Monday, March 16, 2009



was on tenter hooks hoping Jenna would be a friend but no she is
allergic to eye and smokes with tattoes. He walks with both feet upon
the ground the level walk tilting with every step like a kaleidoscope
leaning leering behind glasses darkened from the sun he shines and
considers he is saved but yearns for contact with others of his race
not men but softer face. Today this very day a woman said “Hello”
to eye was so sure she was speaking past me to someone else eye
hesitated to answer quickly almost losing the moment eye said slowly
“and HOW aer ewe?” than without hesitation she said, “OH
I am doing just Wonderful.” It was such a surprise it took mye
mind away from mye problems and eye smiled. “Oh it’s just
springtime in the desert again” was mye surmised reply. Eye
smiled eye CharlaXJack.

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