Thursday, June 17, 2010


INstiKutional inbred
INcarcirated liberal
                         Kintukcy Golddigger
                      INstrictional Bypassed
National Rental
entertainment carpentor
transporter beamor
intrapped minder
calibrated imbiber
analytical informer
longwinded bozo
INstiKutional inbred
INcarcirated liberal

SO eye asked one of the professors who he was. He looked blank. The eye said do you know who you are. He looked down at his namme tag and flipped it around so he could read it backwords. 
simulated latte
start with some leftover ice in a starbucks cupped
add some pepsi from a aluminum
add some water
and some real strang looking coffee
let it melt
but drink it cold
in the shade ewe
and finale~
lit tle lit tle birdy way up in the sky
why did you do that in my eye
men complain and birds do fly
gee eye am glad that 
do not fly


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