLS FOR FREE pay each time you get it get as many as you can stand to suck the lumpy stuff out of the Jack ice. Acting as the Treasurer CharlaX Plence. Uncle (R) onald Rest In Piece we are following YOUR footsteps into Oblivion and shaving ice in this millennium.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


In all this excitement eye forgot my pea and queues. the girl who tried to ask me a question at the bus stop surprised when eye did not stop or listen to what she was saying who were you talking too no one is home eye am worry eye am fear eye am homeless on your street lighted from within with the fires of god healing his Jesus within me is chaos on the street the boy how funny eye must seen to this stripling lad of plenty muscles and slick hair and rich looking in his clothes he carries a bag but says he lives in a house he told me the building is now a vacant lot some homeless person burned it down he died from breathing fumey installation in the walls of San Antonio. He told me how he makes his living when someone gets too close to him he Grabs them and robs them this THIEF will not ever be my friend a robber who brags of fighting he thinks that he and he alone is god. The drunkard who was curious but did not come up the steps eye stopped my fear and slept the boy who sleeps upon the roof his baggage gone but still he comes to safety from the street is gone eye live upon my short stair cases of food laying next to me. While everyone eats 666 money offerings from food stamp cards eye still find the goodies and the dogs so hot eye crave the meat like an animal in this heat eye live to eat in the Alamo City of god. Bless me San Antone. Eye almost forgot all the other people moving past me on the sidewalk bless us everyone with MorePp. Oh my god Saint Anthony.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

light bulb time

 by Charles Robert Hice on Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 1:05pm light bulb time light bulb time light bulb time EYEM NOT RUNNING eye am only walking fast carrying things like light bulbs in my hand and crippled on one foot how could eye be running in the lieberry eye told the gurd it was not me its time to change the light bulbs in the lieberry let there be light so we all can see its a comedy. the kidd is not too bright he takes the things the supervisor gives him tries to make them work most of them do not they might be doing this on purpose now the kidd is white the rest of them are black or brown everyone is wetback now because of the heat wave this is a safe cooling place listed on the website let my people sit in harmony read eat use the bathroom once then wait get past the light bulb cart he is putting in the wires now the bulb burned out perhaps they are a new size not suited for the old sockets perhaps they will let the boy become a man he wires so wonderfully at home on the ladder he is so nice his voice so soft no eye am still not gay just very happy today they decided the reason the bulbs were burning out much too quickly they did not have the butt connectors wired. STOP this is an actual term it is what electricians call these things. When the young boy twisted the wires my heart leaped of course this is only a paroday meant to upset the women in my life long dream is to be married to the you see these tendencies in eye. The woman outside said THOSE PEOPLE several too many times referring to the group trying to get into the door when it opens they burst into single file then hurry its why the guard singled me out there must be lots of people moving faster then eye do not see why but eye like the safer wiring on the light bulbs this is eye at age 2

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CITY of one night.odt CITY of one night no angels in sight

CITY of one night
no angels in sight


CITY of one night
no angels in sight
eye left my friend to worry for himself
as eye made my way up a street which suddenly filled up with people too many on a late night eye judged myself in need of sleep and space to lay by myself my worry had come from the SIGN SIGN EVERYWHERE A SIGN posted on the building where WE were sleeping on the ants when eye noticed FOUR new sign posted no trespassing and no loitering it seemed to eye for us for me at least they would not do it to a TEXAN son. He elected to stay under the threat of arresst eye left eye searched for another place to sleep on my own again. Eye will always remember my friend but his name was never mentioned now even the table where we sat together is gone from the lieberry as iff they knoe we parted company today. He has chosen not to return to this lieberry and so eye pen this reluctantly GOODBYE my friend eye was not leaving you only the area which was sign posted. Eye walked into a iffy area the street was filled with a parked car the man doing things to a woman in the dark in the alley there was love to some a certain false security not understanding there was someone there behind him he did not miss or stop his function. The Man who was stuffing his shirt into his pants looked like an off duty policeman and he ignored me and hotfooted off the property eye began to edge off the property myself not sure how many people were now involved. Eye went back to the street making sure eye was not followed in the dark eye spent some time near the fenced in area of the parking lot then left in search of a place to sleep denied by barking dogs eye moved once more the hedge hid me from the street the COP CAR stopped he looked directly at me they got those glowing sensors now he knoes where people are. Eye let him see my face how haggard eye have become in these short days of missing my Friend now and he must have felt sorry for me it was past midnight and eye got up and moved twice more. The man inside the house who yelled at me WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE should read my poetry. So out to the street for the nearly last time eye found the place eye was finally looking for. The other homeless people sleep there in plain site and eye went around to the side but stayed out of the back the fence is open the gate a jar and there eye crashed until 3 45 the sky fooled me the long time eye had been resting became only a few hours now eye sat down at my Star Bucks hotspot where a man on a bycycle told me YOU meaning EYE did the right thinking thing by leaving the friend in the posted sign area. ABSOLVED of guilt eye carry my luggage and quiver in love. COffee was so good. My google reader told me just now the space probe is looking at us how tiny an earth and moon eye imagined eye could see it with my supervision out the lieberry window and eye smiled. Tommorrow is another try. At friendship and at love. NOt quite so sorry now.