Tuesday, March 31, 2009



ewe girl was tall she was ageless she was a virgin she was close to
loving GOD because she loved a homeless person who lived in another
village and even though they never met she gave her heart to him to
help him in his quest of seeking GOD in Jesus. In her heart lives the
Unicorn. In the forest of Glenmore there lives a Hunter from
Scoffingdale he is a large obese terrible man always in danger of
taking life he carried his Crossbow with one bolt at the ready and a
quiver so full of frightening more he wore leather. One day the girl
who is ageless stood petting the Unicorn nose and Horn. She loved to
start at the tip of the Horn and slide her hand down and back up. The
Scoffingdale Hunter stood off to the side and tried to get a line on
a shot at the Unicorn Horn when to his surprise the girl stood
between them the Unicorn Horn and the Hunter surprised she just stood
there. Giving more of her heart. Even at this the Scoffingdale Hunter
was steel he turned this way and that way to try to sped the bolt
past the girl into the Unicorn eye. He did not lower his hunter
weapon until he noticed the tear from her eye slide down the nose of
the girl and drop with the sound of a stone there at the feet of the
girl in the glen was her heart all aglow with fire. He dropped his
Crossbow and took out the bolt and snapped it into a cross he laid
this cross at her feet and the heart returned by magic to its place
in the breast of the lady love the beast with the Unicorn Horn. For
now she was girl no more but a woman in love. The Hunter went away
tossing his bolts from his quiver out on the trail one by one back to
Scoffingdale. The Unicorn Horn led the girl to the glen where the
homeless man stood there in prayer. She looked so alive when she
stood at the distance there cried. She with her Unicorn Horn he with
his heart full of love. For now sleeping alone each one in their home
but in love. The Unicorn Horn.

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