eye condense this soupy itemizage eye get ready for a Holiday.
This is called Dyed in the Woolen as a Sheep OR Thanzxk be to
Frostbite Falls OR Now eye lay mee down to eye for eye confess mye
sins eye hide them not but sometimes eye tab the screens a lot the
pictures are the same thing over and over the ones eye like eye dare
the rest of you to lie and say you never want to sigh to want. TO
look upon the things of youth misspent to pretend eye am old enough
now to vent to want to look and think that eye could have some. On
this day of Holiday eye do not cry but stare hungrily at love and
wonder if the things we missed will be enough when love is met she
has a name she is so sweet. She it is who loves me may knoe what this
is all about the looking glass is darkened in the night but day
sufficeth when it cometh to be mine. Not a peeper only but a doer
when eye finally meet her eye will greet her with a welcome kiss
even iff this old dehydrate man can gum a steak with just one tooth
left in his head eye hate the way eye sound when eye use the one
that's gone. Hallowweenie Pparinoia She sent to me a magazine article
about a cavern full of crystals. The first thing eye remembered was
first thing sending it to her it is the same article from the same
magazine eye sent her. It is not the one eye sent her but she
searched it out. A thing of pure chance or subliminal warning.
Perhaps she keeps everything eye send filled in her brain marking
time until she gets a chance to send it back again. Perhaps there is
danger in a hidden meaning sent. Pparinoia strikes deep. Perhaps the
smaller crystal in the Sword Cave is there because the temperature is
more normal but how many times do you hear in any given day that the
temperature in a cave is always the same about 65 degrees normal no
matter how wide the cavern no matter how deep perhaps a cavern is
different than a cave. Perhaps the larger crystal in the Crystal Cave
is there that way because the temperature was not normal but way
colder almost freezing at that leval. Now we can say that the average
temperature theorem is pookie shoot. People usually come up with and
say such silly things because they want desperately to survive.
Perhaps she means to drop me in the cavern to see iff eye can find
the way out no spelunker eye. Just now eye twisted my watch around
unclasped it and put it back on upside out so the watch face is hard
for them who do so to read and for others to see the time in case eye
get dropped in the Cavern of Time. Falling past the wayside and yet
living is not wrong. Looking learning yearning wanting hope. Please
don't defer too long unto mye Pparinoia. SocietalPoeticality For iff
ewe believe in Newtonian Gravity then you could move a mountain by
severing the base from the earth and watching it fall up into space.
See the mountain go. See the mountain fall. For the Mountain is
growing up from the Earth the most simple cut of all sever the base
the mountain will then lift off. There are more homeless people who
live in the rain then three car garages in Spain. The narrow focus of
a homeowner is the roof with the holes he cannot seem to patch them
he cannot get the money to pay a roofer by the hour he will not make
a patch himself he is too busy of a man to work like that and so he
watches as his roof caves in. He could have sent his son to open up
the attic and patch in some small fashion but he neglected such a
crafting. So now the roof is gone. SocietalPoeticality Everyone just
go and have a gooder Holiday avoid depression this year Do not Drink
or Drive anywhere.