Thursday, May 27, 2010


Can you understand amoebae when they tear each one into to be two new amoebae does it hurt them or fulfill them to divide and conquer life? When eye have her love. When she is missing me or eye am missing love. Time stretches and becomes painful in its lack of hold upon reality. It does not near my sex but thumps the bottom of mye heart. Eye would be with her face to face and take quite some time to ever mention more then love. A little boy she has found a heart so full of want. All the things eye missed in my young life she holds. She has them all. She has mye love inside her heart. The wonderful she am. It would be easier to climb a needle up into the farthest reaches of the sky. Then to explain my lack of feeling badly when mye love tells me she loves me is the only time eye cry.

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