Thursday, November 20, 2008



in small town America there will soon be a small boy about age 14. He
will go into the lieberry there and pray. He will ask the lieberrians
there for his favorite book and his favorite shelf and his favorite
Author there. They will have several copies of each installment of
the Whirleyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater saga of CharlaX. The Women
of the lieberry will ask the young man did you knoe he was homeless
when he wrote this. And the boy in hushed tones will smile at them
and say that's what makes it so grand a wonderful thing he is just
like Heinlein. Robert was CharlaX middle namme. You are so smart they
say to the boy and so cute. Remember this is the age of the computer
you can look this up and read it online. NO the boy said just give me
a quiet corner where eye can read these books just like he did at
Morrilton. When the eye was in a book page after page fell away until
eye was the boy on that Martian hill with the air supply so thin that
eye pulled off my helmet to let the girl live and stow a way on every
ship. The boy likes my Zappers story and the fact that old homeless
did good for his lady. Eye gave my heart to Jesus and then to ewe. To
keep me forever my soul and the body for love. The poetry and the
story a gift from above. Mye reason too p.

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