Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The men upon the dock office were hard and tough they did not like my homeless good looks. Eye filled out the application and eye waited as iff they had the time to send me out there to that oil rigged now. They said. YOU are not a human you are just an android we do not need cooks or dishwashers there is always some more of those in line. Eye said what iff eye drove up out here inside a car or wait even better what iff eye showed up out here upon a motorcycle. They said. You would just have to park it and leave it here you can have no money from us unless we hire you to work and that will not happen until the end of time. And so the android got no job and he became a homeless person. Then one day he became a duck and flew into the GUlf. Too fish eye. Eye was suffocating as soon as eye hit the water near the shoreline eye held my breath too late the latex intolerance had gotten me and now eye went too rotten. That is why ducks use no soft soap. That is why charlax the duck becomes the poem to remind the people that sentenced me to die they did bad things in not hiring me when eye was young they reinforced my poverty they made me cuss and cry and then they poured dark icky inky oil all over me as ducked. It is hard to catch and eat a fish thats full of oily leaden mess please next time when the GOD LORD JESUS gives you people one more earth to dwell inn dont use the oil but try alternative feuling.

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