Tuesday, May 5, 2009



fortune to some is nothing to most the least small amount a
magnificent feast to those with the least the plenteous frown down at
a bizquit with honey they don’t need the money they just don’t
understand need they have greed a full tummy. Az eye am penning this
eye look down at mye sleeve eye am penniless poor homeless creature
not willing to work for a living in dirty clothing. The left hand
does nothing but type hype while the right hand seems to do
everything twice. Cuffs with links were nice but always the rings of
ebony backed with one little silver letter was so expensive eye
thought twice about ever buying such things again eye only scrounge
them now and find them anyhow. Eye have crosses on strings and
necklasses now. Buttins where clasps should have been anyhow. Some
see threw shirts have sleeveless cuffs. The epaulets rough. The
shirts made for cuffing can be rolled up to half way up the arm is
folded the elbows extended like a walking duck. Fooling no one. Some
men cut the collars off so the dirt is not so noticeable the sleeves
on arms of stone. Muscles bound clods tripping over clods of dirty
clay making history. The stark detection of the rich versus poor.
Autonomy. The larger the belly of a man the tighter his buttons
weather on his vested interest or his epaulets. The reader is
appalled what utter nonsense. The cuffs locked with keys hangging on
the belts not sleeves torn in various holes showing parts of women’s
pearls sagging hangging doefully wagging. Is this what the poet has
intended to convey today. Eye almost rested on mye epaulets. IS that
the little froot loops they hand sew on the back of better tailor
made shirts or is it the button down shoulders making sure the
sleeves stay up on uniformed workers. Eye will always say epaulets
when thinking only of shotting cuffs out and preening eye always said
in ignorance look at these fancy epaulets. Check my ascot now is this
tied correctly while the cummerbund feels tight around the neck. Eye
rest my case.

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