Friday, November 7, 2008




OR Denizens in Paradise

Lake Champlain in the Adirondacks there is a place of opportunity there is several companies bidding for a new plant office there is only money to be paid and then the fun continues and the gay men keep the cars and women all unhappy to belong to world in so much troubles and so overlong in torment that Mother Earth she hates her lovers with her passion she would lava fourth from every orifice just to watch them die in paradise. The Company was so filthy they miser every nickel they hire people who drink so they do not pay the hour but the day have you ever seen a day of work from a winoe they only act like they work they lean upon the fence they take a long break and they nappy sometimes they hide in bushes saying to the partners just keep a lookout for the bosses and they play like winoe they were doing this to one another in the Adirondacks Mountains near Lake Champlain in the passes just a few old lonesome paradaisial denizens. Have you ever seen a road paved into a wooded area they run the power lines intending to build the buildings later you have all these parcels of property that used to be just woods. The little rabbits squirrels and Hooters run screaming for the life God given them. One day the winoe got the laptop from the truck. He was tiring of the scrabble blast game when an ad popped up. It said Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaters Used CobaltBlueandPurpleBoxesT.M.@ for sale. Go to these hyperlinked addresses enter THIS operational code EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 only once into the spay cam. When it gives you the NEW CODE type DO NOT COPY type each letter of the code into the security box then wait.
When the code matches the secret place inside this mysterious computor land we call the web then add the email that you will send to this company pretend that you are very rich or please dont bother us. After all Just because we are selling USED CobaltBlue Boxes we still expect you to buy suffiecint pipe to get them to the Ocean or the Sea please dont waste our time with ponds streams or swimming pools the force of the CobaltBlue if pressured up sufficiently can make a large body of water into a geyser that will stay a geyser until someone from the Central Forces of our Country can fine the BOX in time to turn the green light off. (please see the warrantywarrenty) All orders place today are halved off. Discounts given for more then 35 miles of PIPET.M.@PIPE And for ordering TWO or more ZBoxes we will airlift all items free with our heliocoptor. (we do this anyway dweeds) Ronald Plence was in the Office it was Sunday and he had the Television on his laptop computor attuned to the "God is the Number Seven" show on CBSeye. He noticed an email from the Andirondaks Lake Champlain. They had ordered more than enought pipe to warrant a delivery but not enought for the discount. He smiled. Perfect Profit. Abot 34 miles of TM@PIPE will be laid end to end to reach the water inlet to the Sea. Again he smiled at least it seemed they were keeping there end of the warrantywarrenty.

Friday, November 7, 2008 7:50 PM


Add sender to Contacts



ZQE999999999999999999999999999999900666 This operational code was given us to send to you we want ONLY ONE cobaltbluetrademarkbox. And about thirty four miles of PIPEATTM We are not far from an Inlet Sea. (The Atlantic Ocean). We do understand the use of the double pipe one for the silver bars of gold the other one for the steam to be driven into the water. WE have a Visa Card that the Boss found near an ATM in Brooklyn. Ship at once (haah) eye meant heliocoptor AWAY.
The treasurer of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater Company thumbed the Pneumatic Phone and sent the message to AirDropp immediaetly to the customers coridinates. The pipe was layed until the Lake Champlain was seen to the men they were using shovels and rakes and other implements of destruction and it had taken them almost three months to reach this body of water they Called for the last Glue dropp and this Email was sent to there Company FAX it just said ThankZX YOU we are glad this is over timewise it was a disastor. It is almost as if you people are digging this pipeline by hand. But of course thats impossible. They camped out under the silverplatted moon, ed.note.d a wry refference to the whirlyfritzer box. The green light was steady and operational. Both men stood and poured in the brown substances they had brought to offer the whirlyfritzer box. They closed the one sided slot and stepped away it had taken them another two months to make it back to this starting point. The box had been hotwired to the green electrical box on the highway. They supposed quite wrongly that the ground wires would take the CobaltBlue force and pressure add this to the fact that the Box was overloaded with too much brownsubstance and you have a disastor in the making. Everything looked like it was working so they left they quite simply began another journey homeward bound thinking the job was over and done. When the first silver plated gold bar left the end of the pipe and hit the water in the bottom of the Lake Champlain became a geyser and with no one to turn off the green light to the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater it would be a long long disastor. The National Gaurd was looking for the two men but they were easily lost up in them mountains again. To this day the Geyser@LakeChamplain can be seen by Yellowstone campers even that far away from Lake Champlain.

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